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Posts posted by sezze

  1. On 6/7/2023 at 3:35 AM, RandolphGB said:

    A tourist can survive for a day without booze.


    Would you go to Saudi Arabia and complain there's no beer? 


    It's no different for a Buddhist country. 

    I will not go to Saudi Arabia , i even do not fly with Qatar airways because i have read about strong alcohol rules at the airport there . Can a tourist survive alcohol for a day , sure , anybody should be able to do that. That doesn't mean people like it , especially if you are on a holiday . I can even relate on voting day alcohol bans . As a holiday destination and Thailand is that and gets a big portion of its GDP on tourism , it would relate on extra money in the bank . You are never obligated to drink .

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  2. 10 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

    Anyone who 'agonizes' over bars not legally being able to serve alcohol for 24 hours should probably see a doctor. 





    For somebody who lives over there i can imagine . However , Thailand is a holiday destination.Imagine doing a roundtrip in Thailand for 3 weeks ( it has happened to people before) and going to 1 of the typical holiday cities to end the vacation and finding out everything is closed .

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  3. 53 minutes ago, DjSilver said:

    And again as everyone with a brain knows that covid-19 is not dangerous for a normal person and that nobody have "died" from covid-19. 

    For younger healthy people , covid is no issue . For elderly it is a different story. Many people around the world have died from it , and yes not with it but really from covid. Relatives from me ( married on family) lost 4 people in 3 weeks in 2020 , yes to covid . 1 person of those was expected to die anyway as she was very old and had multiple things going on already , there you can say , died with covid but not from covid (which is actually also not true , since then nobody ever died of AIDS ) . The others were not young , but were just normal people  of around 70y old .

    Anyway , covid strains now are lot milder and are more or less on par with flu . I had flu this y and i gave it to my parents also unfortunate . Nearly killed my father ... i hope the covid i had now didn't go to them , since it might just kill them easy .

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  4. "I've read horror story about how harmful, even lethal, vitamin E acetate (a common additive in THC oil vaping) can be. "


    Vaping itself causes no harm ( a lot less then smoking ). This includes THC. However , the horror stories are true since you can NEVER vape oils . Vaping oil causes a condition called "popcorn lung" and as far as i know it is irreversible damage . Vitamin E in this also causes this and should not be vaped at any time. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Zack61 said:

    And reduces evaporation I would imagine thus preserving water - another valuable asset.


    Reduces evaporation ? no it does not , solar panels are hotter then water surface , creating hotter surface water temp , creating more evaporation .There are advantages putting solar panels on water , like the colder cell temp makes higher power production . However there are also many downsides , like oxygen production is way higher from algae living on water surface then any tree on the planet . 


  6. 110 and 125 , both super reliable workhorses . Maintenance costs just the same .Difference ; the 125 has more power , not that the 110 won't do , but the 125 just has more juice . For the price difference , i would take the 125 every time . You want to spend the least possible , go for 110 or look 2nd hand .

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  7. 1 hour ago, ukrules said:

    I'm going to guess that there's some kind of exclusion involving either an unsafe building or alcohol consumption.


    I'm hoping it's due to the balcony not being high enough, at least there might be someone to sue.


    I've heard that some insurance policies will deny any claim if you've got any detectable alcohol in your blood.

    Considering a lot of people like a drink or two when on holiday that kind of negates the usefulness of the policy for what might be a large percentage of the persons stay. One glass of wine might be enough to negate your insurance. Buyer beware.


    Time will tell I guess.


    Exactly what i was thinking . In fact all insurance companies i know off have this in their statements. Drugs and alcohol are always a red line.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

    More eyes/spying/intelligence + awareness. Clearly not every UFO (didn't they change the acronym recently? big stigma) has a little green bloke behind the wheel. Though they are also there... one would have to be a simpleton if they imagined two trillion-plus galaxies x 100 billion stars with countless planets and moons could not produce something that would rival us. Never mind.

    UFO have always been around , 99.9% of the cases can easily been detected on what they are . This leaves the others , which are unknown , and might be alien . If they are alien , they have technology which i believe does not exist ( not only we don't know , but really cannot happen ) . If it does exist , this goes way , way further then our knowledge and that by itself would mean comparing a butterfly vs Albert Einstein lvl . In this case we would be the butterfly.

    Yes there are billions and billions of galaxies , with billions and billions more stars and planets . Is there somewhere intelligent life ? high chance there is . The chance reaching us ... in any form or way ... 0.00001% . Remember even closest galaxies are x amount of light years away .

  9. 54 minutes ago, Elkski said:

    Just imagine how low cost balloon launched systems would be compared to other means.  40k feet so they could distribute chemicals or bird flu or whatever.   Currently bird flu h5n1 is having a big impact in USA.  Even transferred to mammals like bear, fox, etc.   Jet stream heads East out of China at 150mph.    

    Sure they could do it , but what is the point . Virus particles will be long death before hitting a single animal ( UV radiation is also much higher at that altitude) . Chemicals , well there is a reason you do have chimneys and chemical companies got chimneys/flares reaching way higher. That is because of the spread of remaining chemicals . At x altitude the distance for heaviest particles reaching the ground is safe . Now that balloons or whatever is 1000's of feet of 5-20 km in the sky , nothing will ever touch the ground , it will stay in orbit and get diluted to the point of 0 .

    Releasing a virus or chemical , is done where animals or people are , this way you infect others straight away. It means at ground lvl or certainly less then 1 km/300ft in the sky . Any person with bad intentions could do it , feeding pigeons , going on public transport or mall ...

    So no , they re not used for something like that .

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  10. As far as looking as the Aquarius engine , for me it totally looks like a 2 stroke in line engine . That it is very efficient is very true , but exhaust regulations will never pass Euro 2 norm , let alone Euro 7 which is underway.

