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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Should be posed as to how many parties have been forcibly disbanded, dissolved or banned.
  2. It's a respectful familial gesture, less one political.
  3. Consider the source and the company that too many keep.
  4. Khun Pravit [and numerous others] continues to be a irritating thorn for the entrenched ruling establishment. Good on 'em for pushing the envelope. Though, quite perplexed as to what is offered by a sane and democratic society. What might that be? And where does such a characterization exist?
  5. Subliminally, could easily suggest this attribute to most society.
  6. Which might be more commonplace by way of twisted culturally-centric historical perspectives and bias narratives, instead of attaining clear subjective historiology/histography ideals. Such is the case regarding Thailand's deep south, the cause and effect origins/roots are completely missed and discounted. Another protected and false political narrative replace what was/is.
  7. Been well noted, historically, that most particular currency exchange rates are often and intentionally manipulated in-house for the obvious stability reasoning. A practice that has continued for ages and has little to do with a truer reflective value to whatever the standard trading currency is being pushed. Wealth is in the eye of the beholder. Comparative numbers, values and wealth are largely make believe. More curious might be the growing influence of BRICS and how the paradigm shift will change most everything regarding the effects on middle ground economies such as Thailand - which path will they take and most beneficial.
  8. Only to be replaced by those just like 'em. What really has to go are the entities at the very top. In time, the caustic circles will fade with the help of the people.
  9. Yeah. Not enforced and even ignored, for the most part. Greatly dependent on local and the company one keeps. I've never bothered to carry my passport around, less any type of ID - all activities within the confinements of the province. Never asked or never checked. Carry my papers when traveling elsewhere, of course. This type of mindset [the ever dreaded mandate to having ID at all times] usually associates itself with newbies or folks that don't keep Thai circles. Unbridled paranoia....
  10. Shop local. Eat local. Problems and whinging resolved. ????
  11. Of the last couple of years, they've trended to price themselves from their long time name and reputation. Plus......the COVID era did a number on all carriers, therefore having to make it up somewhere. Have ya noticed that every ticky-tacky thing is a charge now.
  12. Rather ironic, under closer examination, that a confounding percentage of native English-speakers [educated or not] are terribly ignorant regarding the base structures of the language. In defence, it most certainly is an enigmatic, extensive and twisted language.
  13. Unfortunately, your brief relays to how how things really are and how things always have been. They'll continue not to recognize the illusions that they've created for themselves.
  14. Sounds akin to a top hiso family that we're all familiar with... ????
  15. This 20% that's spoken of is little more than a fallacy. Too late to contradict, as the orthodox seed was planted ages ago - repeated loud and often enough.
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