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Posts posted by Centrum

  1. A group of brainwashed stupid people led bu an egomaniac who is basically a criminal. They are going to ruin the lives of Millions of Thai people. It won't effect the majority of farangs. Simply move back home or on to one of many other beautiful places one can stay or holiday. When things clear up, simply return at your own wish. That won't help the millions who rely on income from tourists

    Ooh, a cut'n'paste from 2010.

    The irony, the irony laugh.png

    • Like 1
  2. There will be more shootings.

    The Bangkok residents can't make a living while yellow thugs take their city, and income, hostage.

    There is obviously resentment from the majority of people who support the government. And if some of these irrational yellows are shot it would not be a surprise.

    The government official traitors who join the protests still get their salary, so they have nothing to lose... apart from their lives if it turns badly.

    This small incident is a good reminder that if you want to join the criminal mob of Suthep it is not without risk rolleyes.gif

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Then you must be pretty pissed off that Yingluck, your democratically elected heroine, dissolved parliament and played right into evil Suthep's plans, right?

    You must also be pissed that she pulled the amnesty bill that her democratically elected parliamentary majority had swept through the lower house, right?

    And obviously there were no Bangkok residents marching through the streets at any time during the last 6 weeks.

    You wouldn't know a 'criminal mob' if they were burning down businesses in the heart of Bangkok.

    I am not pissed off by anything, but it seems that I piss YOU off laugh.png

    Cool down rolleyes.gif

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You think that trolling a political thread is funny?

    Well now at least I can disregard your future posts as someone who's aim is purely to piss other posters off and not those of someone who has anything relevant to contribute!

    • Like 2
  3. There will be more shootings.

    The Bangkok residents can't make a living while yellow thugs take their city, and income, hostage.

    There is obviously resentment from the majority of people who support the government. And if some of these irrational yellows are shot it would not be a surprise.

    The government official traitors who join the protests still get their salary, so they have nothing to lose... apart from their lives if it turns badly.

    This small incident is a good reminder that if you want to join the criminal mob of Suthep it is not without risk rolleyes.gif

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Then you must be pretty pissed off that Yingluck, your democratically elected heroine, dissolved parliament and played right into evil Suthep's plans, right?

    You must also be pissed that she pulled the amnesty bill that her democratically elected parliamentary majority had swept through the lower house, right?

    And obviously there were no Bangkok residents marching through the streets at any time during the last 6 weeks.

    You wouldn't know a 'criminal mob' if they were burning down businesses in the heart of Bangkok.

    • Like 2
  4. Given the distance Seksan seems to have kept from colour coded politics in the past few years, I'd say that's probably right. He's criticized both (or rather all) sides but remained committed to democracy. This is what he said in his speech reflecting on the 40th aniversary of the Oct 14th uprising: “How can we, as free men, fulfil ourselves if we cannot choose the government we are satisfied with and tell the world what we want?” he said. “How can human equality be achieved if not with equal rights and votes to determine our nation’s fate?”

    The “Two Yes, Two No” pictured in the OP seem to be an even more 'moderate' group than Kasien's group of academics who started the Assembly for the Defense of Democracy group (their FB page now has 550k likes last time I checked, 100k more than Bluesky Channel, not bad for something started by academics). I see that even BKK Post film reviewer Kong Rithdee is on the panel.

    The overwhelming majority of society wants no part of violence, nor do they want violence to occur. The majority don't want a coup, either.

    Everyone, bar TS and family and cronies, would like reform.

    It's all very fine for these two groups to preach democracy and peace from their higher ground, but let's not forget the fact that had the protesting groups not taken to the streets to voice their dissatisfaction

    with the Yingluck administration, there would be no serious chance of reform ever taking place. Let alone being seriously discussed.

    Change has never come about through a bunch of pleasant and polite academics sitting around a table giving their opinions on the way forward.

  5. You see? suthep wants to get people killed again like 3 years ago. The man is mad. I hope he gets what he wants and get a free for all in Bangkok. If this goes 4 days you can bet that over 100 thousand red shirts will hit BBK fast to stop him and then the blood will flow. If that is what the people of Bangkok want they might just get it.

    Who's been watching too many Rambo movies then? 100,000 red shirts hitting BKK whistling.gif

    So if we follow your logic;

    'Suthep wants to get people killed' and he is mad.

    And you say "I hope he gets what he wants and get a free for all", "then the blood will flow"

    Therefore you must be admitting your own madness, correct?

    Thaksin's Kool Aid?

    • Like 1
  6. "Senate committee on Agriculture and cooperatives has recommended that the next govt elected after the Feb 2 election should immediately end the PTP 'Rice Pledging Scheme.'"

    Fuel onto the fire, methinks.

    A very sensible recommendation but it's not going to go down well with the red-shirted rice farmers up country.

    May well have been a 'cunning plan' by Thaksin.

