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Posts posted by sezze

  1. 4 hours ago, peterfranks said:

    Apologies of this is a stupid question.


    My roof is only 18°, as I use high quality imported clay tiles with double lock etc, which according to the manufacturer brochure have been tested and proven watertight at 17°.


    Would you think it is possible to replace the tiles with solar panels, and make it waterproof?

    Not replace the tiles , just get the right mounting system .





    There are for each type of tile options to make them fit on a roof .

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  2. I do hear what you say , but let me ask you this . Did you ever in Thailand see something else ? Were you ever in the impression that buying xxx brand made a lot of difference ?

    What does make a difference : buying a decent brand gives you a bit of security . In after sales then it is all up to the salesperson/shop/maintenance  .Most shops only sell stuff and got no clue whatever you are actually buying , let alone give you any decent afterservice . Best chances are with specialist shops , especially for aircons , there are some very specialist shops around . Problem with aircons is that in fact they are limited to the basic technology . Meaning , a aircon is a simple machine , and people might expect too much ( especially if the installation was faulty at 1st) .

    I have seen and heard good and bad reports about all brands around , some brands are worse then others but not 1 can give you 100% satisfaction at all times.

    Any decent brand of aircon should keep you happy for at least 2 y . After that , well then it is a bit of luck ( or call it bad luck) . Since then the aftersales might become needed and it is always where the problem is . If after 2y a unit fails , try a good shop to repair the issue . If not , just buy new . It is Thailand , if you ever imagined otherwise , then you better stop drinking .

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  3. That certainly is a difficult question . IMHO , for the next 6-12 months , i would certainly guess rising prices . This thx to inflation and energy costs rising in several parts of the world ( Europe) . Together with also electric cars ( sales numbers there very high , creating shortage on batteries ) i would expect for the coming y higher prices . On the possible lower price i can see only 1 thing . That is a big crisis , meaning the inflation together with energy crisis , will make the economy totally grinding to a halt .There are signs that it is happening right now , but lot's of money is still flowing to renewables .

    On the other things needed for a installation . Inverters will go down in price and newer models will come out . Chip shortages are still a case , but i expect this to slowly recovering .Batteries are a different story . They will almost certain go up in price . Battery shortage is already the case for cars , and lithium prices are rising for a while .

    If you check the situation and will invest now in panels then it is needed to ask yourself more questions .

    A will you go with the battery option , it is the best , but also the most expensive . Solar panels are 2nd most expensive item . Having them already , you can already be saving electricity just by adding a supercheap inverter . Even when they are not ideally installed and everything , solar panels will make electricity if they see light .

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  4. 15 hours ago, Pink7 said:

    I need to order 2 x 100 m solar cable. PV1-F 4 mm ? 


    I found this on shopee. 4mm2 ok? any views on levels of quality/price on solar cables?



    They are cables . You do have 4mm2 and 6mm2 . In case your panels are wired in series and are not far from from the inverter ( every m more you get more losses ) 4mm2 is good . In parallel or long distance to inverter , then it is upto 6mm2 .

  5. 6 hours ago, PR3 said:

    I'll bear all this in mind when I go spending in the morning i looked online it says 10.55 amp short circuit and 9.8 nominal so should be okay . 

    They'll likely spend a week or more in store-room before I do anything with them are there any special considerations for storage I have an 8yo son and he's adventurous. 



    Well  , panels are pretty sturdy , as they are able to withstand years and years of weather , including hail and storms . I'd say , leave them in the carton , and put them straight up against a wall .

    Things to look out for are , somebody walking on the panels (like a adventurous kid) and any light on the panels will create electricity . That electricity can potentially start a fire , inside the carton it is certainly no problem .  In case you unpacked them already , face them front side vs the wall and make sure the wires ( connectors) can't touch anything .

    • Like 2
  6. 26 minutes ago, PR3 said:

    That's a very good point, the inverter is for 2x11amp strings. 

    I'll have to check the panels max output, I went to the same shop the other day to do precisely that and forgot my reading glasses..Lol...the joys of ageing.

    I'll check tomorrow and report back...oh <deleted> I'll be crossing my fingers on this one...eek

    Most panels will create higher voltage , but not that much rise in amps , in fact , i did not see a lot of +11 amp panels as of yet . I think your panels will be like 46/47v and around 9.8 amp , maybe up to 10.2 .

  7. 1 hour ago, PR3 said:

    Hi Gents,


    I see this 5kv Sofar inverter has two separate PV inputs,

    I've looked extensively online and cannot ascertain whether they're seperate circuits

    i.e.the two inputs can be of different wattage/voltage and one won't affect the other if shaded for instance.

    Many Thanks.



    Those are 2 strings , each with it's MPPT controller . They can be other side of house , or other angle . Inside the power will be combined , to create 1 flow of electricity .

    The strings on this type of inverter is series creating high voltage . In this case , per string each 600V maximum . The voltage of the panels is always mentioned under VOC ( the highest number on the spec ) . So if you got 10 panels in series , and lets say they are 46 V , then you got a 460V string . However many panels on the market are still like 350watt panels , so in that case you would never be able to reach the 5000W output . So in order to get it , a 2nd string can be attached with also a number of panels , creating higher output .

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I purchased some welding cables that supposedly are good for 150A for a couple of hundred baht.



