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Posts posted by Centrum

  1. desperate acts of despots are not uncommon, looks like the military and courts have outmanoeuvred the shins repeatedly.

    As painful as it might be for a few hours as the Shins last throw of the dice, it will achieve nothing but confirm the negative legacy they have left them.

    Bkk bound?

    Please stay in your current location.

    Our quota of stupid is already full

    perhaps you'd be willing to give up your place in the quota?

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  2. The Thai press should be pounding the table for party nominations and elections. The Thai press looks like a joke following blundering protesters and their supporters before the world. The Thai press is blatantly supporting a sabotage of a popularly elected PM in favor of a "people's council" with 185 handpicked by its own insiders to the exclusion of ordinary Thais. Does the Thai press actually believe that this is the right thing to do? Does the Thai press actually believe that the international community will view this as anything but "propaganda?"

    It would appear the Thai press have a better understanding of the problems of removing a corrupt family from Thai politics than you do.

  3. A Pheu Thai leader, who asked not to be named, said the best time for Yingluck to leave the spotlight has passed already. Thaksin's aides had proposed the party should take leadership back from members of the Shinawatra family in the snap election, but other factions inside Pheu Thai disagreed.

    "If the party had dropped Yingluck as a candidate for the prime minister's post in a new election, people would have thought we'd found her guilty of mismanagement. Thaksin, however, saw no need to abandon his sister. So Yingluck was finally picked as No 1 party-list candidate," the source said.

    However, his decision turns Yingluck into a liability. There's a chance she may face multiple lawsuits - the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has pressed charges against her over the rice-pledging scheme and the PDRC will file criminal cases against her for her alleged roles in the crackdown on protesters, which it claims led to many deaths.

    To think, if enough PTP toadies had the balls to stand up to Thaksin and demand the removal of Thaksin clan members from the frontline, Suthep would have nowhere to stand.

    The arrogance of Thaksin by putting himself first, by only having family members running his party, has led the country to the position it is in.

    A smarter politician would have known when to hide.

    His arrogance will be his downfall. I hope it isn't Thailand's fate as well.

  4. Permit me to correct this inadvertent bit of historical revisionism.

    The UDD/RS were gathering at the said stadium as a show of force - in large numbers - to counter what was then growing coup-monger stuff in the streets.

    They never ventured out of that facility.

    The coup-mongers needed confrontation however, and it wasn't coming to them.....They were the only ones in whose interest it was for that.....The UDD/RS were not about to accommodate them. The stadium was in part selected far away from coupist activities to insure there was no accidental encounters that would serve the coup-monger interests.

    In order to instigate the desired confrontation, the coupists mobilized students from a nearby University to create confrontation around the stadium.

    It was at that point that the UDD/RS cancelled the gathering, not wanting to be a target to serve the interests of others, and not to give the voter-selected Govt. a problem, beyond dealing with the coupists.

    Historical revisionism only works with those who are ill-informed...That is mostly not the case on TV.

    "...attacks on the anti government protest sites/groups have been carried out with no reguard"

    In keeping with above rationale, there are many convinced that what appear to be attacks, are in fact not attacks...One needs to constantly be mindful of whose interests are served, through havoc, mayhem and what are characterized as 'attacks'. The coup-mongers need attacks, confrontation, bombs, firecrackers and what-have-you, or they are 'dead in the water'.

    Given those motives, it is not a reach to conclude who originates this stuff. Certainly Yingluck and her elected administration do not need it, and their constituencies are fully aware of it...They are not about to undermine the Govt. they elected.

    So this is how things are on Planet Red Shirt, located a million miles from reality.

    As a propagandist, you fail! As a TVRS, you're a star.

    The facts should read that the protesters have been attacked nightly with bombs and gunfire, and during daylight, by as yet unknown people. People who are able to evade police capture because...well we don't know.

    But it is in the interests of the Red Shirts, who know that their hold onto power is fast slipping away, to create havoc and threaten the people of Bangkok, just as they did in 2010.

    Obviously the Boppe household doesn't have Red Shirt TV, where one is daily exposed to the rantings of Ko Tee et al,

    "This is already a war, but so far it is an unarmed war," "If there is a coup, or the election doesn't happen, then it definitely becomes an armed war."

    "I want there to be lots of violence to put an end to all this," he said. "I'm bored by speeches. It's time to clean the country, to get rid of the elite, all of them."

