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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Oh...they're quite aware. And even more, don't give a rat's backside.
  2. Well said, Mike..... I might add that it's quite imperative for the individual to know what they're jumping into - know and understand one's partner before becoming attached. Be responsible.
  3. Hmmmm...... Many pardons for being the contrarian, but why the unnecessary comparatives? One has little to do with the other. The initial inquiry feels rather trivial even nonsequitous. Perhaps some feel the need for a competition between the two.
  4. Why is it that government needs to intrude in every aspect of our existence?
  5. For every researched study, there are the odd dozen to legitimately counter said theories.......and then again, another odd dozen of other "scientific" studies to challenge their distractors - and so and so forth. The cycles of what is true and was is not appears to be mangled in centric-based standards. Not such beast as an absolute.
  6. Ergo....just go with it. Understand it.
  7. Don't hold your breath, as particular events have to come about before any real systematic changes can occur. That ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Still bound to steadfast tradition.
  8. This certainly would apply to officialdom and "authority" circles. They don't have to be true. Can manipulated the illusion any which way they choose. .....and we buy into it.
  9. You probably have noticed that post-COVID recovery efforts by way of corporations, governments and respective economies is way out of hand - everything and anything has increased 2-4 fold, creating unnecessary inflationary measures for the majority [the working classes]. All are looking to recover their grotesque profits in an unsettling manner - across the board. As this thread is particularly targeting airlines and whatnot - we'll use it as an example. The post-COVID era, as such applies to airlines and their yearn to recoup after being shut down for a year or more, has seen remarkable and petty charges for most everything airline related that they were never asking before. The current base behind why all airline ticketing is so outta sight today. We shouldn't expect any such downgrading in airline cost in the near or distant future.......this is already above the government subsidies and maintenance that they already receive and rely on - gouging the public is what they do. Using the false notion of COVID recovery as an excuse.
  10. And the usual circle tends to ignore who the truer boogieman might be. Expected.
  11. Even more astounding is that the beloved Thai media just repeats what they're given without challenging or questioning....
  12. You'll be remembering as to why these coups come about or instigated. Protection....
  13. ....or numerous other factual material that contradicts the establishment and conventional narrative - most of which, most buy into and absorb as gospel. Dumbing down is as dumbing down is.
  14. Of course it does. Real meaning of such stories: "we're still operating deep in the red"
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