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Posts posted by sezze

  1. Hydrogen is nearly never a problem . You really need to have a sealed box to keep hydrogen somewhat in . Even the smallest vent will be enough to get trapped hydrogen out  ( i work with hydrogen at low and high pressure compressing it to 200bar ) . Only make sure the vent it at the highest place , as hydrogen is soo light , it will move straight away to as high as possible.


    Yes lithium will burn through metal , but it will take some time . Better put that in a concrete box , as that is unflammable , and indeed a shed outside is much better then inside .

  2. 6 hours ago, Muhendis said:

    The point  is that the stored, extremely high energy, should be isolated from the rest of the low power electronic world by normal protective procedures.


    If the battery itself should become unsociably unstable, then there is very little you or I can do about it. 

    True , once the temp gets too hot , the reaction will start and nothing will be able to stop it .

    So as protective measure , make sure you got all the electronics right and when selfbuild make sure you use a non flammable box . Also when possible, check on regular intervals the connections for heat/burn marks.

  3. On 4/22/2024 at 11:35 AM, BritManToo said:

    I only use Aircon occasionally, at the moment 1-2hrs/day as it's very hot, normally not at all. The fans all run from solar. Better to get acclimatised to the Thai weather IMHO.

    Ok , that explains it . Yes then the units sound prob right . It also gives maybe some people some understanding back , as they might do the same but then get a much larger bill since they are running the airco 24/7 (or all night or anyway more hours then you).

  4. On 4/19/2024 at 12:22 PM, BritManToo said:

    I always think people go about this the wrong way!


    Learn to conserve, fit led lights, learn to switch off items you aren't using, do you really need that chest freezer and air con everywhere?


    I built my own 10 x 340w panels 25kbht, 5k5 hybrid inverter 13kbht, 6kwhr batteries 45kbht.


    Shower heaters, air con and electric oven connected to grid, everything else on solar.


    This runs 80% of my house, leaving me with a bill for 40-80 units/month and no power cuts when it's windy or raining.

    40-80 units a month which powers shower (ok) , electric oven (ok) , aircon ??? The aircon for 40-80 units per month , i think is not possible , unless you do not turn it on .

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  5. On 10/14/2023 at 6:20 AM, Pink7 said:

    My 5m2 technical room have always been a cold room because no windows and how its built. After get 2 x  Growatt inverters in there its getting quite hot in there so I consider to find a way to cool the room down in a way that make sense. Maybe some cooler direct from a dedicated solar panel?



    Been a while but i just had the idea ( well i just read also ) .

    Nr 1 the room is small , having a 9000btu airco is def overkill , and it does consume some power (count 750W/h , it will be off a lot but it does cost some money also , and brings some strain on your inverters ) .Better solution for me would be a "ice battery". Icemakers are not more expensive then aircos , they are in fact cheaper ( they are lower power also , and are basically plug and play). Put a ice cube maker somewhere else , let it run , and put the icecubes in the room in a semi-open insulated box . It will cool the room , and you get some free icecubes on daily basis , and on top , if you know after a while how many ice cubes you need , you can run the icecubemaker just for a few hours a day .

    Not for you maybe , but i think you can put a battery in a old refrigerator , 2nd hand ... they are cheap , only need to run on lowest setting (highest temp), have metal wall (burn) and keep your batteries at nice cool temp .  I know there are selfbuilds around with compressors and evap just need to build the box yourself , but it might take some looking around . 2nd hand fridges are very easy to find

  6. Common knowledge , immigrants go for the easiest money , the closest to home . Now in case of Latin immigrants , Mexico is a good base , as it serves the same language and is a lot more hassle free then US . However money is more abundant in US , so it is still a choice between the 2 .

    For Asia it is a different matter . China is a dragon , it is huuuge , and some have tons of money . The dragon however does have some growing pains , which leads to very small feet to stand on . Evergrande just went into bankruptcy.  It does drag some investors out much further then Asia , since many cash is directly or indirectly related to it. Thailand is a prime victim , since many investors are Chinese and family related and also , money in Thailand is also nicely flowing ( Thailand is after Singapore the biggest/best economy in SE Asia).

    This all relates to Thailand being vulnerable to China , and now its weakening performance.

  7. In my opinion depends on the crime committed .

    This has to be in a different trial , where a group of judges will see the facts and will act on the crime done .For example , a death by accident , can perfectly be normal young behavior but with unfortunate outcome.  A murder can be also , depending on the context , like a adult murder is also trialed and also different outcomes can be there . Some things are clearly wrong at any age , in any circumstance , in this way , it is clear that it should be treated as adult .

  8. 9 hours ago, Fruit Trader said:


    By open vessel I am referring to there being no isolation (bladder) between the compressible air pocket and the water.


    The air control assembly as it is called injects air into the tank. The item is made up of several components which is why it is called a control assembly. Control is used in the naming of this device because it keeps the level of air in the pressure tank under control. 


    The compact house pump range use pre charged pressure vessels with isolation bladder rather than a large tank with air pocket below the pump.



    Example pre charged bladder tank used on compact pumps. 





    That is the type i got also , it lasts about 5 years before the bladder is broken or simply the pressure is gone . Now there is a replacement on which has got a valve so you can pressurize the bladder again ( if it is not broken).

  9. If the connectors are the same , and the pressure is the same , it will be ok . I would say even more , it is better . These tanks are for you to have a more constant pressure and also for the pump not switching constant on/off because slightest pressure difference. The bigger the tank , the more the pressure is "regulated" in your system .

