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Posts posted by aussiejosh

  1. I think any show that actually gives people a real impression of Thai Justice and Prison systems is only going to be detrimental to Thailand's image. Its basically a big advert for "Here is our 3rd world justice system, our below UN standards prisons and the people who enforce the laws are putting on this lovely show for you at the same time" I mean really does anyone expect anything more than the highest standards when something is put for the world to see, the joke is the standards are a joke.

  2. Deleted two posts which skirted the below TV posting regulation:

    9) Not to discuss proxies or other methods of bypassing government blocking of websites.

    :) My bad...

    But that is a strange rule, are proxies illegal in Thailand or is there actually a law against helping people circumvent the filters? Just asking politely :D

  3. If you come on Holiday to a beach resort which is world renowned of course you are going to think you can swim. As he was Russian, lets assume they really did tell him not to swim in the water. Did they tell him in Russian? Or did some non uniformed, random Thai or group of Thai's confront them to inform them in their own language at lengths the dangers of the sea during rainy season despite the numerous impressions otherwise and the given illusion of westernized safety through economic power which is centered around these tourist hot spots?

    So many factors could have been in play, as someone who has grown up by the sea and had more than a few close calls myself, I know how a seemingly calm and beautiful beach may not look dangerous to someone unexperienced. Rip tides are a dangerous dangerous force on the beach, and can even take an advanced swimmer out of his depths quickly and into a situation he would have to deal with using his own experience and knowledge, otherwise the natural reaction is more likely to kill you. Swimming against the current. Once your brought out by the tide as well you have to deal with swells along the way, for a weak swimmer this often proves to be to much as they usually panic and use all their energy quickly and wastefully.

    Feel bad for him, but really if you are going to lure people with these expectations and just really want to get them there and are happy once they are there (and of course hope the majority have a good time to report) then your not going to get anyone who cares enough to do something about it.

    Sad but true as well is the corruption for well intended laws and projects, pity the money couldn't go where it was needed.

  4. *Yawn*, you all seem to miss the picture. Its a passport, a piece of paper. Its a boy with 0 opportunity, already born into a level of the system he is designed not to achieve in, designed to become a wage slave. Modern slavery through economics. God forbid that he has a talent which may give him an opportunity to escape (even if just for a day) this system, you are all willing to stand up and defend from one point of view or another.

    I made 2,200$ yesturday working with people from 58 nations, I had never met them before I will perhaps never meet them again, the internet is the new world. To think you need a piece of paper, made by a fictitious organization(The government) to particatipate in another fictitious event (This competition) is ludicrous. These only exist to keep you where you are, and feeling that you have no individual power, thats why you read to believe your well informed and understand.

    Its meant to be some fun that Children enjoy, but obviously this child shouldn't be allowed to enjoy it because he wasn't born into an acceptable social level for him to achieve this.

    Congratulations on your defense of systems arguing with each other over the same point, the same ideas but with different names. Your all so smart.

    But your all missing the point, go back to watching your CNN (and be spoon fed your dreary this is how the world is today bullshit) and forget this topic, to you its nothing. This boy will likely miss out, its not something even worth bothering about for mainstream media. Just another "that was interesting" article to make you consume the rest of what they you want to read and give you a break between their more important for your to absorb articles.

    Please start trying to read independent news and you'll realize so much of this is just a joke to keep you looking at it.

    For someone who is well informed and passes quick judgements, you do not give a lot of information.

    There is no point. He likely won't go unless someone see's a benefit in it for themselves in giving him the assistance. Then that person needs to be in the position anyway, in reality giving individuals such power to go around social systems is corruption, the fact that what is needed is another form of corruption again to circumvent silly laws put in place yet we still abide by is ludicrous. The worst part about all this though is he is what ? 11? (not going to bother to confirm the dates) and because he was born to certain people, not even a place or time, just to certain people he has less rights than me. I could go to that place without even wanting to go there, and not needing special permission of the 3rd party? who made them god?

    EDIT Continued here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/High-Flier-B...-J-t294837.html Crossy

  5. Police say there's nothing they can do about.

    That's why the overhaul of the police department is way overdue :)

    will it ever happen though? doubtful. The world needs a place you can come do anything in relative luxury, and the people here don't notice that they're being exploited. There is no need to change, there isn't even a popular voice abdicating it anymore(Thaksin)... The system wins.

  6. The government would develop information technology infrastructure for 3G and WiMax, and provide laws to support creative industries, he said.

    WOOHOO, only how far behind? Why even bother when there are faster data networks now that are capable of delivering higher volumes of information for less? This is almost as stupid as saying they are going to build a new analogue phone network... I mean get with the times, yes these things are necessary but don't point out your own failures publicly when we know them already. Do you want a cookie or fkn medal for catching up... or trying to?

  7. Also would like to mention though that these friends of mine have also often partaken in drugs that night, cocaine marijuana ect and never been caught by these pee tests, I haven't heard of anyone being arrested from it, and these are the people who should (in BIB's opinion) be arrested if this was affective.

  8. I've been to clubs a lot and experience that five times, but I've never been tested myself (RCA two times. Santika. ZEED. Shamrock on Khao san). At all those times farangs have been of no interest to the cops. Seems farangs can leave easier and faster.