    Promise the poor farmers boundless wealth, all the while knowing it was impossible to pay, and when the pragmatists take it away, the angry farmers will come to Bangers and destroy it again.

  7. Maybe the Dems should have stayed in the game for the erections after all ...... If the rice farmers turn en-masse, who knows? A whole bunch of pissed off Paddis up nawth y'all ...

    You speak too early.

    The govt has just given a date when all rice payments will be made.

    Just after the election, I believe laugh.png

    They wouldn't lie about that just to keep the votes, would they?

  8. And what proof do you have of this statement Ulic ? Those who favour the reds or simply dislike Suthep keep saying this but has it actually ever occurred to you that maybe the country would be better with the Shin regime ? And Suthep has said many times he doesn't want to be PM. FACTS PLEASE.


    As all Thais politicos, Suthep relies on a cult of personality and tribal loyalty, to build support for his political and personal goals.

    Research it and think about it.

    In the same way that Thaksin’s political support is built around a network of family heavily into politics...

    SURPRISE!!! Suthep had four family members in politics, this was before they resigned to protest, and he is the most powerful man in the Democrat Party as he controls the southern MPs.

    In 1995, Suthep’s Sor Por Kor 4-01 land scheme scandal led to the downfall of the Democrat-led Chuan Leekpai government.

    As a Miniser of Agriculture he resigned under threat of being indicted.... Of course. there’s the rubber shenanigans during the Abhisit Vejjajiva-led government... and the Palm Oil Scheme.

    That is a partial background of a man who “claims” he does not want to be PM.

    Would you buy a used car from him?

    It seems Suthep's cult of personality has influenced you as well.

    There are massive numbers of Thai people on the streets who are there simply because they hate the corrupt Thaksin regime.

    Suthep is the figurehead of that movement but by no means fully supported by all and sundry.

    If the red shirts and PTP could rid themselves of Thaksin's influence we would have a different situation. The cancer would be removed and everyone would go home. PTP would probably still win the next election.

    But the FACTS are, they can't. They won't.

    Thaksin IS PTP and the redshirts.

    Now that's a sobering thought!

  9. What an ignorant arrogant person Suthep is not of this world lives in a fantasy world.

    Is that 'fantasy world' anywhere near Dubai?

    I hope the current situation will bring about the end of the Thaksin dynasty forever in Thailand.

    I also hope that the people of both 'colors' decide that ridding Thailand of corrupt politicians is a battle that never ends and continue the fight against all the 'influential' people we read about daily.

    • Like 1
  10. And as for you you're conspiracy about TV being controlled by the current government. That is the stupidest thing i have ever heard, i do read commentaries about Thai politics on Bangkok post, The Nation, Reddit and much more. But there is no place i can read so many disgusting characterisations as what people in this forum writes about Yingluck.

    Dear me, bit of a fan-boy are you?

    I can honestly say that if you could read Thai, Facebook and Twitter would make your hair curl.

    Anyone who takes the office of Prime Minister should accept that people are going to get nasty. In some places you put your life on the line.

    It goes without saying that those who support said Prime Ministeremot-kiss.gifwub.png should also develop a thicker skin.


    I'm amazed at the number of "educated farang" on TVF who can't even spell the man's name right. It's T H A K S I N, and not T A K S I N.

    Taksin was the 1st King of Thonburi. "He was a leader in the liberation of Siam from Burmese occupation after the Second Fall of Ayutthaya in 1767, and the subsequent unification of Siam after it fell under various warlords. He established the city Thonburi as the new capital, as the city Ayutthaya had been almost completely destroyed by the invaders. His reign was characterized by numerous wars, fought to repel new Burmese invasions and to subjugate the northern Thai kingdom of Lanna, the Laotian principalities, and a threatening Cambodia. He was executed and succeeded by his long-time friend King Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke who then created the Chakri dynasty and the Rattanakosin Kingdom." (Wikipedia)

    Come on, people show your education and intelligence, not your stupidity over and over.

    And if they don't you'll hit the streets with a million English teachers, right?

    People are dying and all you care about is spelling, blah, blah, blah.

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  12. The sitting government should welcome protests and recommendations for change. They should put up aluminum parade barricades so as to provide protesters with a "designated area" to protest and walk. Anyone breaking through the barricades would be arrested and put in police vans and delivered to a holding area pre-established like a football field. This is a prescribed police procedure to secure public areas in times of demonstration.

    Ahh yes, the Chile solution.

    Thaksin would like that. He tried his own version at Tak Bai, didn't he?

  13. HA HA, what do you think would happen if YS resigns and gives Suthep Ultimate Power. Do you think the PTP will sit at home and say thankyou Suthep you are a nice guy.

    They will be coming to Bangkok the following month to over throw him. It will never end. The only way forward is to have an election.

    There is something fishy about this whole thing. YS calls a snap election at the first sign of a protest, so quickly, no one expected her to give in so easy, knowing that the Amnesty Bill only has 180 days before it expires. Suthep doesnt have the PDRC contend in the elections as if they hold seats in parliment they can stop the Amnesty Bill from going forward. Sounds more like a plan.

