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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. 5 hours ago, elviajero said:

    It is also a regulation that Visa Exempt visitors have at least 10K baht or equivalent currency (20K for Visa holders) in cash or travellers cheques. You will also find it hard to find evidence of that regulation, but it also exists and is rarely enforced.


    Airlines have to comply with the Immigration Act which basically says that if one of their passengers is denied entry under the Visa Exempt Scheme (Section 12.1) they have to take them out of the country again unless other arrangements are made (Section 56).


    Again wrong!!! This are the requirements for a Tourist Visa between 3-12 month. Not for a 30 days Visa on Arrival.

  2. 5 hours ago, elviajero said:

    It is also a regulation that Visa Exempt visitors have at least 10K baht or equivalent currency (20K for Visa holders) in cash or travellers cheques. You will also find it hard to find evidence of that regulation, but it also exists and is rarely enforced.


    Airlines have to comply with the Immigration Act which basically says that if one of their passengers is denied entry under the Visa Exempt Scheme (Section 12.1) they have to take them out of the country again unless other arrangements are made (Section 56).


    Again wrong!!! This are the requirements for a Tourist Visa between 3-12 month. Not for a 30 days Visa on Arrival.

  3. 10 hours ago, elviajero said:

    I haven't said you need a return ticket.


    But you wrote: "It's not false. This rule is rarely enforced because they pass on the responsibility to the airlines. However, if Immigration ask for an onward ticket they want to see a ticket out of Thailand within the permission they are giving you to stay, which is 30 days for a visa exempt entry."


    So where the Thai Immigration ask for an onward ticket for visa on arrival?


    Don't wrote about rules what it not give for Thailand. You confuse other board members and visitors.

  4. This is maybe for other countries but not for Thailand. Can you show me where the Thai Immigration wrote that travelers on 30 days on arrival visa needed a return ticket?

    Please show me this immigration law for Thailand!!!


    It don't give it!!!  So it is just a <deleted> airline rule. And they MUST pay compensation to you.


    It give some countries like Indonesia who have a immigration law where a return ticket is needed. But for Thailand only if you apply for a visa in your homeland.

  5. If the immigration law of thailand not show for your nationality that you need a return ticket for the 30 days on arrival visa, they can't denied the check-in. If they denied it they must pay compensation, another flight, hotel, ... to you.



  6. 2 hours ago, elviajero said:

    It's not wrong. You are given permission to stay for 30 days so the Immigration requirement is that the person has an onward flight on or before the 30th day.

    False!!! You can stay in Thailand for 30 days and fly back or go to the immigration and apply for a extension or went to Laos or Cambodia or what ever else. You can move around for a year without a ticket to fly back.

  7. However, BangkokJack can now reveal that the three Australians had pulled up in their black pick-up truck outside a beer bar in south Pattaya only to be told, aggressively by local people, that they were not allowed to park in that spot.

    They ignored this ‘warning’ and were then set upon by a group of around ten Thai men who were wielding bats, golf clubs and machetes. (see gallery)

    In an attempt to escape they clipped a parked motorbike inciting others to join the attack.

    This is where the Thai witnesses picked up the story when claiming all they saw was a black pick-up full of bikers chasing a young Thai man along the road and they ‘didn’t know why and so went to ask.’

    The Aussies got out to inspect the damage to their truck and were set upon again. That time they retaliated and this is what is caught on the now infamous clip.

    Source: http://bangkokjack.com/2016/09/24/pattaya-hells-angels-attack-truth/


  8. I got very strong arthritis pain in both knees last year october. I gone to the pattaya city hospital and been xrayed, ...!!! At the end I got painkillers and a injection in both knees. But this helped only some days and the pains are back. In April I readed about Glucosamine and Chondroitin and because this is very very expensive i Thailand I ordered it over ebay from the UK. I paid for 180 tabs with 750mg Glucosamine, 600mg Chondroitin and 50mg Calcium just around 550 THB incl. shipping.

    It needed around 8-10 days and I was run around without pain. For me it worked very well. But ...

    The UK Seller don't sell it anymore on ebay.


    You can buy Glucosamine in the most pharmacies but for a 30 day pack you pay from 350 THB up to 950 THB. 3-4 times so expensive as in the UK. Some days ago I found another UK seller where I ordered 180 tabs (1.000mg) for 7,50 BP include shipping and wait now for it. MSM I got yesterday 1kg and try it now. I hope it help.

    If someone is interested here are the link to the UK Seller on Ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GLUCOSAMINE-SULPHATE-2KCU-1000mg-180-Tablets-/112131276123?hash=item1a1b8b7d5b:g:uUsAAOSwRJ9Xg6uZ


    And here you can check the price in a Onlineshop in Thailand: http://www.muwashop.com/search?q=glucosamine
    The most pharmacies will have something.

  9. 2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Men getting an 18 year girl drunk and then trying to rape her.  That is what I am reading and on that basis the men should be caught and banged up for a long time.  Everything else is irrelevant but it doesn't stop some posters from twisting the story. Pretty pathetic, don't you think? 


    Only if this is right!!! I wanna listen the other side first. I listen to much right and false stories in my life.

  10. 2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I know that... But according to the NBTC guy, he thinks the Thai mobile providers can modify their SIMs to prevent that.


    No idea if that's technically possible. But that's what the guy is being quoted as saying.


    Wrong!!! They can't do this. The mobile providers don't track you over GPS. They track you with their Antennas and their Cell-IDs. It work countryside on a radius of around 300m and in cities with more antennas on a radius of 30m.

  11. This idea show me only the low IQ of Thai politicans. It's the same with the alcohol selling times.


    They are completly to stupid to organize their country and to look that everything run by the rules. For this politicans it is more easy to make a new law as to order and proof that shops sale not alcohol to underage people.


    Why other countries can check the age and give real heavy fines of 500.000 THB and more if a shop break the law?

    No way in Thailand!!! This is more work!!! Better make a new law.


    But what they want to do if foreigners use their homecountry sim?

    Or simple not use a phone?


    Will be an ankle monitor (also known as a tether, or ankle bracelet) with GPS the alternative?


    Why they not let farang programmers ley edit their immigration software so that it automatic list overstay farangs. It can't be so difficult to find them.


    If this stupid idea gone real, I am sure the tourist who visit thailand gone down to 20%.

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