    Ko Tee and others who cheer when their henchmen kill children, are the true face of the Red Shirt movement.

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  5. And now a word from the rest of the Thai People, aka the MAJORITY. They have as much right to Occupy Bangkok for the Government they support and the right to resist any police force for they only want to exercise their right to peaceful protests. They have as much right as Suthep to shut down opposition businesses, block public wayfares, and threaten opposition leaders with physical means. They have to same right to protect their own protest leaders with armed security guards and collect contributions from the public in the street. When Yin meets Yang, the circle will be complete and then maybe more rationale and reasonable leadership will find common solutions.

    You know, you have a point there.

    What if those of the middle ground got up off their backsides and set up a protest site somewhere in Bangkok? That would send a message to both the pro and anti government sides.

    Only problem is...it never happens. The 'non-political' majority wouldn't dream of getting out to show support for anything, ever!

    They don't care who runs the country, or how they run it. They don't voice concerns when neighbors are dragged away in the middle of the night, never to be seen or heard of again.

    They don't believe in politics. They don't understand politics. They don't want to know politics. They may vote, but that's enough for them. That's their civic duty for another 4 years out of the way.

    The only way you could possibly stir them into action would be by taking TV away from them. But even then, spending an afternoon listening to political speeches would send them packing faster than

    grenades and gunfire.

  6. So things are getting uglier then. It is escalating as anyone with a brain said it would over 2 months ago. Both sides don't deliver any substance apart from trying to blame each other for the mayhem. Suthep making jokes and threats about sending popcorn shooters and a red shirt gathering where people cheer upon hearing about death and injuries. People on Valentine's day getting attacked for wearing red clothing for the occasion. PDRC supporters with their kids attacked at a noodle stand. It all makes me sick to my stomach. The social media and forums are alive with Thai people (and some farangs) sharing and spreading propaganda and half facts to justify their side of the story whilst people including children are dying on a weekly basis. They don't realize that they are part of the problem, and they are not aware they only contribute to its escalation rather than to a solution.

    Someone has to do what should have happened a long time ago; take charge. Either the government cleans up the streets or the army moves in for a coup. Unless the attitudes of people change - and what hope in hell do we have really - this will only go downhill from here.

    If the govt cleans up the streets, do you think the protesters are simply going to go home and accept another Thaksin-clone regime?

    And if there is another coup, do you think the red-shirts will quielty go away, also? While it worked in 2006, it won't work again.

    There is no short-term solution.

    The people's attitudes will certainly change, but it won't be uniform and in the same direction. And it may take a long time.

    The only solution that will work now is a compromise from both sides in forming some form of interim govt. that has a task of reform that works for both sides.

    I'm not holding my breath. Things will almost certainly go downhill from here.

  7. A government democratically voted into power.

    What is it you Yellow farangs don't understand?

    If in the western world we don't like the government, we vote against them, or abstain.

    Can you give me an example of a 'western' government where the elected leader evaded paying tax of billions of dollars on the sale of the country's telecom monopoly?

    Just because Thailand has glitzy shopping malls and the BTS, the odd Ferrari dealership, and 5 star hotels and resorts, doesn't mean it isn't a 3rd world country.

    And how often do we see democratic elections in 3rd world countries?

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  8. It's true that Tida and another speaker seemed to be quite uncomfortable with the cheering and jubilation that greeted the announcement of the attack in Trat. However, her remarks were met with polite applause, while the more pro-violent rhetoric was cheered with great enthusiasm.

    I have the feeling that the more moderate Red leaders, like Tida, Weng and Veera, are going to have a hard time reining in the likes of Arisaman and other violent hardliners.

    Keep in mind, the likes of Jatuporn and Arisaman are spineless cowards when the shit hits the fan.

    If the violence gets out of control, Jatuporn and Arisaman will be hiding over the border and then the more sensible leaders might have a chance to exercise some control over the mob.

    IMHO, if you want to see how this plays out, in the long term, look no further than the south of Thailand.

    IEDs and drive-by shootings for years with out a visible end.

  9. Protest GUARDs ONLY in Amazing Thailand whistling.gif

    Yes indeed, and of course, anywhere else in the world they wouldn't be needed, because they could rely upon the police to do their duty...!!

    Of course you could have read the OP where you would find that some of the first people on the scene were the army who were "GUARDING NEARBY".

    The army have a unit stationed under the Rajprarop airport link. Literally a couple of minutes up the road.

    I would suggest 'observing' rather than 'guarding'.

