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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Appears to be much more of an intense Farang issue than that of Thai circles. Wonder why this is....? ????
  2. Truly a disgrace. An old dodger that can't walk without assistance and clearly overtaken by disconnections and unawareness of his surroundings........less making sound and intelligent decisions regarding anything. ......and no obvious push back from the media - whose sole purpose is to promote the club and it's standing.
  3. We certainly shouldn't be expecting any such journalistic investigative follow-ups. Never do... It will all be quickly swept under the rug and forgotten in a week or two. ???? The charged officers will be temporarily suspended [and restated later] or transferred to another post without the attention of the ever vigilant and crack [not] investigative reporting that we've come to associate with the Thai media ???????????? Just another day of the usual racketeering. Mai phen rai.
  4. .....and these activities are not pursued or practiced without a green light from the bosses at the top. Something's amiss when such actions are so widespread and organized - obviously, a particular high circle is benefiting. Follow the deeper money and the future possibilities. The systems are set up to be rackets. Nothing more, nothing less.
  5. Thailand human rights. Terms of extreme contradictory.
  6. It's the subliminal romance of militarism that is important. Appears to have infiltrated the culture.
  7. Uh-huh... The usual distractions. ...and those who fall for it. [real ufos have been around forever - noticed/unnoticed]
  8. ^ This - well said. All these things aside, one has to wonder why the overwhelming and unnecessary attention that the usual suspects receive from the expected Thai mainstream [controlled] media......less the so-called alternative media types. Rarely are the promotions of the fixed dominant paradigm presented. One really has to reach out to find material that challenges or questions the same old manure - offering alternatives by way of a paradigm shift is not in the tea leaves. Fortunately, for some, there are numerous sources that offer "things different" - but have little reach for the commons.
  9. Don't follow the science. Today's science is political in nature and not to be trusted or worshiped as god send. The old adage might hold true: Question Everything and Challenge Everything.
  10. And we shouldn't expect these new adjusted cost to be temporary either. The added charges [anything/everything] will become permanent fixtures within the airline circles. All of which is slightly paradoxical when the greater percentage of commercial airlines receive auto-subsidies from respective governments.
  11. ....and all this after three years of false and bogus narratives that were forced upon the unsuspecting populations. I beginning to suspect that there might be validity to what some are calling The Great Reset and the malevolent strategies forthcoming.
  12. Indeed. Personally, I know quite a few folks that are "more than comfortable", but you'd never know it by their lifestyles and demeanor.
  13. There are hundreds upon hundreds of Thai vloggers of every sort out there making a supplemental living. I highly doubt that the significant percentage are taxed obligated........many fly under the radar.
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