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Posts posted by aussiejosh

  1. As some one who has lived here since 13, so my adult life. I love it, I love Thailand, I love the people and the culture, but it is a love you love to hate at the same time. I have 0 respect for the laws or their enforcers here as they seem like a pathetic joke which can be circumvented with monetary rewards for the officials involved.

    The people I love, yet have 0 respect for as well. I mean how many times will you say a week "this is Thailand" or "that is Thailand" or ''tit''...

    How people can live so contently in a system so obviously flawed and disturbingly fuc_ked up, then have the gaul to pronounce they have some forms of national pride and dignity. The moderately wealthy think their demi gods free to do what they want which for the most part they are exactly right, and the poor seem mislead and tricked into a perpetual state of comatose in regards to reacting to obvious and gross injustices. Who can tell me it is fair that you drive around in your Mercedes s200, or your BM 318i(two of the most common but popular cars with the wanna be hi-so) and look out the window to see your 'beloved countrymen' (in most cases children) and then be annoyed that this person; who is lucky to spend what you spend in a day in their entire lives, is bothering you for a few baht.

    But hey I am a hypocrite, I never even acknowledge the people outside my car window at the lights, they'll go away soon enough. I spend my weekends spending stupid amounts of money driving around drinking with friends island hoping and cruising around Thailand's Islands every weekend. It's why I am here.

    But you asked me what I think of Thailand, its like a playground for anyone with a bit of $... and hel_l the police are the ones going around picking up the little bits of $ we are giving them, like dogs... or some sort of bottom feeding creature.

    But don't get me wrong, I love Thailand.

    How about Goldman Sachs getting a 100 billion dollars from the tax payer, then another 100 billion from AIG that was bailed out by the government just to have Goldman pay out 6 billion dollars to 500 people. Open your eyes, its not different anywhere else.

    I didn't say it didn't exist elsewhere, open your eyes. I am just telling you how it is here, I didn't even mention any other countries. Was the opinion about other countries? Was the OP about any other countries? who said I liked any other any more, or I thought this was the most fked up? Did I say they were more ignorant of the flaws in their system than someone in the US? No, why can't I simply have discontent for everything?

    The world isn't "right", never will be "right" and never was meant to be "right".... <deleted> is "right" anyway? Just a stupid Idea we have invented; yet prevent ourselves from reaching.

    Get off your buffalo and lead your pro Thailand charge elsewhere. Woopty for you, you didn't even read what I wrote. I have lived in other places too, Australia the most and trust me I don't like the laws the systems or the people there much either. I like Thailand a lot more obviously... Maybe its because I can drive at 180km+ here...

  2. As some one who has lived here since 13, so my adult life. I love it, I love Thailand, I love the people and the culture, but it is a love you love to hate at the same time. I have 0 respect for the laws or their enforcers here as they seem like a pathetic joke which can be circumvented with monetary rewards for the officials involved.

    The people I love, yet have 0 respect for as well. I mean how many times will you say a week "this is Thailand" or "that is Thailand" or ''tit''...

    How people can live so contently in a system so obviously flawed and disturbingly fuc_ked up, then have the gaul to pronounce they have some forms of national pride and dignity. The moderately wealthy think their demi gods free to do what they want which for the most part they are exactly right, and the poor seem mislead and tricked into a perpetual state of comatose in regards to reacting to obvious and gross injustices. Who can tell me it is fair that you drive around in your Mercedes s200, or your BM 318i(two of the most common but popular cars with the wanna be hi-so) and look out the window to see your 'beloved countrymen' (in most cases children) and then be annoyed that this person; who is lucky to spend what you spend in a day in their entire lives, is bothering you for a few baht.

    But hey I am a hypocrite, I never even acknowledge the people outside my car window at the lights, they'll go away soon enough. I spend my weekends spending stupid amounts of money driving around drinking with friends island hoping and cruising around Thailand's Islands every weekend. It's why I am here.

