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Posts posted by Centrum

  1. 10 hours ago, Mojomor said:

    Well, it looks like 06 Aug is a normal day,  with all restaurants and bars allowed to serve alcohol until midnight.


    Sunday is total closure,  unless you know where to go.

    I used to go to the Baiyoke lobby bar. Prices were reasonable and if I got bored I could practice my golf.


  2. 2 hours ago, sahibji said:

    this lucky catch was due to the community spirited people who gave the tip.


    of course the well co-ordinated effort of the police is to be commended because without their follow up little could have been achieved.

    "the community spirited people who gave the tip."

    More likely a greedy or disgruntled employee down the line tempted by a reward who may soon be found with his throat cut and genitals in his mouth.


  3. 2 hours ago, Deli said:

    can someone explain where this stupid law is originating from ?

    Only poor people have motorcycles. The rich HiSos don't want to be stuck in traffic, so they have their friends in Govt build expressways, bridges and underpasses to get them through the traffic faster.

    Privilege. "I'm important, pleb. Get off of my road!"

  4. We have 5 security guards on our moo-ban. We stop 300 baht a month from their salary (and call it bonus). If there is a burglary/incident that month's bonus is used to (part)-compensate the householder. The last such incident was nine years ago. At New Year all the guards receive their 3,600 back as thanks for another successful year.

    Wow! 3,600 baht. That's like a whole month's salary, isn't it?

  5. Brother in law lives in these police flats. The dogs in there are quite aggressive. They bark, snarl and run at you as you walk into and out of the flats.

    I, or my family, have never been attacked when visiting, but it is an unsettling experience when you're coming out in the dark late at night with small children in tow.

    It is never a 'quiet' walk out.

    Having been 'surprise attacked' by two dogs recently and having to fork out the medical bills for treatment, I would be looking for the nearest handgun should I or my family get attacked.

  6. I do not justify or support his choices in any way

    only understand that, perhaps in a moment of despair

    people do dumb things..............

    You have to be pretty desperate or pretty darn stupid

    to be a foreigner and sell heroin in Pai.

    For all you know, he may have been doing this, somewhat successfully, for the last 16 years.

  7. I remember times when all bars and restaurants in Pattaya had signs " No fragging Arabs allowed." This isn't a racist comment, just a fact how it once was.

    These days you could have thousands of terrorists hiding in Chonburi province alone, they got their own bars, look down on us and I'll never forget when they're trying to surround my wife when we were on a holiday in Pattaya with our son.

    It's clear that they would like to rule the world and it might be worth to think about all the sleepers in certain countries, ready to blow themselves up with a self made bomb, just to kill many innocent people.

    The south of this country is a great example what's actually going on. Tamil Tigers are also using Thailand to plan their attacks on Sri Lanka.

    I'm just wondering how much the "intelligence" knows about all these guys? Scary in my eyes. blink.png

    The sky is falling, Henny?

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