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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. How much times this been happen in the last years!!! But all this STUPID BUSINESS OWNERS never learn something. For just 12.000 THB they can buy a complete videosystem and record what happen. TV members and Facebook are waiting for it!!! :-)

    I recommend also 4-6 hidden cameras on the opposite site of the the seeable cameras. If someone hide the face you got him!!!

  2. Try looking at the damage to the pick up truck! He wasn't driving 50, or 60 kph, but more like 100 - 120 kph to cause that much damage.

    How fast do you drive on a HIGHWAY??? 50/60 km/h??? This is CRAZY and a big risk for others on the highway!!!

    I drive all the time between 90/120 km/h on a highway. There is NO CITYLIMIT and this is the normal speed!!!

    But if a truck drive there with 10/15 km/h an cannot drive up a small hill, than it's overloaded or the motor is shit and the truck is ready to crap!!!

    And if the backlights not works it's very bad for all other on the highway!!!

  3. From the photos, the idiot driving the pick up must have been hauling <deleted>. Probably drunk/high, combined with a high dose of stupidity.

    I ask me who is the idiot? The pickup driver or you? How you can see from this photos that it was the pickup driver's fault?

    Maybe the TRUCK drive very, very slowly because the street gone up and don't had backlights on (not work)!!! The trucks grey color let it looks like the street too!!! Not easy to see in a dark night without light!!!

    I see almost every day that heavy trucks drive with just 10/15 km/h on the highway without working backlights!!!

  4. Love super intelligent people who just can not read and comprehend.

    Here show me which one is hot water machine https://www2.directtoshop.com/category/11089

    In normal everyone of this over 15.000 THB. You don't must mean because the shop doesn't wrote details it must be all cold washers. It's just to much to wrote for some webmasters.

    This shop has product details in Thai. Just translate it. http://www.powerbuy.co.th/en/d/frontloaders

  5. Thailand does not have hot water machines, because water heating is done by the heater not a central system.

    May be exists somewhere i am yet to see it after 15 years.

    555!!!! Can it be that your last shopping trip was 30years ago? biggrin.png

    When you was last time in a big shop like Tesco Lotus, Big C, Powerbuy, Numchai, ...!!!!

    They have a lot of HOT WATER washing machines and dryers. And this for sure over the last 15 years.

    Just more expensive. Prices start at 15.000 THB!!!

  6. Phones in classrooms,

    Clearly this incident displays why children need phones in classrooms.

    Citizens need the means to record and share incidents where those in authority abuse their power.

    Children especially, need protection from thugs in uniforms.

    WRONG!!! If there were no phones in the classroom it don't give this problem!!!

    And in the good old times this girl got a slap on the face and learned to respect the teacher!!!

    Why so much youngsters not RESPECT authorities, older people and the own parents anymore?

    Because it don't give penalties for this!!!

  7. I read only recently (May be on here!) that a combination of oral vitamins B1, B6, and B12, will prevent mosquito bites. Since I read this I have been taking a B complex which includes all these. Did cop one bit a few evenings ago whilst outside. Not a sufficient test yet!

    And bull samen prevent for aging!!! Try it!!!

  8. 2 weeks ago my TOT internet was shocking. Speeds were up and down like a yoyo.

    Called them and they came and checked it. Guy said it was my wiring in my house was no good!!

    Despite the fact my house is only 2 years old and built to a high standard. !!

    He left saying i needed to change the wires in my house and it would work .

    Rest of that day it was as per usual up and down. But since the next day it has been faster than ever and no problems at all !!biggrin.png

    What wiring in your house? Is your PC/Notebook connected with RJ45 Network Cables or do you use wifi for connect everything? If you use RJ45 Network Cables change one and check what happend. But I believe they BS you!!! Most people now use wifi from DSL-Router. So only a power problem can be or TOT Problem. And here TOT must do something. Looks like they made the fault and blamed your wiring!!!

  9. You can use sea salt together with vegetable juices (celery or beetroot), sugar/honey and it will have the same effects. But it is much more easier to find. Sea salt you can buy at Makro 5kg bags or Tesco Lotus 1kg.

    I tried it just with sea salt and sugar and got a nice bacon. And the meat is still pink!!!

    Another reason is that I store my sausages and bacons in a refrigerator. And it never hold longer as 4-6 weeks.

    Not enough time for bacterias to grow. If I keeped the meat in my room/kitchen at normal temperatures I want to use curing salt too.

    More information: https://www.google.com/search?num=100&newwindow=1&q=curing+bacon+with+sea+salt

  10. It is EVERYTHING to do with my Thai ISPs access to international bandwidth and their desire to pay for it!

    I test the issue with speed-testing as well as obvious streaming slowness.

    Yes my access is much better early morning, Thai time, but later it slows down. Say 8pm Thai time, 2pm UK.

    100% TRUE!!! And the international bandwidth is the problem. Internet in Thailand is real fast. But only inside Thailand. Outside your 12MB speed goes down to 1-4 MB. Important at what time you use it. Best speed is in the morning and badest in the evening and weekend.

  11. http://www.thaiairways.com/

    They'll gladly take you home to your nannystate, politicaly correct immigrant loving country that you miss so much.

    Wow!!! Do you rubbed a glasbowl that you know I miss my homecountry? Listen like that you are one of this idiots who pay the farang price and bring so this problem to ALL farangs in Thailand. If all farangs refuse to pay it, it will gone fast!!!

    My parents teached me to open my mouth if I not like something. And DISCRIMINATION I never liked!!!

  12. What i don't understand is this; I regularly see Thai guys getting busted in their teens and 20s, they all have previous convictions fr either drugs or guns, what's up? Is there 2 sets of rules for Thai and foreigners, Thai slap in the wrist off you go, foreigner 50 years of you go!

    Yes, you are right!!! Same with nationalparks, attractions, hairdressers, ...!!! Farangs got/pay more!!! They show us exactly we are not welcome for crimes but as ATMs.

  13. 1. What is Internet usage in Thailand? Just Facebook, Line, Youtube? Or mean they really for everything like online shopping, online education, information, ecommerce, ...?

    What I saw was just for Facebook, Line, Youtube and Gaming!!!

    Ecommerce you can forget in Thailand completly. A lot of companies have websites what are after 10 years old and never updated. If you place a order or ask for information and prices you can be happy if you got a answer from 2 out of 10 companies. If you wrote in Thai it's the same.

  14. Bouncers dont attack indiscriminately-usually theres a reason. We need to know the whole story.

    Ive seen many many hooligans from the eu who deserve a good kick in the butt.

    It can't give a reason to handle customers/tourists like this!!! If they don't want to paiy the drinks they can call the police or send they out of the club.

    The onliest aggressive people are the bouncers!!! And what the Thais told the police: "6 FARANGS!!!"

    Where are they? Hide in the gully?

    But it listen better as to say it was only 2 farangs!!!

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