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Posts posted by backsoon

  1. Now here is the most likely scenario:

    The two girls wanted (or were sent by their parents) to come to Thailand to work.

    They contracted the services of an agent, usually Thai, however sometimes Lao, to find employment.

    The agent will find a position for them, organise the illegal border crossing, organise the transport to the place of of employment.

    For the above, the agent will ask for a "head" price, which also will include the first two months salary, which is used as a guarantee that the prospective employees don't flee after being successfully employed (many flee as soon as they gain entry into Thailand; cheap way to visit relatives without having to get passport, & paying for own transportation etc.).

    The two girls in question have most likely done a runner on their employer, and because they have no money, are not near relatives, no bank account, and they haven't been made legal (can only make migrant workers legal once per year), their only option is to get caught and repatriated, at the Thai governments expense, back to Lao.

    That is why they are in the lock-up.


    The girls have done a runner on their employer (for whatever reason, we can only speculate).

    The employer is probably out of pocket for the "head" price (guarantee rarely comes back as cash, usually as more migrant workers to replace the ones that have done a runner) for the duration of time he has no staff. He is most likely not the bad guy in this actual situation.

    The author of the PDN article has no clue about the migrant worker trade within Thailand.

    And before people start up on the people trafficking angle - I would estimate that 95% or more of the total number of migrant workers (Lao, Khmer, Myanmar) in Thailand at any given time, actually want to be there for the far greater salary they receive from the Thai's in comparison to what they could earn in their home countries.

    A very elegant speculation.

    Now what would be done in your country?

    I would rather see these girls counselled by a child protection specialist, the kind of

    maid duties they performed verified, the police investigate and find their 'employer', and depending on the outcome, the law should be applied. Law? :)

    And skip telling me Police can not find him. There is always the 'agent' who arranged this sordid affair. At least by your version.

  2. Whatchamacallit.....I don't mind helping the g/f's son and grandson. It actually gives me a sense of satisfaction that I can help out. I like them too. The boy's 16 and will be earning an income within the next five years or so. The son's pigs will in coming years reap a living income. The rest of my life? I don't know where I'll (we'll) be in five years. I just don't like the idea of having to bring over another large wad of $A to stick in the vault of a Thai bank to qualify for the retirement visa in the current economic/political climate......among other slightly smelly goings on.

    I think you qualify for a medal " FOR NON-INVOLVEMENT". Lucky guy! Almost envy you :)

  3. OP, good post. Good examples.... But you stopped short of culture?

    My belief is, the more is talked about it, the more one sees no substance there.

    Customs, values, vanities, traditional thinking, - OK. But Culture? What culture?...

    Oh, and if you are itching for an argument, start with your definition first...

  4. What could the PAD, Peoples alliance for DEMOCRACY, possibly have against calling for elections ????? -



    Part of democracy is not being forced into having elections and everyone waiting until they are actually due.

    I think you are referring to a republic (which is a representative form of government). A Democracy is a form of government where the people vote on every issue.

    Oi, vow!!! All this is making me sadder. Thailand is not ready // fit neither for a Republican or Democratic ways. Not with it's history, 'culture' and religion. Poor sods do not have a long enough process of evolutionary development in socio-economico-political sphere.

    They could have studied the world experiences, but do not have the stomach for this. 77/78 mil of population is uneducated. The 'cultural' difference is so vast, you can't see the culture behind it.

    Except 'wai'. And a 'smile'. And both of them mean something else.

    So, sooner or later a strong guiding force (person, group, party???) will appear. They will promise to people whatever... (which they can not deliver!)... and Bingo! you have a very costly explosion, revolution, eruption, BIG CHANGE.

    I hope I am wrong. I am afraid I am right. And I do not wish to see it. :)

  5. It will never end. :D

    Even when it ends, it will never end...

    Thailand has reached the stage, when the 'Top' can not continue to rule, while the 'Bottom' can not continue to be ruled in the old, traditional ways.

    Something's got to give. Changing Govt 'personalities' will not help. Military coups will not change. Abhisit, Thaksin, or whoever, - will not change anything.

    This country needs a big change in socio-economic policy.

    I don't see any party offering this.

    I hope never to see another 'revolution' in my life. Too costly... :D

    :) Any group, party or individuals calling for blood, harsh measures, army involvement etc., think of the costs! Then, think again!... :D

  6. It is taken for granted that

    Thailand is full of beautiful beaches.

    Thailand is a top world class tourist mecca.

    Thailand is a happy unspoiled sea resort.

