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Posts posted by Centrum

  1. I come from a big city in australia and am generaly polite and understand how a line works. But if i acted like some of the people here i would punched in the face. Seems like there is a tension in the air as soon as people have to start waiting for something. The person with money in hand seems to get priority followed by the person who speaks up then the person who just looks angry while the person waiting quietly can just go to hell and this happens especially when ordering food. I think i am just looking for the right moment for someone to get me on a bad day for a good excuse to knock the day lights out of him.

    Spoken like a true Aussie laugh.png

  2. Great idea train the Iraqi army again so they can turn tail and run away from another enemy they out number and out gun.

    Obviously after their previous training, the Americans realise they're crap at training soldiers and have outsourced to a country more capable. clap2.gif

    • Like 2
  3. Great, just what Thailand needs, more endless, bureacratic, pointless paperwork, plus, of course, additional costs for teachers to bear before they can teach. Education in Thailand is poor, English skills in Thailand are poor. Rather than making it more difficult to recruit, make it easier. I am sure most people here have some familiarity with the amont and varieity of docments, procedures, and processes needed to teach? It is discouraging.

    As for the specific question of false qualifications, how about if you can teach, then you can teach. I have seen Philipine (no offense) teachers with certificates and degrees in English, who can just about construct a simple sentence. I have met old timers, even dead beat Australians, who have knowledge and experience, but are not allowed to teach because they have no "paper". What about grant to the schools the right to recruit and process work visas directly? Great, except for all those immig officials in all those embassies.

    I was right with you until that part.

    No way can dead beat Australians teach.

    Greeks, Finnish, even the odd Honduran I would trust, but not an aged Australian.cheesy.gif

  4. mate, knowing the truth about your partner and what they did before meeting you is pretty good knowledge to have, truth & honesty can be very helpful with this. Now if you want to hang out with bar girls it is a different story but when you know that your partner was not someone that ran around doing one night stands etc you can have faith in them. Not all thai ladies have loose morals, some actually have very good ones and put their child ahead of themselves, they also can be very honest, again something nor common in the "local" girls. If you have to have your wife/gf tested before you go with them then it is a very sad affair and maybe you shouldnt be with them at all, without faith in each other you really have nothing

    Some of the highest rates of HIV and STDs are found not among working girls but in the villages.

    Very true. the highest concentration was in hill tribes next to Myanmar.

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