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Posts posted by sezze

  1. 16 hours ago, Encid said:

    If you wanted to install a plug and socket you could try these from Thaiwatsadu...





    We got these types at work , for the small amps ( at work we got bigger amps also , and most a lot lot bigger but they are hard wired ) . I am sure you can draw constant 16 amps out of it , without melting ( if your wires can handle it) . They are quite heavy to plug and unplug but that makes the connection secure and solid .

  2. I did sleep in wonderful beds in Thailand , but i did also sleep in the most uncomfortable rock mattress you can find on this planet ( i think) . TBH the only decent and pretty solid system , is spring systems ( Bonell , or pocket ) The very best i have used are firm springs with a foam topper , those where fantastic .

    Imho , Ikea , as far as i know , got good mattress price/performance . Actually i am sleeping on a Ikea mattress right now ( well very soon i am ) .

    Stay away from standard foam mattress , they are rock rock solid . They now even worth calling them a mattress , even a wood bench will be the same .

    • Like 2
  3. 22 hours ago, Muhendis said:

    Blue PVC pipe comes in two variations. 8 Bar and 13.5 Bar so it's good for domestic cold water

    You have to watch the temperature though. PPR is best if the temp. is going to be in the "hot water" range.

    Although I've never experienced it myself, apparently PVC joints can fail with hot water whereas PPR is a fuse welded joint and the plastic itself is much more hot water tolerant.

    I got PPR fast locking , no welding required . Plug in and impossible to remove without breaking it apart ( as family members noticed hahaha) . So far after 10y , not a drop of leakage , while i did have to fix a few standard blue pvc lines .

    • Like 1
  4. I figure out you are going as cheap as possible . Ok what is possible and does makes sense .

    A are the cameras really needed or not ? They do use electric and even if it is 1 watt , they are on 24h a day .

    B easy and fast , water for shower , i must admit hot showers are very very nice , so either you shower colder or another and very nice option : put some water bucket outside , during daytime , and put some black foil ( or similar) on it . Even putting some water in a black bucket , by the time the sun goes down , the water is hot . 2 advantages , nr1 the water is hot enough to shower and nr 2 you do not need a pump to pump more water , just use scoop method , i am pretty sure you do know what i mean... 

    C Use a fan only directed straight at you and/or your wife . And ceiling fans are not useful at all for that . They do use more power then a standard fan , while pointing at smaller section , but keeping only your spot cool , which is what you want .

    General , Use more Thai behavior . I do not know where you stay in Thailand , but if you do live in small village in Isaan , you do know where you can save a few Baht here and there ( making 1000s in the end of the month ) . Some things are easy to adapt , others are harder .

    • Thanks 1
  5. Vinegar, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide: Mix one cup white vinegar, half-cup baking soda, one tablespoon salt and one tablespoon hydrogen peroxide into a paste. Use a brush to scrub the paste into the stain and let it sit for 15 minutes, then machine wash per the shirt's instructions.


    From internet .... idk if it works but they are all pretty easy available i think ( maybe hydrogen peroxide isn't not checked yet )

    • Like 2
  6. 9 hours ago, Muhendis said:

    I've been using my home brew solar hot water system for the past ten years. Water can generally get just a tad too hot.

    Flat panel (1.2 × 1.2m) heat exchanger on the well house roof.

    200 ltr insulated tank and mini circulation pump below in well house.

    Pump and electronic control system powered by 65w solar panel. 

    It's pressured from the cold supply so has an expansion tank.

    I do love home brew things . Hot water prob is the easiest of all home brews around for Thailand , given the solar input daily . Having a extra immersion heater ( easy available nowadays , including hot water circulation pumps ) and a temp switch and you do have hot water whole year round .

    Pls inform us your home brew system...

    just pressure tank , lines to a closed box with metal ( copper, stainless , galvanized?) pipes and a circulation pump including a extra bladder tank and done?

    What about water overheating ? some kind of pressure valve ?

