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Posts posted by Alwaysright

  1. This probably sounds quite strange..but i have an irrational fear regarding falling from a height.

    Thing is, i was a rock climber for many years with my ex, but i felt fine even at quite a height purely because i felt secure (harness). However, free soloing (without use of harness), even at short heights would often result in my joints locking in fear.

    I also feel somewhat fine at great heights on a building balcony IF the wall is solid and doesnt have gaps. However, even if the height is lower and the balcony is say made of iron with lots of gaps I feel quite sick. Same with tall buildings that have wall to floor glass. I even feel sick thinking about it.

    What happens mainly is I keep getting a constant image of falling out/falling down.

    Its starting to bother me because I recently gave up on moving to a really nice apartment with a great view, purely because i couldnt handle the balcony (even though i really want to!).

    I have read about fear of heights on google, but not anything that seems to fluctuate in this way. Some things frighten me, others im fine with. The main suggestions i read is thinking rationally and taking deep breaths..but i still get those images going through my head. Crazy uh. :D:D

    Anyone have similar experiences? What methods have you tried?

    Any advice?

    Thank you.

    Jump off a high rise,it will solve all your problems. :):D:D:D

  2. Oooh, Arcoxia worked great for me (prescribed of course, not self-medicated) and I had no side effects. I used it periodically for a couple of months while awaiting surgery. My pain was not arthritis related though. Arcoxia is expensive. BNH charged something like 3,000 baht for a strip of 8 tablets (1 per day x 8 days). I found I could buy it at Boots for half that.

    I initially tried Celebrex but -for me - it was not as efficient at reducing pain for an extended period.

    I had the same experience with shoulder synovitis. The Celebrex seemed to have no effect at all. I ended up taking Arcoxia 90mg for a couple of months, then 60mg for 3 weeks, and that did the trick. But this was more about reducing inflammation (so that I could do physio) of the joint than reducing pain.

    :D:D Arcoxia is FANTASTIC,When I start to feel a gout pain I pop one and it prevents.I also use it for pain.I use it the minimum to get rid of the pain.I am going trekking next month and will take a half a day. :):D:D

  3. In Australia, this "TIGER" mob is a very bad bet.

    I'm very surprised they have some form of connection to Singapore Airlines.

    Complaints left, right and centre about all aspects of the airline.

    I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole!

    You want cheap flights and rooms?Expect cheap service,you get what you pay for. :):D:D:D

  4. Having just returned from a trip to the US, I can say that it behooves you to mark "yes" on the card where it asks if you are carrying any drugs

    Is this a new item on the form? About drugs? Maybe you mean controlled substances, meds are not controlled substances. I doubt this is true. Lets see an image of that form. There is an item about FOODS. Last entry last year.

    You're right JT. Unless I missed it, there was no box on the US Customs form asking if I was carrying any drugs when I returned to the US 2 weeks ago. Of course, I only filled out the form for US citizens. The non-resident form may be different.

    Perscription required.

  5. Porrage Oats ( maybe obtainable in Bangkok ) Maybe not, If you can get them they will be Expensive.

    Pottato Masher and OXO's Vacum packed Bacon to Freeze ( Bacon in Thailand is not good)

    Gaviscon ( Not to be taken on to the aircraft in hand lugage )

    Most western medicines available at a Price 3 to 4 times the cost in the UK Good Luck

    The Emporium bacon is perfect.

  6. Already done that.

    :D:D I am on the 35th floor and have 3 balconies.One has a bar and the other is for eating.My 3rd balcony is empty and I want to put in a hot tub.Anywhere in Bangkok that I can buy one??I have looked at whirlpools at Home Pro,close but no cigar????HELP!!! :):D:D

    I would first check if your balcony can hold such a thing. You would not be the first who damages his balcony or worst.

  7. :D:D I have had it for a long time,I feel it was caused by stress,and shooting guns.

    I just bought a new air-con and have been sleeping cold.It started ringing loud,I started taking Lefloxin 500 mg last week for a sinus infection and the ringing has almost stopped,big improvement,working for me.


    I am suffering from heavy tinnitus since years. It's only getting worse and I would like to do something about it. Does anyone know if there is a cure for tinnitus and where I should address my problem in Bangkok ?

    I've been told to live with it by doctors in other countries, but I still want to try over here.


    the only treatment known (not in all cases) is taking betahistamine available in different brand names also in Thailand. it helped in my case.