    But you asked me what I think of Thailand, its like a playground for anyone with a bit of $$... and hel_l the police are the ones going around picking up the little bits of $$ we are giving them, like dogs... or some sort of bottom feeding creature.

    But don't get me wrong, I love Thailand.

  3. Legalization and decriminalization are 2 very different things, and have been tested in various places. So instead of just saying that won't work or this won't work because your limited life experiences tells you this, why not take a squiz around the internet, Google's a good start, Google these words your throwing around without really understanding, and creating baseless opinions and thinking you know because your 25 or 50 (I don't care), then after you have done some research, come back, participate. It's easy and helps people avoid looking like morons. Try it today, your half way there.

  4. Space port?

    I challenge anyone to offer a funnier suggestion than this!

    Well done; I am still laughing away at this. :)

    Talk to Richard Branson, his new high altitude low orbit insertion vehicle flew at a recent air show, its only about a year away before the orbiter is ready for testing and space flight. Commercialization of space is coming. But Thailand won't get it for 100 years like most technological advancements (digital TV, 3G mobile connectivity, DECENT fuc_kING BROADBAND), which is probably safer for everyone involved anyway.

    But not as silly as it sounds... Just because you haven't done it...

  5. I've personally never lost anything aside from dropping a phone in a taxi here. But my dad had his laptop bag lifted from Au Bon Pain in Silom a few years ago and it had 200,000 baht in cash in it... Was a good day for the thieves he had it so that he could pay the rent after some other issue forced him to have to get it in cash, probably the strangest timing in the world as he would never have carried that much around otherwise.

    He has also had about 4 or 5 wallets pick pocketed always with 15,000++ in them so he has lost quiet a bit to theft here.

  6. Shouldnt have brought it up? Are you saying there is a definite clear line between those who work in that industry out of free choice and those who are coerced into it? Personally i find that hard to believe.

    I also do not fail to realise that there is a lot of Thai on Thai prostitution..where did I say otherwise? In fact, i thought i clearly stated that i was talking about ALL nationalities. So im unsure where i gave the impression that im pinning blame on foreigners. My point regarding foreigners was that many come from more economically affluent countries and have access to a higher education standard and usually some disposable income. I think we should be globally conscious about those less fortunate than us. So, if we visit or stay in a country for significant periods of time, then it would also be a good thing to be aware of what is going on around us, and, where applicable, consider trying to help or support.

    Now, i am also aware that people have differing opinions as to what constitutes a victim. Sometimes its even merely a victim of circumstance. Yes, some may want a higher standard of life, so prostitution is one (if not the only) way to achieve it. I dont think its always out of greed, some may indeed just want a shiny new phone or whatever, but some may do it out of a desire to give their children more opportunities in life in the future. There are no cut and dry reasons...imo, and certainly no clear cut line. (For example, i read one story of a young girl who went to work in the bars in Bangkok because at home her brother prostituted her out to his friends from a young age. She had no choice in that. As her self-esteem was shot down to zero anyway, she figured later on that she may as well sell her body for better money outside of her home town. Yes, she did make a choice to work in a bar..but out of what circumstance...?)

    I also have no personal experience of the different venues where girls work. But, even in the upper end, i doubt if the men who go there will ever get the real stories from the girls. If they are coerced into working there, its highly unlikely they will tell their customers. Fear is a great silencer.

    Unless you can prove to me 100% that in the venues around Thailand these girls/ladies (and boys/men) are all doing it out of choice and are not coerced, possibly underage, and actual possible victims of sexual slavery then please dont lecture me on what i should and should not bring up. I doubt many venues who do force individuals to work in the sex trade, even the nice glitzy "high class" ones, have a sign saying "we force our staff against their will to work here".


    Edit: and for further clarification my posts have been about sexual slavery and being coerced into the sex trade amongst adults, not just about child sexual slavery. Sexual slavery of children is absolutely appalling, but also sexual slavery of adults and young adults isnt something that should be ignored either. The opening post addressed both child sexual slavery and adult sexual slavery, which my posts reflect.