  7. 31 minutes ago, Chris.B said:

    After the financial layout for the solar system and the maintenance costs, how long until you break even on electricity costs?


    All depending on the system itself . If you take a simple grid tie system , non legal , pay back should be 3-5 y if im correct , not counting potential rising in electricity price .

    For a battery powered system , pay back takes a lot longer , and that is largely due to the cost of the batteries . Then it is also lots of variables in there , since you can grid tie and use the battery pack solely as backup power ( small battery , more expensive inverter) . Or a complete off grid , with larger battery packs , which are used more heavy also .

    For maintenance , not much is needed , clean your panels once a while , as it will collect dust , and that is about it . Panels are sturdy and normally very long living , inverters do fail , but decent inverters get you at least 5y further down  the line ( they are repairable ).

    • Like 1
  8. It's like amps or speakers , 10000 watt pmpo , don't even try to get more then 10 watt out (or in) them , as it would fry .

    or the newest additions



    The list goes on and on and on ...

    They just add a few numbers nothing even remotely related to a real value . Just think about stuff and check out what is possible and what not ( and stay away from high numbers , as they always are fake ( unless priced similar ))

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, THAIPHUKET said:

    It's rapid irregular blinking. Load to the system is normal 220V, no relevant fluctuation,

    LED BULBS are said to last longer, my experience is mixed in that respect

    They do last longer , normally . Problem in Thailand is 2sided . nr 1 is your 220V fluctuates a lot in Thailand , short spikes both ways , aren't very good for electronics . Nr2 and especially the case for LED is heat . Thailand is many times hot , and heat is a killer for LEDs .

    • Like 1
  10. Many things , not available before ( or simply don't know where to find them) , are now possible with the online business ( shopee and lazada as the 2 most important) . Even good quality pots ans pans and every kitchen machine possible . Off course , the prices of these items are as expected , you can't get high quality for 100 baht . Most (almost all) is made in China anyway , even if it is a big brand .

    So bring in the basics and sell everything else , use the money to buy the items you really need in Thailand .

    • Like 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, Pink7 said:

    You have any link?





    Just type in NMC and use google translate if they mention new or not . If they not specific say "1st hand new" but just grade A , consider them 2nd hand . The 2 mentioned i found in 1 minute ...

  12. 4 hours ago, NAoZ said:

    No unknown switch in the room. The wire is hanging right next to the breaker that goes to the AC unit, not sure if it means anything.

    Maybe , older temp control , non remote type . You find them still around here and there .

  13. 13 hours ago, Pink7 said:

    Yes. im tempted... im back and forward now on this Growatt deal and the Mpp Max 11kw.


    I guess its quite a few more Growatt here in Thailand.. So maybe future service and parts easier?




    Did you see this 1 yet , can put back in grid ( grid-tie) or not , 6.2 kW ... even the price looks competitive .

  14. Nr 1 , i do not deny climate change but having anything to do with inflation is crazy . Inflation is something right now , and something for a couple of years . It is a economic thing , and like exchange rates they do make waves . Climate change will change the way farmers will need to use , you are correct on that . However , climate change unlike economics are slow movements , even if it goes extremely fast . This has got no effect on inflation by itself . Yes some years maybe hotter and dryer , but maybe next year you got floodings and a cold summer . The year after you suddenly got a perfect season for crops , and so on and so on . In 20-50-80years then the climate change will require other crops and change of techniques , but in general 1 hot summer does not make climate change permanent .

    What is driving inflation right now is the energy shock , which is like the perfect storm scenario . Thinking about war Russia/Ukraine in a aftermath of Covid and global disruption of chains . Maybe many forgot that also the Suez canal was blocked for a while , another long disruption of chain of distribution/manufacturing . Maybe 1 leads to another ( in fact myself thought in 2008 that a big war is/was coming , never even imagined it was Russia , and i don't think it is over just yet ... no further comment on it , watch the future ...) , but the facts are that the disruptions created massive problems . There is enough everywhere , but it is all in the wrong places in the wrong time , creating inflation .

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