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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. This means you really don't know......As it appears to be quite evident among most here.
  2. War crimes/criminals only apply to them, never us. Convenient how this is designed and accepted.
  3. Yes.... The sellers should be to blame, less the buyers [in this case traditional boggieman].
  4. There is another ruling and over lording entity that has no place in civil society...but exist as a matter of designed and ingrained tradition. Remember why a military presence exist here. Remember why a military presence exist, and highly romanced, anywhere.
  5. And not even original in scope and fit. Borrow and induced from the ever-phony West.
  6. That certainly would be dependent on how Euro-white [or not] they might be. Quite reflective of the societal and immigration policies/practices of Anglophone circles. A nasty, yet rich, history.
  7. Ukraine already has this distinction. The deep cultural assimilation has been in evident for centuries.
  8. So.....we await the great and finishing rebellion/resistance, yes? ????
  9. Perhaps, you're missing the simple point that I am attempting to establish. In essence, there really isn't much difference [if any] between a military/loyalist-based coup government and a so called democratically elected civilian government. This has been true as a reality for decades... If studied and examined closer, one will find the more than similar dimension and practice of the two - same old Thai boys' club of corruption and calculated manipulation. We're just superficially conditioned to place [or to acquire a belief] a difference between these distinguished types of rule. Same racket. Just spun differently.
  10. Sure is. A rich history of connections, actually. And very very high up links. This particular circle was always somewhat finding admiration in the decades long Burman repression/control.
  11. Good luck in suggesting such an act. The only manner in which to proceed might be a full scale revolution.......as in a off with their heads variety.
  12. In which they are numerous, today, throughout scattered provinces. Locally grown coffee. A much better quality and reasonably priced. F*** Starbucks.
  13. Challenging, questioning and critical thought has never been encouraged - by way of educational institutions or by large the social order.
  14. All of which can be manipulated to their will and favour. Btw.....there truly isn't an oppositional threat that hasn't been dealt with already.
  15. Some wiser might be suggesting that predictable events will change things - in May. It's not as if there's no contemporary history of such activity. And.......doesn't really matter if he hits the road or stays on.
  16. That's lovely and all...... What makes you think that this middle generation is any different from the usual and cycling old boys' club?
  17. And.......any such election result or any official mandate/activity requires a blessing/approval from those traditional powers. Folks speak of democratically-based elections and systems in a very dreamy manner. The bottom line: It's all moot.
  18. Deja Vu. Too many [to count] American GIs finding themselves "lost" throughout communities in Thailand and Laos during the wars of attrition in SE Asia.
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