    Would you prefer they starved?

  7. My dad just bought his girlfriend a new laptop and wants to encourage her to use it more. However I think that he should invest in a course to teach at least the basics of computer use, I don't know what it would be called though, I googled a bunch of things looking for something in bangkok that could point him in the right direction but unfortunately not very much useful information came up.

    Just wondering if anyone had enrolled someone or been enrolled in something similar or knows what I am looking for.

    Any help you guys could provide would be much appreciated.

  8. is any arrest made by undercover or investigating or just tip offs

    Generally by tip off's

    The deal is that a major dealer is allowed to stay in business on the provision that they periodically provide the police with a tip off. Normally this will involve foreigners, as the dealers are a bit cautious about Thai and Burmese buyers incase they have mafia or gang connections.

    At the end of the day, the dealer is happy, as he not only has the sale money, but also permission to continue to operate.

    The police are happy, as they look good, plus the government gives the arresting officers money for each gram of heroin seized.

    The government is happy, because they can show that they are serious about drugs.

    The only person not happy is the buyer. But he never stood a chance..

    The real victim is the tax payer who is footing the bill for these fatuous wars on drugs and their non existent results. The only effect on any drug trade are the ones who aren't organized and in it from the start, the poorer ones who are the mules, who come from socioecconomic backgrounds lower than you with your internet and laptop at home can imagine, and some are just plain stupid. But so were you once, I am sure of it.

    Its a stupid system which generates no revenue, creates nothing positive and tangible and is more of a show 50 years later than it was at the start. "THIS IS YOUR BRAIN. THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON DOPE!" (Personally I believe my brain does not look like an egg being fried even on drugs.)

  9. Let me see, Australian Defence Secrets :) ........everyone knows them already, they go something like 'bend over to uncle sam and take a good rodgering' then send out good Australias to get killed at the hands of various incompetent US Presidents. Wheres the secret in that?

    Its plainly evident that the words Military, Intelligence and secrets dont go together.

    The ladyboy would of been better off stealing homer simpson brain :D

    !00% correct,I could not agree more!! The defence secrets probably amount to the gourmet menu for official functions!!

    Its the navy not the army, so wrong wing of the armed forces for sending them off to die in someone else's war. Not unless some sand monkey is going to plant something in the ocean.

    I don't particularly agree with the view that there wouldn't be anything interesting in there, as most navies like to keep strategies and technologies on their boats they don't want other people to know. So your idea that there is no potential for harm because we aren't useful in anyway (and thats what it sounds like your trying to make out), plus there are other government secrets and things he might have been privileged to, embarrassing for him and the Australian government.

  10. What would be really interesting if some sort of pro active news agency sent a reporter to those 'dingy' hotels to find out if any of the current guests are stuck there under the same circumstances... that seems like a natural first step for media here as the police definitely won't proactively take down something that makes a select few of them money.

  11. Remember, if ever caught in a riptide, do not attempt to fight the current. Just float along with it until it subsides. Then attempt to reach shore, even if it is 1km away from where you entered the water.

    Also, rain showers do no harm, but lightning will. I used to live in Florida, which ironically is known as the Sunshine State. It seemed to me that it should be named the Rain & Lightning State. Everytime I was at the beach and saw dark clouds approaching, I got the h*ll out of there.

    Unless your a particularly good swimmer then perhaps you might consider swimming out from the side, unless its particularly hard I usually just swim hard and swim out from the side.

  12. It was in the opinions section, but unless you have seen that video it makes absolutely no sense. If you have it doesn't seem to be funny and if its not attempting to be funny why change the 'youtube' to 'youdie' I get it we are watching it actually happen, and yes its a change in the way we exchange information but I simply didn't think this was in good taste at all, and didn't make much of a point.

  13. I actually emailed Stephff apparently the point or the funny of this cartoon was the fact it had 5 stars. She didn't appreciate my comment either and suggested I read a Buddhism book which i found hilarious... So simply I replied with the basic definition is cartoonist and how she wasn't successfully cartooning at all. Plus suggested cartooning for dummies for her 'kind turn' in suggesting a good read for my personal development.

