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Posts posted by Alwaysright

  1. What a story Rimmer, thanks! ! !


    yeah. great reading :D

    Past week I killed a small snake I found in my garage, actually in my gf shoes. My neighbor says its a cobra and he has also killed 3 of them same week. 30-40cm long. How old would it be, and if its a baby, how many more can we expect to be hunting for?

    My rottweiler was bit by a snake a month ago outside the house. His leg swollend up to double size, he ate the flesh off his foot, and now only has a coinsize wound to heal. I didnt see this snake, could it have been the same cobra type?

    They are good eating. :):D:D:D:D

  2. Unless your TV is rated for 100 - 240 volt you'll need a step down transformer to use it in Thailand (which aren't difficult to find). True, last time I saw the only LED TV Sony sells in Thailand (believe 40" or bigger) the price was well over 100,000 baht. But you aren't likely to receive any service in Thailand if it goes wrong and its tuner may not be compatible with the bandwidth of the local broadcasting. If your sony still holds value in the U.S. I'd just sell it and get a Samsung LED TV in Thailand. How much was your sony in the US anyway?

    Just bought a 50" LG $900 :):D:D:D

  3. Its a holiday island. This is what brings in the money so don't expect it to change anytime soon. :)

    Live with it or move to Hua Hin.

    You're right. Whatever the pros and cons of commercially promoted noise pollution, this is a holiday destination for (mostly) young people who seem to like to jump up and down to excruciatingly load "music" for an extended period of time. Can't complain, really.

    The tourists come to party,get it? :D:D:D:D

  4. Mate, I've seen it happen to the girls right in front of me, being ego-tripped by those immigration officers... on at least 3 separate occasions. And he was asking the girls to show "documents" to prove that they are tourists. :) I couldn't help but feel pity for them (the girls)... In all 3 cases, the immigration officer was "young male." Haven't seen it happen with philippine female immigration officers (yet) but I don't go that country as often anymore as my work is now in BKK.

    She is better off being escorted over.My friend has his girlfriend come over with friends coming over anyway. :D:D:D:D

  5. An easy way to check is to apply for a visa and if you are turned down, then you are on the blacklist!

    However, if you get a visa, you may discover on arrival that you are indeed blacklisted! A heroin-smuggler previously convicted and jailed in Thailand recently discovered that for herself.

    in the case of the heroin-smuggler... she deserved it - but still didn't answer the OP's question i.e: can someone put him on the blacklist for no reason at all?? The answer is NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I doubt if she can, but I know it can be done. :):D:D

  6. I'm curious about this as well at best the $750 would be a tax write off if not living in USA or providing copies of your overseas insurance would waive this cost.

    Either way I applaud Obama for having the stones to tackle the health insurance companies who have been getting away with ripping off the US public for years on end.

    If Obama really has the stones, he can simply raise the the medication dispension limit from 90 to 180 day suppy, that alone would save 100s of billions in unnecessary doctors visits, calls, etc.. with associated fees therewith. This simple act will save more than enough to solve the problem. Killing the FDA and buying brand meds from Europe and generics from India solves the bigger problem without individual involvement.

    This special interests health bill is a joke.

  7. The swaztika sign has something to do with buddhism,or so i thought.If the sign is harmless in Thailand then tourists will have to accept that they do not mean any harm.

    Are you actualy saying they are celebrating natizm,cannot believe for sure

    The sign has been around long before Hitler used it,you see it all around Nepal.No big deal,unless you make it so. :):D:D:D

  8. no wonder, there's the highest concentration of Mosques in Bangkok. I guess they are targeting Mahathai road. The Bangkapi area is full with Southerners, most of them have fled the Southern provinces. I'm confident of the police in that area that they have it under control. Lots of undercover in place. There's been a thread going on for some time now. It's more a local incident, probably some are only business related. Not many foreigners around.

    Muslims should be screened for "loyalty to Thailand",the ones that fail should be sent to Somalia at their expense,a tatoo on their forehead,and warned death on return.All valuables given to the state. :):D:D:D:D

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