    It goes something like this; music stops. Lights on. Doors blocked by police, ID check on everyone. Some patrons have to go to the toilet with a copper and do an instant urine test.

    I have to say this is similar to my experiences here as well. I have never been asked to pee in a cup, however I have had friends who have been asked to do this, and yes they were Thai's.

  9. what.... they were standing at a country bus station with signs hanging on them saying that they were ilegal immigrants and the imm. police were just there by chance to arrest them..... some information is missing from this story

    There is a fairly well established routine for bringing North Korean refugees into Thailand through the north. Police are probably told to keep an eye out - and a group of 9 of them at a bus station would be fairly obvious. Getting arrested is generally part of the plan - they are rarely sent back and most often another country such as the US, Canada, or Australia will accept them.

    Yes, Thailand is the first place it is safe to get caught after that harrowing journey. This is actually good news for the family because unlike Laos and China where they would have been sent back to NK, now they have a chance an excellent chance to find a new home.

  10. Dude, I am happy with it, its chilled riding a bike down sukhumvit 22. Its just funny that people take pride in the country or city with such a simple problem plaguing it, however it will get worse as the water levels rise. Cant wait to take a jet ski down sukhumvit in the future. Seriously looking fore ward to it.

  11. ZOMGz noes! If its doctored and indeed a false, the release of an order to stop it from being spread is only going to cause that spread to go far further.

    Personally I know ALL THAI POLITICIANS are corrupt, its part of the nature of the country and politics. But obviously there was some form of change that was going on behind the scenes that made him need to be removed in the first place, was this really for the good of the public? I don't know, but he is gone now and whatever it was they wanted to stop they have stopped.

    Perhaps this is fake and is a weapon in a struggle between political entities with the one reward being profit in the end the people don't matter. Not much changes for them.

    But what a morose statement, completely illegal as well unless he some how drafted a law preventing the trade of this type of media and then the specific intellectual property on it. Stupid, unfounded statement.

  12. *Yawn*, you all seem to miss the picture. Its a passport, a piece of paper. Its a boy with 0 opportunity, already born into a level of the system he is designed not to achieve in, designed to become a wage slave. Modern slavery through economics. God forbid that he has a talent which may give him an opportunity to escape (even if just for a day) this system, you are all willing to stand up and defend from one point of view or another.

    I made 2,200$ yesturday working with people from 58 nations, I had never met them before I will perhaps never meet them again, the internet is the new world. To think you need a piece of paper, made by a fictitious organization(The government) to particatipate in another fictitious event (This competition) is ludicrous. These only exist to keep you where you are, and feeling that you have no individual power, thats why you read to believe your well informed and understand.

    Its meant to be some fun that Children enjoy, but obviously this child shouldn't be allowed to enjoy it because he wasn't born into an acceptable social level for him to achieve this.

    Congratulations on your defense of systems arguing with each other over the same point, the same ideas but with different names. Your all so smart.

    But your all missing the point, go back to watching your CNN (and be spoon fed your dreary this is how the world is today bullshit) and forget this topic, to you its nothing. This boy will likely miss out, its not something even worth bothering about for mainstream media. Just another "that was interesting" article to make you consume the rest of what they you want to read and give you a break between their more important for your to absorb articles.

    Please start trying to read independent news and you'll realize so much of this is just a joke to keep you looking at it.

  13. Look the world is a messed up place. This isn't meant to be a a discussion on laws or what not, but I feel like I want to throw my hat in once again to another drugs ring.

    <deleted> is the huge deal out there with marijuana? why the hel_l is it so illegal? Are you worried about your kids?

    <<<The "how to" part of this post has been removed. It referred to how easy it is to abuse over the counter drugs. Just a bit too descriptively>>>

    I hate how because of stupid systems other people will suffer because someone at some point decided that this thing, which has been naturally growing for tens of thousands of years; and its use can be traced back as far as human history, should be illegal. Thats FKEd up and whats worse, people actually die because of these systems.

  14. Yeah, if you read CNN enough, this happens weekly in the US... I have read some disturbing things more frequently recently... For example the woman who ate her baby over similar circumstances after snatching the child from her estranged husband...

    There have been 5 amber alerts in different parts of the state this week alone.

    The world is a disturbing place and sometimes people are just a little too disturbed even for the world.

  15. What a ridiculous story. Who honestly cares, the fact university students are made to wear uniforms is a joke in the first place. They're meant to be young adults discovering themselves, for fuc_k sake let them discover and do something about your massive traffic problem, the rampant dumbing of trash and the polluting of water ways... Its gonna benefit a lot more than stopping a few politicians from getting hard ons and upsetting their wives...

  16. It doesn't matter, she is sitting somewhere in a cell right now probably with 60+ other women with only what she has done to think about. When the hormones and depression run out and she fully realizes what she has done I am sure there is no punishment in the world which could match it.

    Imagine being 19, having a child, your guy leaves you and your living in servants quarters... Now add to this a massive hormone imbalance. Not easily understandable, but a bit hard to be quick to judge no?

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