    What a dumb.. dumb cow, she didn't spell half the words correctly in her responses to me either. But I guess I should just expect that from anyone affiliated with The Nation 555.

    Sorry I cant find the cartoon online, only saw it in the paper at lunch.

  14. Disturbingly no one really cares who has the power to do anything about it or investigate it. Just glad i had decided to goto narz with my friends instead of there that night. I have had night mares that I had gone with my girlfriend and couldn't get to her. Disturbing that this will just happen again, just a matter of when and where.

  15. Usually I don't read the nation because its a piece of poo, which was further demonstrated today when I got to the opinion section.

    Basically I am wondering who else saw this, understands what they are trying to poke 'fun?' at and found it deeply disturbing.

    If you haven't seen the video I will post it below, but I warn you it is very saddening, but also very powerful and relevant for the current situation in Iran.

    Now let me explain the cartoon or attempt to as best as possible. For those who have seen the video you should be able to get a clear idea in your head.

    Basically it is the picture of her laying in the street with the 4 men around her and blood coming from her mouth like in the video. The "youtube" logo has been changed to "youdie" and there is a caption "NEDA!!!" in the center of it. The man screaming her name in the video is her father, at first he is freaking out not knowing how to save her, then he basically is trying to keep her from being scared in her last seconds... How can anyone think that is funny to change those 2 small details and draw this cartoon? Is it meant to be a joke, or just strange for people to look at. There is no elaboration or comment in any form on the actual situation, its just as if the artist has seen the video realized it has millions of hits really quickly and thought it would be funny and recognizable without even knowing where it originated.

    I am wondering if anyone else saw this and found it disturbing, or perhaps just didn't know what the cartoon was of. If you do care to watch the video and you have seen it, please think "how was that cartoon funny or really anything about the story?"

    Just got back to lunch and I had to share that, it disturbed me terribly.

  16. Fair enough. Where do you stand morally? You didn't answer my question.. would you feel the same if your kids became dependent? Not dead yet, Just black eyed, stick thin and sliding away to the dark side. No one brave enough to step up and say that's okay yet.

    If my kid did that, I'd beat the shit out of him and send him to rehab. Love Thailand, the police wouldn't even attempt to stop me if it was for his own good. One good thing about Thai police.

    But I definitely wouldn't want him going to jail.

    As for his dealer, I'd deal with that myself. Again, I love Thailand.

    My view on the subject is that I really do not care about users of any discription, if they want to use, thats their decision but I object to my tax money being used in any way, no one forces them to use drugs , it's their choice and whether you or anyone else is an advocate of these people be prepared that others are not and whether any of you like it or not there are laws, if you don't agree with incarceration or the death penalty then they can take or peddle their drugs in Portugal.

    Personally I have never heard of a cigarette smoker robbing people or stealing to feed their habit.

    Who do you think pays for the wasted war on drugs? Where do you think the billions of $ for catching and prosecuting these people comes from, let alone locking them up(which costs <deleted>* all in thailand 33 baht per day is it per person)? Where is the money made in this process as I have pointed out before? There is no money to be made from the current system, and because its making money for others it will never go away. Your being stupid because you think it will cost you more to change, and your being even more stupid by being content with the current system. Sure your life is happy, so what does it matter? Screw everyone else right? ME ME ME.

    Anway its all pointless now, She copped 25 years where she can quietly rot away. All those like myself that appose Heroin smuggling are very happy at the outcome thank you very much, Justice prevails :)

    Good closure for me so will log off this thread, good luck to the drug trafficking supporters here, adios

    Very happy with the outcome because your life is pointless, without experience and without compassion for others. Your opinion and mindset represent you well, completely mediocre... believing the illusion you have makes you happy. You and people like you are the reason that society still wastes billions on fatuous laws and enforcing them every year. To keep small minded YOU happy at home and voting for them, when really you don't realize your money is being wasted, the pictures on TV and the successes of the police paraded for you to feel good about yourself and where you live when in reality nothing has changed. The world still rotates, the drugs are still injected, the people are still smuggling and congradu-fuc*ing-lations you picked up some either forced or insanely stupid woman, and this makes you happy?