    In case the pressure of the bladder in the tank is different , then it might be a problem , but not a very big one. It won't operate 100% as it is supposed to do with the normal pressure from the pump diagram. Since these tanks and housepumps are quite similar in end pressure (large difference in flow) i would expect no issues.

    Connectors being different , no issue , unless you cannot find the correct connectors to put the pump and bladder tank together.

    In short , a bigger tank is better...

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  10. 2 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    If you spend < 180 days in Thailand & earn less than 60K THB income from work/assets in Thailand then there is no need to file a Tax Return.


    I still think if your country is in the DTA (double tax agreement) then you should be ok . How they gonna check on all of this is a different matter ( what kind of papers are needed and when?).

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  11. 10 hours ago, Dogmatix said:


    Don't know where you are but the smell of pot is not noticeable in Bangkok at all. 

    I did visit Bangkok again in November after years . The smells still are bad , yes , many many smells ... Now , comes to the pot , or marihuana or similar , well that was very present also . Going out at night around Sukhumvit was basically horrendous for the smell of pot , along with all the other smells , which were always present during the years.


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  12. You enjoy your music as how you want to enjoy your music . Are there better thing out there , maybe but you are still the one who listen . Once you come to a certain lvl , the differences after become much smaller . You are now in the so called audiophile area and basically everything goes. Imho , if you like it , ok , if  you do want it even better , look around , but do not keep chasing shadows . 1 person likes B&W other likes KEF and another likes Triangle ... all are right , it is all personal choice .

  13. 3 hours ago, Drop the dead donkey said:

    There is a massive difference between overstayers and illegal aliens. Therefore, they have a long way to go with collecting all the entry cards. Also, they have a long way to go to rid the country of illegal aliens too.

    Basically no , If you come through any border legally you do get a stamp for X amount of time . After that time you are illegal and having crossed the border with stamp or without , is about the same thing. There is 1 difference , which is being impossible to leave due to hospital admission or similar , which can make it impossible to leave at the time you are supposed to leave .


  14. 25 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Yep ... ICE cars are expensive to buy, operate, and inefficient dinosaurs.  Along with the dirty, unrenewable fuel that keeps them running.  Big oil/fossil fuel conglomerates are finally losing their grip on the world's energy.  People finally waking up ... and had enough of the BS.


    Just a matter of time ... sooner the better, for everyone.

    I am in favor of EV cars , but for fossil fuel companies it does not mean anything and neither it does for nature/earth . Most of the fossil fuel is not used for cars , it is used for all kinds of stuff , from plastics over paints , from medicines to herbicides fertilizers and so on , but also for food preservatives to dyes to well just about anything you got including all the technology used in EVs and the computers and phones you working on . Not to forget , many electricity for EVs is made by fossil fuel . That being said , any diesel car can run on biodiesel , made out of fat and oil waste .

    The greenwashing has no benefit , in fact if people do know the facts it will rather put them off then going for it .

    Buy EVs for silent and much better engine performance . Given all the rest of the car would be the same a EV does outperform any fuel based engine thx to it's superior torque/power .

    Now EVs are not the same like ICE cars , as batteries might be a problem , but you can charge at home , which is nearly impossible (the biodiesel part) for ICE cars. Sure you have to count in solar panels but it can be done fairly easy .

    ICE cars are adult , but have many parts which can break and trying to work on any new car is just about as impossible as on EV , which is still a new tech and got some child diseases .

  15. 39 minutes ago, Ralf001 said:

    Tourists actually abstain from coming to Thailand because there are five specific religious holidays where the sale of alcohol is prohibited ?

    Prob not , because they do not know it . However a extra night in town is a extra night in town . There are literally 1000's of people wanting to have a night out in town and while it might not be anything to you , it is to tourism industry ( i imagine , bars want that extra day , even if it is only 5 in 1y). For people living there , sure , 1 day closed should not hurt , in fact should be good for you . For tourists it is a different matter , Thailand is not known for closed bars , all visiting temples (which is nice i admit) , snorkeling in the national water parks ... but it is also known for its famous night life . Just basic facts there ... if you agree or not , doesn't matter , it is what it is . Saying you got a 3 weeks vacation , spending 2 nights in Pattaya or whatever and being closed 1 day will not ruin your holiday , but it is not a nice feeling . I am not saying it ruins the country , history has proven this . However , you must admit that holiday people will spend on this day in a bar more then they do now ( it is basic 0baht , vs 1 drink already finishes the score) .

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  16. Making hydrogen is no issue , it is abundant and basically you can make H2 in your room right now . What is a problem is the return of energy . Making hydrogen by splitting with electricity requires much more then you ever can get back . Also , H2 is quite small , in fact so small that you cannot contain it 100% , you will always lose a bit ( a problem for small scale users , since metal become very flammable after using it to contain H2) . Also , H2 is very light , which is a positive for storing it , but on the other hand basically 1l of H2 is actually nothing .

    The positives on the research side , solar panels with direct H2 output are being tested right now , and production of them will not be far away , the makes the H2 production more efficient.  2nd positives on that side is that new materials for H2 cells are being developed , since the cells right now contain platinum , makes them extremely expensive . There is progress there on nano materials , which are much cheaper .

  17. So far nobody has been able to sustain a fusion reaction for even 10 seconds . So far they have been able to be net positive in energy output but only if not counting the energy used to start the reaction (which is a millions of times more) .

    I very much doubt i ever witness a actual fusion reactor in a commercial large scale energy solution. I am not even sure that is will actually be possible in total.


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