    Guess, which one is wrong?

    I think the problem is not farang tourists, but thai people. And it is not even their fault.

    Any Govt in any country must lead. Wherever they lead, the people usually go.

    Education. Laws. Enforcement. Penalties... Nothing is in place here. TIT!!! A sorry excuse to the detriment of this country.

    I live on a beautiful beach with almost no tourists, very few people on the beach. Yet, the beach is full of garbage. The tide brings it twice a day. When you look out at sea you you can count 100 - 150 boats. Fishing boats. This is the major industry here.

    Each boat carries 6 - 10 men. 365 days a year. Millions of plastic bags, bottles, plastic food trays, shoes, pants, lighters - all end up here, on the beach.

    I know the remedy... But it will never happen here, - TIT!!! :)

  7. I was toying with the idea of actually relocating there permanently.

    The attraction,- Farang friendly Govt rules. Like 10 years unlimited entry visa. Can buy anything. No 90 days reporting, etc.

    Any PROs or CONs from some people with experience?

  8. Could one of you wiser people, please explain to me what the opponents of the present Government ( the Red Shirt faction and Thaskin's allies )will actually do if they should win the next election?

    What are their policies to help the poor and lower classes of Thai people?

    What do they propose to do to improve the "State of Democracy" in this Country?

    How do they intend to improve the system so that all the people can partake in the Nation's growth.

    What policies do they have to change the systems so the children of Thailand can look forward to the future?

    It's all very well to go about getting the present Government to resign, and have fresh elections....... To go on about the mismatchs in Thai society.... rich vs poor... Complain about the attitude of the Leaders of the Government.....To go on about the "elite" and the Privy Council having total control of all decision making....... Decry about the attitude of City people vs the rural people..... The Army...Police..... Yellow Shirts.... etc etc.

    In honesty we can go on about our own Countries failings as they do...............but we don't take to the streets for weeks!!!! Bush's standing was slow low in the 2nd term.. the war, economy,etc... did the American people demand he go? No they waited for the next normal election to make the change.

    But what do they propose to do when , if ever, they get into power?

    It seems to me that all that is happening at the moment, is only a means for some people to get themselves into the place of total power and continue to abuse the system to their own advantage. Nothing will change and the Country will slide forever downhill as a Nation

    Tell me of one Thai politican in the last 20 years who did his best for the Country and is remembered with fondness by the people.Sadly it is ingrained in all of them "Me first, everyone last".. not second....last.

    Thais wouldn't know what democracy was even if it bit them in the bum.


    BAYBOY, you sound like the only one who hasn't been drinking before posting.

    Elections, or not. NOTHING will change in LOS. Thaksin was corrupt, and who wasn't?

    Or better still, who isn't? Or, maybe, who will not be?

    Many days ago I posted that Thailand is stable. Not many people got the drift. NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE here in another 2553 years. This is stability! :)

    By the way, PPT, PTP, PPP, UDD, or XYZ, - which party here has a political platform?

    A plan? A proposed policy? ... Exept proposing themself in the place occupied by others.

  9. I think they need 50% or even 75% of votes. Check with the latest amendments to Condo Act.

    But this is immaterial, since the TIT factor is overriding all Thai Laws. Blatant disregard of laws and regulations is a common place in Thailand. And this goes on all the time, all places.

    The only way to make a change is to lodge a Court action. This fact alone has a sobering effect on the bastards. But you must have factual grounds to take such a step. In other words, they must actually do something illegal. Can't sue for 'intentions'. :)

    This advice comes from experience. Good luck.

  10. Right. Listen to the beeblebrox. Beaches are beaut in Rayong. But nothing else.

    Personally, I would keep out of town. Aquarium in Ban Phe (nothing spectacular).

    Koh Samed (overrated). Suan Son beach. Mae Phim beach. Good swimming everywhere. Quiet. Boring. If this is what you need, go for it.

  11. this happens all over the world. It's common knowledge that foreigners rip each other off.

    Correction. This happens all over the world. It's common knowledge that people rip each other off.

    Any additions to this general statement would be nationalistic, racist or chovinistic.

    Brits do it. Aussies do it. Yanks do it. Russians do it. Japs do it. Thais do it. Jews do it. etc....

    And when they do it, they care about your money, not nationality.

  12. I have to walk through these red animals every day, currently they have piles of car tyres, soaked in petrol (i saw this with my own eyes), reinforced with sharpened bamboo sticks, piles of bamboo spears stacked near by. The red guards are now carrying pistols (cant confirm if its all of them or just a few - but i saw at least 2 guards armed with firearms) i tried to take a photo but they chased me off.