    Which part made you happy? Your wasted money? Your being lied to through the cameras? Do you get some sick feeling of self fulfillment or go out and congratulate your local cops on the job well done? Hopefully I don't disturb your little world, your mind probably closed long ago anyway.

    Ignorance is bliss I guess.


    In the end, you have a perfectly healthy, possibly stupid, 25 year old woman who is just really discovering adulthood and has no real idea of the world outside what she knows. Now she is in a foreign land, in a foreign prison going to spend the government of that countries money for the next 25 years of her now miserable life. She may have known the concequences, hel_l possibly they were better than he life anyway, or she might not have known at all, who knows in the end.

    Even if she willingly smuggled it, got caught and sent to jail. How does 25 years really do good for anyone in this situation?

    The real traffickers already had 100 mules after her go through, you got 1. The real money is flowing around Thailand, and Thailand is just getting the costs. So, whats the point?

    It seriously obviously isn't a great deterant or we wouldn't have so many stupid people getting caught for it would we. Again, failed policy, but one that won't change as long as you are still content with it.


  17. Thanks for the advise. Yes, I can't imagine anyone agreeing to that, especially after literally no tests. Just months of attempted but failed medicating treatment.

    I most definitely will get a 2nd and perhaps 3rd opinion... I have had surgeries before and know its something that should be completely avoided if possible.

  18. I feel terrible sad for anyone who has to goto a prison... But a prison in asia.... I mean some people must, but someone so bottom of the food chain, really what is the point? Its not like we ruin a network or deter others, usually its the poorest who choose to take it. Or the dumbest, or even people unknowingly. There are many people who are suffering because of things that really was difficult to avoid given the circumstances they are dealt. Or the story I have heard of people picking up Americans (young women) and convincing them a good way to make money is to do it with them. Of course usually they have nothing and when they get through maybe a reward is given, but these are again the young stupid people who are prone to making mistakes. We all know what it is to be 18 - 21 (hel_l I am 21!), things we may think one second are funny harmless or impressive... or have a really good reward may appear to be worth an often talked down risk.

    Thats why I always pack my bags, and don't befriend dodgy people. Aside from that asshol_e who stole my 23,000 a few months back which I mention on here... but I totally didn't see that coming.

  19. I don't know if there is a comparison to smuggling heroin. It would be the same Sentence in the USA as well so not just Thailand. What the prosecutors work on is the avg death through overdose/ Kilo of commercial grade which in effect makes the carrier part of mass murder/manslaughter and i do believe the figure is in the 100'S per kilo of pure grade uncut smack.

    why is a drug mule responsible for someone taking an overdose? the drug mules doesn't force anybody to buy and take drugs.

    clean pure medical grade H wouldn't actually cause so much problems for the health of an user. that it is cut and mixed with other chemicals is the main problem and with non-sterile needles for example.

    decriminalisation and a controlled sale, like good clean stuff that users can by in a pharmacy and not some dirty smack in a shaddy corner, that could reduce the number of death.

    Okay look at it like this. You have a weapons smuggler working for a terror organization. He gets caught with a truckload of weapons so why is he to blame? not like he is forcing anyone to pull the trigger. She was one of the most important links in the chain I mean whats the point of producing this stuff if you cant distribute it. It would be worthless! Im flabbergasted at the responses, we are talking Heroin here no coke or pot or an eky tablet for goodness sakes. Nothing more to say from me except I hope your teenage daughter doesnt play with it but by some of thr replys it seems that you wouldnt have a problem with that . Wonder what the reactions would be if your kids had puncture marks up and down the arms. Any takers? Anyone prepared yo say thats okay? I await your responses

    She is also the least valuable link in the chain, hence why getting caught. With what effect?