    As far as hydrogen goes , any engine can run on hydrogen. In fact , this is a very simple process , just a tiny bit difference then converting your engine to CNG . What is the issue with hydrogen ... a : in a combustion engine hydrogen is very unefficient . The pressure tank for holding the hydrogen is holding like 50 l but you will run out of hydrogen after 100km or something like that . b ; most hydrogen is made out of natural gas. While this is a efficient technique , it is not if you do not want CO2 emissions . Hydrogen can be made out of renewables but then the amount of electricity needed to split the H2O is very high. Hydrogen can and will be used in the future but not in a combustion engine . It will be in a fuel cell , which does convert the hydrogen to electricity and that will power a electric engine . Problem there so far is that the fuel cells are mighty expensive (they contain platinum) and also do not have a infinite lifetime . Work is in progress of trying to make them cheaper , by using nano materials , but forget about it being there tomorrow .

    So what will be there tomorrow ? Well , EV's are here already , and will be here for the time coming. Car industry is very rapid switching to EV and while some markets will take longer , it will get there also. Lithium is a problem , but lot's of work has been done and tomorrow there will be a different battery inside . Like i mentioned somewhere else , Na-ion batteries are the next step and the world biggest producer of Li ion batteries is starting this year with the production of these .

  11. 47 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I using LifePo4 or Lithium just make sure the voltages are exactly the same (within 0.1V) before connecting them together.

    That's for serial , not for parallel use . You can parallel different banks together , but each serial bank need its own BMS as 1 might/will die sooner then the other .

  12. 3 hours ago, connda said:

    We have seen hail big enough to dent cars.  But it essentially is a matter of luck (or being unlucky).  You can watch these storm cells develop on weather radar.  These are usually 'small' localize micro-bursts that effect one area of village and yet 5 km away there is no damage.  We've been lucky up to this point and when we have gotten hail it's noisy as heck but of rather 'normal' size. 

    Anyway, good to know that they are design to be 'hail resistant' within tolerances. :thumbsup:  I didn't know that. 

    Plenty of places in the world got hail storms . Many places in South France and Spain got dents in cars every single year , yet , plenty of solar there . Normal hail will not harm the panels , neither will the wind harm them . But off course , if the hail is big enough or the wind gusts are very strong in the wrong direction , the panels can go flying away or be damaged .

    I wonder if you can get insurance for that , since panels flying away can cause a lot of damage .

    BTW the weather i've seen damaging panels/roofs is 99.99% of the times much worse then the ones noticed in Thailand .

  13. There is actually some truth to it . Mosquitos are low altitude fliers. In open space , they will not go 10-15 floors up . However , you do not live in a tree , mosquitos can survive elevators and stairs are no issues also . This is still same lvl , might be 100 floors up , but for them , it is like flying on ground floor. They wont enter through the windows i you are high up , but they can go through hallways .

  14. Sure , i never heard of somebody who did drink and survived till 150y old . In fact , i never heard somebody who did breathe live to 150y old either , better not to breathe also ...

    We all want to stay healthy many years, but since life includes death, there is no way escaping it . Drink some alcohol at times to relax is probably better then valium also. Is alcohol good for you , probably not , is moderate consumption vs living like a plant (not saying that if you don't drink it it is bad also) very much difference ... prob also not .

    • Like 1
  15. 21 minutes ago, vangrop said:

    I was a provax n° one. Untill recently less than 2 months after a fourth dosis I got the disease. IMO they are ineffectieve. They were quickly put together by big Pharma serving them as cashcows. I'm sorry I am not sponsoring any longer big Pharma for their placebo's. This said their requirement is absolutely useless.

    You do know how vaccines work ? Anyway , there is no telling in a specific case that the vaccine is working and how good it is working. Also , with all the variants around , that is another factor. You can imagine to have been a lot worse without the vaccine, but would you imagine to have less sick without the vaccination . I had covid also , 1.5-2 days of very mild illness , wouldn't even have known it without self test (actually was thinking of a rough hangover for most of the 1st day). When i was in Thailand , i am pretty sure the GF adn some other family members did get it , untested , but i had 0.0 , not even tired .

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  16. On 1/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, 007 RED said:

    The thought of getting a 'local' to clean them every so often had crossed my mind, but again, who is responsible if they fall off?


    My better half has suggested getting someone to construct a 'walk-way' on the car port roof, similar to yours, which would avoid the risk of slipping on the incline.  Good idea ????.  I think that may be a project for later in the year.


    In the short term I'm seriously considering getting an electric solar panel brush system, as shown below.



    The motor is 24V (AC-DCconverter supplied), 300RPM. Water supply is connected to nearby tap in garden.  Handle extendable from 2M to 7M.


    With this I can reach all of the panels comfortably from a step ladder.


    Cost about 10K, which is a lot cheaper than the hospital bills might be if I came a cropper.

    This actually looks exactly the same as this.


    And this is actually already expensive . All you need is a pressure washer , long hose and some long steel .



    I actually used 1 of those , the inner brush spins thx to water pressure . It does not have the fancy premium "solar panel cleaning" name on it , as it is purpose is cleaning cars .


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  17. Maybe you won't even notice . Many countries stopped testing and hospital numbers only see small rises or falls with another wave . Yes new variants , but by far most people had minimum 1 infection , most prob had 2-3 but didn't even know they had . Im pretty sure when i was in Thailand , GF had it, and some other family members . It was not tested but according to the symptoms ,it was pretty clear. I had nothing, not even felt weak for a single day. Chinese people got no immunity yet , 1 city started it but after it was kept under super strong control . Now it is loose and millions are sick at the same time , prob resulting in some new variants, hopefully not stronger but that is difficult to say . For outside China it is a different story. 

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