    Still convinced the reds are the good guys?

    From my own personal vantage point having spent the last 3 weeks going through their camp twice a day every day i can say, hand on my heart, these guys are pure and simply thugs. The military need to act and soon, yes people will get hurt, and yes people will die, but these reds have been warned multiple times already, if its red blood in the streets they have nobody to blame but themselves. Simple as that.

    I would sooner not be a Goooner. Or Gun or Atilloid. Calling these people 'animals', thugs, and inviting military to spill 'Red blood'.

    Don't know why, but the gut feeling is you are a Yank. And if I am wrong, you sure as hel_l are Stupid.

    1. Thai army is not supposed to fight, kill, maim or disperse Thai people. It is supposed to protect Thailand from external enemies.

    2. Thai politics are for Thais to sort out. Any Farang, you included, should refrain from being too outspoken. Especially in a bloodthirsty hysterical tones.

    3. Thaksin issue aside (and to hel_l with him!), like them or hate them, these people do have a few issues and human rights to vent them. If provoked or attacked, they will naturally try to fight back. If you do not get it, try to live on 5,000bt/month. If this is not enough, how about I kill your friend, wife, father or brother, and see if you reach for a gun?

    4. Beware! Army is not the Generals. I wouldn't want to see rank and file disobeying immoral orders. Or shooting the wrong way. Such things must not allowed to happen in this country, because the result is too costly and ugly. I have seen it...

    5. Therefore, - shut up and pray to your God, that the guys you wanted to photograph only chased you away... The prudent ones would have shot you. :)

  13. Thais have burmese and cambodians.

    Americans have mexicans.

    Europeans have ex-russians, turks and morroccans.

    Russians had (and still have) convicts.

    Romans had slaves too. But they could (sometimes) become citizens.

    Human nature... not a national trait.

    The reversed cycle is also true :)

  14. Glad somebody raised the issue.

    Perhaps we should look at it in broader terms. Thailand is a low cost of living place.

    But only for the mainstream, including food. As soon as I try to get the non-traditional food, it is all unjustifiably overpriced. Just look at the prices of DRIED FRUIT, FRESH FRUIT, OLIVES, CHEESES, HERRING, OLIVE OIL, WINES, etc...

    I don't think import taxes are responsible. They exist everywhere. I don't think transport costs are responsible. There are countries further away than Thailand.

    Can somebody come up with an explanation?

    Maybe a solution?

    I would love to save the money AND see a big uncomfortable stirr under the Big Retailers <deleted> :)

  15. Send me money please I need a new Merc

    Oh those poor Thai girls with no money

    If Thailand is such a poor country why put on such a lavish motor show each year ?

    NO Thais are not poor they are just greedy !!

    Don't confuse people, please. Thailand is NOT a poor country. And Thais aren't poor either.

    It just happens, that 95% of them are poor. This is a very stable structure! Holds f :) r 2553 years!

  16. I can speak only about my own experiences for the past 3+ years. Not in BKK, in the provinces. A beautiful highrise condo of over 100 units. On the beach. Sweeping views. Quiet country location. Solid, quality construction. About 25% foreign owners. Built in 1997. Good value for money. No regrets about buying or living there...

    But... Management firmly in developer's family hands. For the first 10 years NO Committee, practically NO maintenance. 3 years ago on my demands a Committee formed, still in the same hands. Managing Co cum Juristic Person still in the same hands.

    The way I see the situation, - this will never change! TIT!

  17. Enough said by hot-heads. Let's wait and see. Personally, I want to believe the man is innocent. Too many sticky questions can, and must be raised.

    boy conducted in the presence of independent child welfare officers and a psychiatrist? Why so late? Is a 4 year old trustworthy? Are the memories of a young child going back for sure? Wouldn't the trauma tell tales right when it happened? What was the formal reason for his dismissal? Is there a battle between the School and the dismissed? Was the boy a successful student or a failure?

    And finally, was questioning of the boy conducted in the presence of independent child welfare officers and a qualified independent psychiatrist?

    Before all these questions are resolved, hold the execution. :)

    If, I repeat, If the man is proven guilty, hang him high ! But not before...

  18. Living nearly 9 years here, I am quite happy(we are).


    OP, can I, please, join you in the ritual. Please!

    Thailand is beautiful. But Puket and Pattaya both are cursed places. My personal opinion only :) .

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