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Global Moderator
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Everything posted by cdnvic

  1. A post violating community standards and those quoting it was removed.
  2. Some medical misinformation and posts quoting it were removed.
  3. Some personal attacks that violated community standards were removed.
  4. Some posts in poor taste were removed. Please use caution when discussing sensitive matters.
  5. Removed some trollish posts and those quoting or replying to them.
  6. Removed one post that exceeded fair use provisions. Please don't paste entire articles. A lead in of a few sentences and a link to source is allowed.
  7. Have cleaned the topic up somewhat and tidied up the worst of the personal attacks. Hopefully we can return to more civil conversation now.
  8. Removed several personal attacks and posts quoting them.
  9. Removed some posts containing antisemitism, as well as posts quoting it. Using slang to hide it won't save you. Any more and severe action will be taken.
  10. Removed a troll post and posts quoting it.
  11. One troll post and a post quoting it were removed.
  12. Any hope of readers getting good advice is being lost in pointless personal attacks. Posts contravening community standards, or quoting them have been removed. It's ok to disagree, but personal attacks aren't the way to do it.
  13. One bizarre and graphic post that contravened community standards was removed.
  14. This is a very sensitive topic, legally and otherwise. Please limit discussion to legal matters. Name calling and shaming will be deleted without further comment.
  15. Bad idea. Really bad idea. Had to remove a bunch of racist and homophobic and personal insult posts. If this conversation is going to keep going you'll have to tone it down.
  16. Some barely masked profanity was removed. 😉
  17. Some conspiracy posts and unattributed images were removed.
  18. We're getting weary of removing troll posts so next time we'll just remove the troll. Don't say we didn't warn you.
  19. Removed some posts that went over the line. Just a heads up. If you are throwing insults around, don't expect us to take action when others throw insults back at you. The report button is not there to protect you from getting back what you give.
  20. Image contravening community standards removed.
  21. Some posts were removed for violating community standards or quoting those who did.
  22. One post that was a bit too vulgar was removed.
  23. As I've stated many times over the years, a lot of posts get removed that don't need to be, simply because they quote posts that break the rules. Stop discussing moderation. Stop quoting discussions on it.

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