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Posts posted by Alwaysright

  1. I have the usual extension for 12 months from the immigration office in Samutprakarn now for the 3rd time. My address is always in the paperwork for the application There has never been a question abaut report or any thing else. I gues (means: I dont know for sure) that when the company guaranties for me a 90 day report is not neccesary.

    Otherwise I have no idea how to explane this. If not, the fine should have rose up already to near 20,000 Baht! Is there any idea why they don't want to have this ammount of money? :o

    The fine is 2,000 Baht. They will realise eventualy.

    Can you ignore the 90 day report and just go in once a year and give 2000 baht?I would rather donate 2000 baht and I would be ahead considering my time and tax :D:D:D i fare.

  2. From what I remember, he was still writing as late as 2000. Pre- 95 ish he used to have 2 pages in the post.

    I wonder how many lives ended because of his ridiculously iresponsible writings that HIV didn't cause AIDS and was harmless, knowing that many of his readers were whoremongers.

    I wonder how many people are stupid enough to believe everything they read? :o:D:D

  3. You must cross the border and re-enter to activate your second stay. Note: Each stay can be extended by 30 days at immigration. So you can get a maximum stay of 60+30 days plus 60+30 days.

    To get the extension, would I need to go to Bangkok or cross the border? Im sure there is a fee. Would it be the 1900 baht fee?

    Thanks so much for your reply.


    You get the extension at the Suan Plu Immigration Office in Bangkok. Here's a link :Immigration Bureau

    Take note of the visa expiration date. :o:D:D

  4. It's an opportunity for those without tatoos to come on TV and be self righteous. ( don't have tat's btw)

    I don't trust anybody that doesn't have tattoos,especially those wimpy English teacher types. :o:D:D

  5. Amazing! Considering all the Brit bashing that goes on on this forum we only rank bottom place in one category. The French are league leaders in two categories and mid table in a third and nobody bashes them (well we Brits do but that's a historical thing and done in the best possible taste).

    Even the Russkies, with all their mafia stuff, are only a couple of places above the relegation zone and only for fake credit cards.

    As with most things in Thailand there is some truth in there somewhere. As has been said, anything that deflects the blame on to others is a worthy enterprise.

    The USA isn't even listed. :o:D:D

  6. I think tripleT broadband is specifically for Bangkok.

    It is a subsidiary of TT&T, but separate from Maxnet.

    AFAIK TT&T partnered with JST (Jasmin Telecom) to set up TripleT broadband.

    TT&T does have extensive experience as an ISP through Maxnet, and owns its own International Gateway, so you'll have a fair chance it'll be pretty good!

    Tha :o nks forgot to say I am in Bangkok.

  7. I thought this subject deserved wider circulation.

    I have posted a video (6meg) from a US news channel in the video forum, link here.

    There is also a wiki on the subject. Bump Key - Lock Bumping.

    There are many other sources on this subject - including You Tubes on making the keys etc.

    Time for better locks....

    Take a dog !!

    I have 2 Bangkaew dogs the Thais don't come near them. They are all real afraid of the dogs, while my dogs are raised well and when i walk with them they will not bite anyone. I have seen a Thai guy climb a three when I approached with my dogs (they were leased). They really don't like this breed of dog. For them they are killers and will attack anything anytime. While the reality is that my dogs don't attack anyone when walking free they just do their thing sniff around a bit. When someone tries to break in that might be an other thing.

    They will poison your dogs first,done it to my friend. :o:D:D

  8. Strange, seem some German people might have been willing to return to Germany or at the very lease contact his Embassy. I wonder what is the Policy of most Embassies in Thailand and other part of the world is on help their citizens without Funds return to the home country?

    His" friends" wouldn't accept his collect call. :o:D:D

  9. Westerners or foreigners or non Thais who accept this racial slur are a disgrace to their own race. I accept that it can be used as purely descriptive but that is in itself potentially racially abusive and in its most common usage it is akin to "nigger" or "<deleted>", "paki", "coon" or other non acceptable word.

    Sorry, I do not use the word and will not accept it. Now roll up all you "I know more than the Thais" westerners to tell me how it should be, how I know nothing and how I should be kissing their arse etc.

    Big deal call me a Farang,I don't care just don't call me a Thai. :D:o:D:D:D

  10. It's hard to imagine anyone could get by on such little money in Thailand. I have to believe almost anyone could find better work. Considering an eight-hour work day, we're talking less than two baht per hour. You could earn more looking for lost change in Siam Square. Of course, maybe these people are way out in the sticks. Still, sounds like there is more to this story.

    They could make a lot more with a cup sitting on the street. :o:D:D

  11. Bank of Thailand (BoT) had intervened to stabilize the baht's value

    Thailand's economic fundamentals, which are currently much stronger than in 1997 when the economic crisis erupted

    If economic fundamentals are strong (?) then why the BOT find it necessary to intervene ... ?

    Doesn't a country want to have a stable currency regardless of whether economic fundamentals are strong or not???

    Thailand now has a huge foreign reserve, making a currency crisis like in 1997 very difficult to happen again.

    The downturn of this is that while piling up huge savings to insure itself against a future crisis, domestic consumption is kept low, and economic growth relies on growing export. This is true for many Asian countries.

    If you have to worry about the baht going up or down maybe you should think about why you are near the edge. :o:D:D

  12. I think smacking kids is ok, but not hit them like you would an adult. Like one of the posters above said, a light smack on the arse and its more of the shock rather than the pain that gets the message across.

    jknbkk if my 6 foot 16 year old deserves a smack, he will get one, although it will be more of a hit than a smack. Laid out.

    Just pull their hair. :o

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