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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Such an act would require blessings and proper writs from those anointed.......as anything of this form is carried out here.
  2. .....and who benefits from these lovely foreign investments? Can wager it's not the commons.
  3. Where was he 20-25 years ago? He does seem to be the media's phony and fashionable attention whore, these days.
  4. Dodgy. They do like to blow their own horn towards things that we should be instinctively suspicious of. Akin to the Mafia publicly claiming their profit margins.
  5. We'll be back. Sooner than later. We've been granted a special blessing.
  6. Doesn't apply to the privileged establishment club circles. They're special and exempt from such scrutiny.
  7. Still, to this day - birth control items and education is quite available, free of charge [no questions asked] at almost all provincial public health clinics.
  8. Yes, it's all about the protection and conservation of marine life. Of course it is......????
  9. The very top.....that we usually ignore or casually ignorant of. A consciousness of historic corruption as seen through a militaristic/policing state. A long time protective infrastructure for those of the enlightened circle.
  10. Not too sure about such a statement. I'd wager to say that most Thais are unaware or indifferent as it applies to foreign immigration and the usual complicated issues. Doesn't effect them, so why give it much thought. Daring to suggest that Thais don't comprehend [nor should they] the unnecessary and intricate process of today's immigration bureaucracy and associated - the exceptions might be a Thai spouse, loved ones or very close friends who have learned to understand the deeper nonsense that is Thailand immigration and whatnot.
  11. The bottom line. Canines have much more freedom in this part of the world.
  12. Of course. And then....who checks the fact checkers that are checking the original fact checkers? This could continue on for generations. ????
  13. Yet, isn't this how it always works. This circle really aren't punished. Universal practice worldwide.
  14. This considered, the Thais could never attempt to organize/develop well enough to duplicate such things. Something always gets in the way. Thainess.
  15. If one digs into it, you'll find of the last couple of decades the staggering number of political parties that have been dissolved, banned, born again, reinvented, name changes, etc - Bit of a circus.
  16. Yet, it perfectly ok when derived from influential corporate chiefs and elite circles....
  17. Some pedants might suggest that they're all scallywags and associated with the same club. Incarceration or banishment towards all of 'em.
  18. Can appreciated those who understand [and refer to] that the 1932 affair was a direct military/civilian coup and not the promoted and romantic vision of a popular revolution [it wasn't that] that is repeated over and again. The highly suppressive aftermath and fallout of this coup was devastating, and became the reflective standard of things to come. In a comparative note, would've been much easier on the country to remain an absolute - which wasn't that repressive or dominating. These dreamy and referenced historiology bookmarks are repeated without closer examination.
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