  10. Maybe. As I recall there was a lot of speculation that he had been killed by friendly fire. Of course, we need to remember as well that Seh Deng was shot in the head by a sniper stationed in an eighth floor window of a hospital overlooking the park, another of those "mysterious" men in black. Face it; Suthep's entire plan from day one has been to stoke violence to justify military intervention. To achieve that end he is willing to sacrifice supporters (particularly dark-skinned southerners) for the greater good. Thats just a fact.


    If that was his intention why has it taken so long?

    Why are the protesters sitting around night after night listening to speeches and musicians instead of getting killed(sacrificed) as you claim

    Why aren't they out there 'stoking violence'?

    As for speculation..rumour has it that Seh Daeng was assasinated at the command of a high ranking policeman, but until someone is found guilty, it all remains speculation.

    Facts? You have very few.

  11. that was the game from the beginning by Suthep , blocking everything by any means so payments / elections and more can not go , just creating chaos hoping the military should step in and side him so he could save his nek from the murder case , actions from a desperate loony , but dangerous for his country and a shame for the word "democraty "

    Watching him with his bodylanguage and mouth Thaksin start looking like an angel (wich he aint ..! )

    Couldn't agree more.

    Democraty must be preserved at all costs whistling.gif

  12. Farmers from northern provinces return home

    BANGKOK: -- About 10,000 farmers who travelled from the lower northern provinces to Bangkok resolved on Friday to return home rather than head to Suvarnabhumi airport for a rally.

    The farmers decided to return home after their leader, dormer Chart Thai Pattana Party MP Chada Thaiset, was assured by the government that they would get their payments for their rice next week.

    The farmers reached Ayutthaya's Bang Pa-in district Thursday and stayed overnight there. They travelled in about 1,000 farm tractors.

    Sources said Chada met caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong and PM's Office Minister Varathep Ratanakorn at 8pm Thursday to discuss the farmers' demand that the government speed up their payments.

    The sources said the talks achieved a "satisfactory result" and Chada promised to relay the outcome to the farmers.

    The sources said the prime minister asked Chada to tell the farmers not to block the airport because the move would severely affect the country.


    -- The Nation 2014-02-21

    Sounds like Chada got his cheque laugh.png

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  13. (The UDD) will gather on Sunday in the northeastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima to map out its future strategic moves.

    Ms Tida asked UDD supporters to follow their leaders' speeches Sunday, starting at 8am until evening, in order to know their thinking. (MCOT online news)

    Is this a rally or just a meeting of the leaders? Either way, how can they map out the future strategic moves if all they're doing is going to be giving speeches?

    Erm..by Skype I would imagine. That's how all their strategic moves are mapped out.

  14. I see the thousands of rai of paddy around me here that is close to harvest and wonder what will happen to the rice when it is harvested, where will the farmers sell it ?

    The pledging scheme has is finished now and even if it were still in place how could the farmers expect to get paid when so many have not been paid for previous crops.

    That leaves selling privately, as they did in the past, but even if they could get a fair market price which is doubtful given the world oversupply and the Govt as their market competitor they would still be in the poo.

    And where to then for them, plant another rice crop ? Not so easy to change to another crop as it is to say it.

    Yes problems are only just starting for the farmers and for the politicians for what can they do from here on in ?

    It will be even worse for the farm workers who are right at the bottom of the heap, no work for them means no money and they have nowhere to go.

    I would imagine they will do as other unhappy groups have done in the past and set up protest sites out front of Central World!

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  15. Suthep may win this battle eventually, but the war hasn't even started.

    1000 Suthep sponsored farmers on their way to Bangkok, but millions of farmers at home knowing exactly what is going on.

    If Suthep gets his people council, it will mean civil war for Thailand.

    The Army knows it and that's why they're not pushing Suthep over the finish line.


    Are you really aware of what is going on?

    The PTP have ripped off the very people that supported them into power, the genie is out the bottle. Thaksin and Yingluck are finished, hopefully the other cronies will be gone to, very soon.

    The suitcases are being packed, and the private plane fueled up.

    Keep posting the tired old lie of sponsors farmers, fake farmers, small numbers of protestors etc.

    Your employer has been totally outmanouvered, and his arrogance and disrespect for law and the people has got him there.

    The farmers should have been paid months ago, they weren't. Now they are pretty angry. The whole scheme was a joke, a bit like the people who continue to try and defend it. The Army has no reason do anything, as Chalerm has pretty much managed to screw everything up.