  8. Who cares about the sticks?They need more in BANGKOK! :):D:D:D

    This is just a heads up as there is no further information available as of this writing. A very reliable source informed me this week that new Immigration Offices will be opened in Thailand before the end of the year. The only two that were confirmed were Udon Thani and Khon Kaen but I suspect that other offices will also be opened throughout Thailand in larger cities. In the past there were was a one day a week office in Udon but it closed a couple years ago.

    Hopefully this will be good news for people who do not live close to a Immigration Office and need to report or have other business.

  9. :D:D I am on the 35th floor and have 3 balconies.One has a bar and the other is for eating.My 3rd balcony is empty and I want to put in a hot tub.Anywhere in Bangkok that I can buy one??I have looked at whirlpools at Home Pro,close but no cigar????HELP!!! :):D:D
  10. :D:D:D I have the time and money$$$$ to live anywhere in the world?Why Thailand?I don't bother anybody and NOBODY bothers me.No real rules and regulations,I live like a big shot but I am not.Bangkok has everything I want without the b/s in western countries.I drink with the mafia, police and locals,I respect them and get the same respect in return. :):D:D:D:D

    My Thailand is the real Thailand.....unlike those other fellows :P

    Everyone's experience will be different from everyoneelse's. All we can say is that we have a good/bad experience - me, superb.

    Why? Because of my wife, village life, the serenity of Buddhism, the food, the countryside, the climate, the people and the whole shebang

  11. :D:D:):D Very simple answer,if you see someone you would like to meet,ask them out. :D:D:D

    It`s the same newbie Troll as always.

    Amazing how many of you fall for this load of nonsense.

    I wager we will never hear from this OP again, until he signs up again with a different name and dreams up another topic and you all to chew on.

    I'd actually rather deal with the trolls themselves than the know-it-alls that shout troll without any real clue as to the veracity of the post. I wouldn't blame them for not coming back when they are so rudely treated. If you think its a wind up you are more than welcome to ignore it and move on. Real or not, the opening post's validity is determined by the discussion that ensues, as there are obviously people out there who find merit in the discussion regardless of the author's intent. The troll callers add nothing to the discussion, save for drawing negative attention on themselves. They are the same goofs who sit watching a movie moaning "That's fake...." when the rest of the audience already knows that but is at least intelligent enough to understand that its all part of the entertainment. :D

  12. There are smoking bars,just requires tea money. :):D:D:D:D

    Yes, I was getting tanked with 3 mates and didn't even know about the free food until a staff member told me about it, approx 10 minutes before serving time. In the next 10 minutes, 20-30 people turned up, forming a line in front of the bbq. Lousy, cheap-assed free-loaders. One of us missed out on something to eat.

    How does SOI 8 bar get around the non-smoking laws????

    I could be wrong (or drunk) but did i not notice last Friday everyone popping outside for a smoke?

  13. Did a quick search here and it sort of sounds like the only option is the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok.


    But given that you had this done in Pattaya I think maybe there are other solutions?

    (I go back to the U.S.A. often enough so just go to AAA; they charge $1 per notarized document!)

    Seems to me that "real" notarials valid in the U.S. must be done by a notary sanctioned by one of the U.S. states, not the federal government. Sort of suprised that you got by with a "local" notarial from Pattaya.

    However, the baht 1,300 or what ever it is these days from the U.S. Embassy American Services Section is valid in the U.S. Sort of a rip off but that's life.


  14. I just had two notarized papers at USA Bangkok,$50.00,what a rip off.I will cheat on my taxes and get it back.They should have a retired notary at a desk and charge $10.00 and he keeps it.Will never happen,they acted like they were doing me a big favor and took awhile even with a reservation.But I inherited big bucks so I am ahead,this time. :):D:D:D

    Did a quick search here and it sort of sounds like the only option is the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok.


    But given that you had this done in Pattaya I think maybe there are other solutions?

    (I go back to the U.S.A. often enough so just go to AAA; they charge $1 per notarized document!)

    Seems to me that "real" notarials valid in the U.S. must be done by a notary sanctioned by one of the U.S. states, not the federal government. Sort of suprised that you got by with a "local" notarial from Pattaya.

    However, the baht 1,300 or what ever it is these days from the U.S. Embassy American Services Section is valid in the U.S. Sort of a rip off but that's life.


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