    They have some girl who was either conned into it, tricked into it, or just stupid enough for a pittance of a reward... None of those being a good reason to lose 25 years of your life.

  20. Yes, the system is a failed one.

    But the other side of the coin is the political caost of backing the replacement,

    is usually enough to lose an election. Too few people realize that this system is dysfunctional,

    and believe it is the only system that CAN work. So the scare mongers defeat any attempts

    at change. They are actually the most scared ones, but generate more fear in others rather

    than hope, or logical inference towards the SAME END THEY DESIRE.....

    Anarchy is the only way to cleanse the old system :) lol

    No but really, stupid world.

  21. The plain and simple fact is, after 70 years of this intense war on drugs (Thinking of the Anslinger days in the US when the DEA was formed) IS NOT GOING TO END, YOUR NOT GOING TO WIN. (Not the opium wars in China although you could argue that or many other previous societies attempts to criminalize substances...)

    The is no money generation within this system. Well not that I can see, if it is supposedly working like it is working (which I doubt but I'll get to that) then where is the money being created? The idea is, you seize the substance, arrest the 'bad guy'. Prosecutes him, and jail him. Who just paid for all of that? And its not like they are going to go out and sell the product in order to recover the expense, perhaps some money was seized, but really how often can that outweigh the cost of a huge operation? Thousands of man hours, assets being used, informants being paid, surveillance ect ect. So other than the officers being paid and their money going into the economy how DOES THIS BENEFIT ANYONE?

    If you decriminalize the substance, use tax revenue to educated and treat, then you are going to see less numbers of users, reformed people getting back to 'normal' lives and WOW there is actual money creation in this process! ZOMGZ much better than any other previous policy.

    Its not rocket science gentlemen, the current system is obviously failing. The evidence for this system being better is mounting. Again I cite Portugals example (decriminalizing all substances in 2001). So whats the fear?

    Perhaps the fear is how wrong you have been for so long. How many people have died or had their lives wasted? 'HOW could we have been so wrong?'

    And yet these are still popular and supported policies. Especially by the look of opinions in here. It makes me sad our society hasn't grown up a little. At least in here. AND THE WAR ON DRUGS IS LOST.

  22. I'll show the 16 year old around :D My girlfriend is only a little older :D

    Flying into Bangkok early April with a good friend and her 2 daughters (10 and 16) and was thinking of taking them to Dream world in Bangkok. :D Has anybody been before and would like to share what they thought of it?? Would the kids and my friend enjoy themselves and should they bring bathers?? How long to see everything??

    Any other places you can think of that the children may want to see...?

    Thanks :)

  23. Hey Guys,

    I have been using samitijev for AGES, before that Bumrumgrad, however I have been going there for the past couple of weeks with stomach pains and issues and they prescribed me 2 sets of medicines and neither worked. Basically went in for my follow up on Saturday and the doctor said bluntly he had no idea and that they required exploratory surgery to find out the problem. Now, if I had at least had a blood test or some form of other test instead of just medicines perhaps I'd be more inclined to do it, but I am 21 and I can't see that they have tried to find out what it is enough to justify surgery.

    Am I over reacting? If not, can you suggest a good place to at least go inquire about a second opinion? I stopped going to Bumrumgrad because of the price compared to the nicer Samitijev hospital imo.

    I have a congenital heart defect as well, so for me surgery is definitely preferably avoidable and it feels unnecessary. Plus I am 21, why wouldn't I just supposedly go along with anything the doctor said?

  24. I smoke weed since i'm 14, legalizing it in Europe would reduce heavily organized crimes.

    But would cause more addicts.

    But let's face it, in Holland it is legal, but that didn't cause more addicts.

    THC (the effecting chemical in marijuana) is not addictive. How many people are addicted to their drink anyway?

    Shit, gotta get on a plane. Just try and think of what makes more sense people. Because current policy does not. Do you want your money being wasted this way?

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