    The rice scheme worked for the past 3 years without problems. Farmers got paid every year on time until Suthep and his militia came along.

    The farmers are not stupid, they know what's going on.

    You'll see what I mean when Suthep gets his way.

    I'll take it as an acceptance of defeat by one Thaksin fanboy, shall I?

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  16. Well said Prime Minister. Call these clown hand maidens to the PDRC and Dems, trying to bring down the government, for what they are.

    Absolutely! Everyone knows in a real democracy criminals have at least 2 years to continue their crimes before charges are brought against them.

    What a ridiculous state of affairs when a criminal investigation finds someone culpable and charges them before the statute of limitations has expired.

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  17. "In another legal setback to Yingluck..."

    The Electoral majority who underpin Ms. Y's administration do not see this as a "Legal setback" at all.

    They characterize it as an attack by the unelectable Elites. An attack by the Opposition. An attack by the electoral minority who want to run the country...in effect minority rule. A coup-intentioned initiative when street coup-mongers and the military could not/would not achieve it.

    Most any independent but knowledgable observers would agree with that...I never knew a term such as "judicial coup" existed until I saw it in Thailand.

    Taking this judicial challenge at face value, attributing credibility and validity to it, identifies that individual as being sympathetic to PAD-Dem agenda's.

    Or far-removed international perspectives who are not aware of these charges of a politicized judiciary, give this thing credibility thinking the judiciary is normal.

    As in most things, they need to be contextualized in order to understand them fully.

    You speak the truth my friend. I too agree that she is innocent of knowing that the rice scam was nothing more than vehicle for members of the Electoral minority to skim money away from those, the Electoral majority, that toil long and hard in the hot sun..

    I say, enough of the Bangkok Elite! Thailand should be run by those smart enough to fool the Electoral majority in to returning them to power time and again while they dream up scheme after scheme to enrich themselves, their families and their cronies, all at the expense of the Elite and the Electoral majority.

    Pass me another jar of that Thaksin Koolaid and we'll drink a toast to the new ruling class and those poor deluded fools of the Electoral majority.

  18. Good luck Yingluck Don't let the Thugs get their way

    So fire Chalerm, for disobeying your direct orders, not to use force against the protesters ? whistling.gif

    Yingbadluck never given direct order in her life. Think you mean the Dubai Dumbo.

    Outtaluck is taking orders from the Dubai Demon. He is many things but dumb isn't one of them. I am not a TS supporter but he has outsmarted his opponents at every turn and it is fair to concede that. Until the Dems get their act together and try and win the hearts and minds of the electorate, Taksin and PT will be way ahead of the pack. The ' born to rule' days are over guys. Get used to it.

    The 'born to rule' days are certainly being challenged and may well be over, but you're being naive if you think that Thaksin and his puppets are going to get their way.

    What has long been overdue is the awakening and maturing of the disenfranchised country folk. Hopefully the rice scam will wisen them up to realise that Thaksin has scammed them as much as the hated elite in Bangkok, and they will finally create political foundations built on honest performance as politicians, (and in the meantime tar and feather the likes of Kwanchai, Jatuporn, Arisaman and Nattawut for being toadies in the pay of Thaksin while pretending to care about the country folk).

    The present phase has succeeded in making government by the PTP nigh on impossible. Almost everyone agrees that an alternative solution is needed, and that solution won't include a Thaksin nominee.

    I think the real 'smarties' here have been the military. They have kept their distance and are therefore above criticism and yet their side is standing strong.

    The outcome of the situation may hang on the NACC rice scam case. Yingluck and co may be forced to resign, ungracefully but against their will, and that will calm things down for the moment.

  19. Having seen more than my share of it in my lifetime, I'm normally not an advocate for violence. But this shit, on BOTH sides has been going on for so long, with no end in sight, I'm tempted to say "kill them all and let God sort them out".

    Do you really mean that? Your as bad as all the ones you want to see killed.

    Have a look at his avatar. He's probably got a room full of semi-automatics stashed somewhere.

  20. Taksin and Suthep are different sides of the same coin. They are both just as corrupt and will rape Thailand if given the chance and have already done so in the past and are still doing so. One is from the north, the other from the south. They should both be thrown in a tank with hungry gators. Those who think that Suthep is Thailand's saviour is just as delusional as those who think that Taksin will be back to be PM again.

    Very true.

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