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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Even though it's a bit of a show, hopefully something positive might come of it. The boulder growing substantially - if more get behind the movement. Off with all the rascal's heads
  2. That's why black/underground markets exist. They aren't beholding to the "rule of law".
  3. The obsessive nature loaning, accumulation and consumptive behaviour. Sad and pathetic.
  4. So were Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan [no difference from those listed above]. Just saying....
  5. Roasted slowly over charcoal. Making for great beer snacking.
  6. Acclimation and becoming accustom to local conditions is everything.
  7. An infinite number of truths and what might pass as realities. No absolutes.
  8. Or the steadfast and mind numbing induced establishment circles. Of three years time, there's a tonne of evidence/material that completely contradicts the repeated conventional narratives regarding everything COVID. Too many obsessive apologists and loyalists insist on ignoring such things, preferring to take the Kool-Aid that was offered some time ago - and sticking with it.
  9. What might be suggested and that of practice will be two different monsters.
  10. Yet, when this same attention of graft and corruption is brought to the attention of the public by way of the well known activists or alternative opposition groups, receives barely a mention. I'm a more than a little suspicious when the likes of Chuvit is hero sensationalized throughout all forms of media nearly everyday. Something is up. Not what it appears to be. There are some sort of twisted psychological strings being pulled.
  11. We're so hardwired and indoctrinated to go along with officialdom and established convention without questioning or critique. This is what we are. It's quite creepy how dumbed down [generally speaking] we are.
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