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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The universal practice of government intervention and lording over most everything - from everyday business to everyday life. Why is this? ????
  2. Gradually becoming more commonplace among marriage situations. I do trust that those that continue to go on about the textbook stereotype of traditional sin sot might conduct some closer observations from a wider exposure and experience - they'll find that every situation is different from the next and an evolved change making it's way.
  3. There certainly could've been a much more sensible and pragmatic approach during the highly sensationalized and overreacted Covid Era, as the greater percentage of business struggles and failings eventually effects the authoritarian elite in the longer run. And as we all know, it's all about their class survival. Might be reminded, Mike, that these rather repressive practices of closing down/restricting most everything were becoming commonplace the world over during the first year-and-a-half of the make believe crises, severely damaging the the true economic sectors - the majority working classes - for years to come.
  4. Some don't pick up on it straight away. The reasons for the direct chill. Takes some a tad longer to figure it out - ????
  5. Or..the almost obsessive curiosity and faux concern that he might have regarding stranger's sexual proclivities. Kinda creepy. Best that he stick to the odd and ever attention seeking poetic whimsy that he finds fashionable.
  6. I'll pass. Almost impossible with this disconnected crowd.
  7. More than likely we all might have a drop or four of barbarous Mongol blood comprised of our DNA. Historic biological diffusion will have it's moments.
  8. ....and the bigger picture, or any picture at all, is still being missed.
  9. Just another manipulated twist in the highly fabricated and imposed upon War On Some Substances. Like most everything that is absorbed forced on - repeated often and loud enough, it all becomes real and true.
  10. It appears that the usual and predictable circles have been hood winked regarding this Russian-Ukranian affair without knowledge as to all the other unsavoury factors that are part of the mix......and largely ignored or omitted. Imagine that.
  11. A much greater chance that any Covid infection will amount to nothing short of a bad cold - Real numbers and science don't lie.
  12. The Royal Ploughing Day pageantry [of the old days] is much more illustrious. Looked upon as much more spiritual then make believe rainmakers.
  13. Too many here don't have much of a life and find it necessary to run on about everyday trivial matters in the mysterious Orient. Acclimation and adjustment isn't their strong suit, as they'll always be looked upon as foreigners - most certainly as they see themselves as well. The cultural comparative thing. Predictable. Somewhat pathetic.
  14. Tradition to side with Chinese kinship in one form or another. In comparable terms - both have parasitical leanings. Best to put one's trust in Asian than the historic snakey blue-eyed devils.
  15. The original treaty being modified, revised and watered down numerous times over the last couple of centuries, all of which isn't observed or practiced by either parties - almost moot or a fallacy of non sequitur standing.
  16. Wondering how this might all play out in an official International Court setting? One could easily imagine the Junta's embarrassment if the trumped up charges/accusations didn't go their way.
  17. Whatever became of free, open and competitive markets without government meddling or intervention?
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