    Thaksin and Suthep are as corrupt as each other and probably good mates laughing at the Thai People expense, driving the Baht and SET to all time lows, Ready to jump in and buy some stocks, looking at passing the Amended Amnesty bill (Include Suthep in 2014 for his protest) if no one is in parliment to reject it. The protest is not about Thailand it is about them. They are laughing all the way to the bank with Somtum in hand.

    You can't be serious!!!

    You cannot seriously post something as outrageous as that without being challenged.

    Neither Thaksin nor Suthep would be seen dead eating somtum unless it was an election photo-op in Isaan.

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  14. So in other words, don't go shopping, don't go traveling anywhere near the city.

    Get your kids out of Bangkok for the rest of the year and prepare for home schooling, because the kids can't go shopping anyway even if they wanted to...

    Amazing year 2014 whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

    Now, now. Let's not get hysterical. It's not going to last all year.

    Having said that, six weeks in 2010 felt like a year where I live.

  15. K. Jatuporn will be somewhat disappointed, he wanted to keep Bangkok open. BTW to drop those letters at Embassies ar least some people need to come to Bangkok I would imagine?

    Yeah, what's going on there?

    Jatuporn must have opened his mouth without direction from the man in Dubai.

    Mr. T probably shit himself at the thought of violence and a fast track to the coup, and got on to Nuttawut to calm the situation.

    I wonder how long the red bullyboys can be kept on a leash?

  16. So Bangkok gets shutdown.

    Businesses have to close.

    People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

    Businesses will go bankrupt

    People will lose there jobs

    Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

    Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

    Loans wont get repaid

    Homes get foreclosed

    Cars repossessed

    Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

    The list goes on

    Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

    NO as they wont think past today.

    Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

    Small price to pay in order to rid Thailand of the Thaksin mafia!

    I say Good luck to them all!

    Do you know that the yellow shirts leaders are telling their followers to boycott Farang businesses like Lotus and Mackro because it is putting Thai money into the hands of corrupt westerners that support free elections and democracy?

    Be very carefull what you wish for my friend.

    Provide some evidence or it never happened.

    The fear mongering about yellow shirts hating farangs is so ridiculous.

    Grab a Thai flag and head down to a protest site and report the reaction.

    I did and people were so pleased to see a farang in their midst. No different than when the red shirts were occupying Rajprasong.

  17. Yea and replace him with a raving lunatic who wants to take rights away from the people, have the country for himself and rule with an iron fist, he wants to model Thailand on Nth Korea. I think Thailand is better off the way it is and not with the madman Suthep ruling.

    Any actual evidence to support this claim?

    Or is this just your view of the situation?

    I've seen no evidence that Suthep wants to be the future ruler of Thailand.

    Nor have I seen or heard of him claiming he will rule with an iron fist.

    Nor has anyone mentioned North Korea, other than yourself.

    Of course, you are entitled to your opinion, but when your opinion is so extreme, be prepared to back it up with something resembling facts.

    Now the problem there is, an opinion would no longer be that is it was backed up by facts.

    You say I am entitled to an opinion but at the same time you want to take my right to an opinion away by requesting facts.

    I suppose some people may wonder where your bizarre opinion sprang from. I know I do.

    If you can substantiate your opinions, people may not write you off as a complete crackpot.

  18. Yet another delusional, borderline hysterical piece from The Nation. Will they ever stop with the gross exaggerations, half-truths, deceit, obfuscation, manipulation? This is meant to be a newspaper with some reasonable sense of balance and proportion, even in an op-ed piece, rather than a full on rant giving a very lop-sided view of the situation. Not worth the paper its written on. God forbid that anyone would actually ever buy the rag.

    Well if they stop with their delusional, borderline-hysterical offerings, will you stop with yours? whistling.gif

    That would be most welcome. clap2.gif

  19. So Bangkok gets shutdown.

    Businesses have to close.

    People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

    Businesses will go bankrupt

    People will lose there jobs

    Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

    Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

    Loans wont get repaid

    Homes get foreclosed

    Cars repossessed

    Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

    The list goes on

    Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

    NO as they wont think past today.

    Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

    Small price to pay in order to rid Thailand of the Thaksin mafia!

    I say Good luck to them all!

    Yea and replace him with a raving lunatic who wants to take rights away from the people, have the country for himself and rule with an iron fist, he wants to model Thailand on Nth Korea. I think Thailand is better off the way it is and not with the madman Suthep ruling.

    Any actual evidence to support this claim?

    Or is this just your view of the situation?

    I've seen no evidence that Suthep wants to be the future ruler of Thailand.

    Nor have I seen or heard of him claiming he will rule with an iron fist.

    Nor has anyone mentioned North Korea, other than yourself.

    Of course, you are entitled to your opinion, but when your opinion is so extreme, be prepared to back it up with something resembling facts.

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