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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. They had this all mechanics and strategies wrapped up at least a couple years ago with their clandestine changes and restrictions - all backed up by the courts and most importantly the anointed one, in which every act, writ and policy goes through for approval beforehand. Thai style democracy.
  2. Seems to be his history - imagining things. Just an observation.
  3. Ya know....the act of handshaking is quite the disgusting gesture. Who know what kind cooties/filth that the recipient is carrying. ????
  4. COVID is deemed to be with us always - in one mutated form or another. Just as all rhino or rna viruses are.
  5. Would this include all the processed and packaged items encased in plastic? Again......too many missing the bigger picture - or any picture.
  6. Surprised of the smallish percentage of poll numbers regarding anything Move Forward? Always be suspicious of any conventional-based polls.
  7. You know how that works.....disgraced whistleblowers find themselves on the marked blacklist. He might be rather cautious as to making his feelings and opinions public.
  8. Very common throughout the provinces - the odd Somchai/Porn that supplements their income with glass, metals and paper pick up and recycling - reselling to the commercial recyclers for a nominal profit Most everyone that I know will store up their discarded material until the independent recyclers come around every month or two.
  9. Could be worse. Could be Anglophone types everywhere. *cringe* ????
  10. This obsession and dependency of online shopping is near to conditioned cult-like behaviour. It's what they want.
  11. Of course. Yet, they're bound to promote such warm and fuzzy extended services to the good citizens - but in reality don't give a rat's backside. This indifference towards respective nationals has become more than common among most embassy services, as they've all cut and become somewhat hostile towards their own.
  12. Don't hold your breath. What they might propose and how they act/practice are two different things. The unreasonable and confounding Thai bureaucratic mindset usually misses the boat.
  13. All provincial health clinics offer a variety of birth control applications [free of charge] and no questions asked.
  14. All these added service charges and tax fees are commonplace everywhere, all written into your ticket without notice - and more often than much higher than the pittance that folks are asked to forfeit for arrival/departure in Thailand. Yet, the usual exaggerating and whinging crowd will call out disparagingly how they might be treated unfairly - being ripped off. It's far from that......if one examines the comparatives.
  15. Sure. And most certainly not an activity that's confined to the north.
  16. What about Faraing waiing Farang? ????
  17. As historic precedence has proven the world over. And appears to be rather accepted among the good populations.
  18. Yes, appears to be quite idealistic. Even the most steadfast programs of recycling/reusing plastics in the world struggle to maintain any such balance. I surely wouldn't expect the Thais do gain ground on something that's not improvable. The only manner in which pursue these troublesome issues would be to cease manufacturing and using plastics - most of which are of the synthetic varieties, in which the recycling technology hasn't been developed in a high and universal fashion, as of yet. All the while, our instincts are to mindlessly consume and accumulate - all of which is encased or made of this destructive material. We're not a terribly cognitive species, are we?
  19. Another one that truly hasn't a clue. The endless search for manufactured boogiemen continues on.
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