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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Actually, the good Thai population don't require caretaking - they've seem to manage quite well without overbearing bureaucratic interference. What truly needs to be in place is the absence of traditional corrupted political systems, opting for "a machine" that engages and acts for the commons.........all of which could easily applies to the political systems the world over. Sadly, this isn't the case.
  2. The OTT practice and consciousness still exist in much of the world - officially or not. Most have become so easy as to having the seeds planted.
  3. One could assess the comparatives to general lifestyle and diet, yet biological make up has much to contribute. Ever notice, more often than, how Thai/Asian women bounce back to their natural form after child birth? Not so much the norm among other feminine sisters the world over.
  4. As it should be. Especially applies to those particular cultural groups that engage in interest without knowing the numerous back stories.
  5. Can never have enough highly qualified military guys as perceived politicians. Siwilai.
  6. These damn rabble rousers and troublemakers. Don't they know their place? ????
  7. Wonder where Mr. Hurt might be headed in the next life.
  8. Safely speculating and guess work always does the trick - repeated often and loud enough.
  9. The real gravy train is associated with anything criminally organized.
  10. A new elitist based political identity. How lovely. So.....what makes them different from the others?????
  11. This could open up a whole new set of employment opportunities - ugliness judging/enforcement monitors.
  12. That's what I'm hearing and reading as well. Expect the TP entry package to be scraped by mid-April. Even they can see that there's little to gain [criminal profit margin] from continuing with the nonsense.
  13. A bit of a public loss of face would be in the works as well - never would they concede that they were absolutely wrong enacting these silly draconian measures. Like many proposed or practiced mandates, has little to do with the intent of the population's well being, but instead grafted from their intuitive desire to egotistically repress. No such beast as intelligent bureaucracy -
  14. More commonplace instance regarding country life. Has it's moments.
  15. The earth certainly would benefit, especially as applied to particular cultural groups. Some of us might come from the Sir David Attenborough school of thought that nature has already started the process of selected extermination.
  16. Everyday country folks. Salt of the earth. Connected.
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