    They need ferrules to install in the inverter and breakers ....... didn't have any so cut the copper ends off some heavy duty copper connectors (I already had a box of them), then hammered them round the ends of the cables.



    You can also use 4mm single cable (good for 25-32A) then just wire them in parallel to get the amps you need. 4 in parallel will let you draw 100-125A from your battery pack (about 10bht/m). Available from any local DIY store at 10bht/m, places like Lazada want silly money for this.

    Battery started cables are a good cheap source also , available anywere , for a few 100 baht .

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Unless your home has a history of lightning strikes, why would you need that protection?

    IMHO it's nothing but a little extra money in the solar scammers pockets.

    (like the 'special' wires they want you to use).


    Q: How many people have you encountered who had lightning strikes on their solar equipment?

    A: None, same as me.

    Correct , however , there are lightning strikes on homes every single day , and i do know people who did have it . There was no solar installation there , but that is beside the point i think . Problem with solar is that there are high voltages , and they do keep on generating electricity even when the house is completely on fire ( many times dangerous for firefighters these days , as are the lithium batteries when there is a fire in them ) . Surge protectors are near the cheapest item in a solar installation , only a few 100 baht . For that price , why skip on it ? Taking a 50k to several 100k of installation and then let some extra safety let go for a few 100 baht ...  I am all in for saving some money but for that amount of money , i wouldn't skip it .

    • Like 2
  10. Time and date at the immigration counter does count for immigration . So how long you travel towards there does not matter . Also , before you did get a 1 day free overstay , idk if that still is the case  . I had it once and they did actually changed the stamp to the day before .

  11. On 7/21/2022 at 7:07 AM, Sametboy2019 said:

    My worry is that almost every Thai house after a few years has rising damp of some kind wether it comes through the walls near a bathroom or from just the fact there is no damp course or polyurethane sheet under the oversite.

    My friend is currently having a house built  and they have just filled the ring beam up with soil and poured a concrete slab over it. 

    The builder told him there is waterproofer in the concrete but im dubious. Even if there is its probably not suffecient!

    Even if it a few Baht , or even free , provided by you , they many many times forget it , and/or do not add it while you did ask them to . 2nd reason is , are you 100% sure it is damp rising ? I mean , most houses to get water on the wall , from various sources ( the rain itself , aircon condensate , bathroom ..... ) . You only need a sip of water going inside the wall , it will make the paint peel off in blisters in a few years . Especially on outside wall , many times the lack of waterproof cement , together with the splash of rain , will make the wall suck up water .

    Easy to fix , depending on the situation , yes or no . Anyway , most of the times it is no big issue , unless you are working with gypsum boards . Gypsum does not like water at all ( or is it opposite ... ) .Cement doesn't care about water . Yes you do get peeling or fungus , but there are products for it , and besides requireing more frequent repaints and uses of fungus treatment , there is no issue ( prob the reason why they do not use the waterproofing at all in the 1st place ) .

  12. 7 hours ago, smiggley said:

    What happened to the common cold or influenza have they disappeared because of new covid strains?????

    No it is around and this year a lot (in Europe) . However there is a huge outbreak going on , but since most are vaccinated and came in contact with Covid before , the health risks are increasingly less then before . I had covid last month , and on the place i work , i know and heard of several others who are home with positive covid . Many aren't in the statistics anymore , since hospitals are in no way in trouble anymore . Maybe some companies get in trouble because too many get it in too short time frame but that's about it . This will be the case in all other places in this world also . Is covid away , nope , it will never go away anymore . Will it stay a issue ? , well no because it is less and less dangerous .

  13. solar panels can stand normal weather including even heavy hail or high wind speeds . Missiles and rockets , are not included in the tests , and no , they do not survive it . This post is useless , since if anybody here is involved in missiles and rockets , they are not interested in "how are my solar panels doing" but rather in surviving themselves . In order of normal weather or even very heavy weather , yes they will survive most of the time . Standard hail or storm is no issue , storms who do bring down homes , and hails the size of eggs , well thats different , but then it is all looking on how the home survived itself . Solar panels are strong , as strong as normal homes , not bunkers ....

  14. On 7/6/2022 at 3:34 PM, sammieuk1 said:

    The clever Finns have made a sand battery that heats up to 500 degrees and lasts for months using summer heat from solar and wind to store for the winter looks like a very cheap way of green power when scaled up ????

    Some commercial solar farms already use similar tech to heat up salt , creating 24h solar energy ( solar to heat , heat to hot salt melted , melted salt to water , water to steam , and steam to power a classic turbine ) . This is possible in lower scale also , even with less heat , using sand ( you lose a lot of power since most energy is stored in phase shifts, solid to liquid and liquid to gas) . However , scaling it down also means scaling down funds . The more commercial it gets , to more funds are available to make it usable and productive , in case of electricity production but also in money production . For home markets , this is how it fails. Nr1 these systems are complex ( well more complex then a boiler or air conditioner , i work chem process operator so for me this is peanuts ) , so not useful for home use . Nr 2 these systems got many potential failures , see nr 1 . Nr 3 since they are more complex , they do involve more costs in forms of initial investment and in forms of maintenance . Both are out of the question for home owners . 

    I am all for the energy neutral or even positive homes , and yes , we can do something ( temporary , since human population keeps growing) to stop increased CO2 emissions . This however is not for home use .

    Do however not worry , there are new systems/batteries underway . Storing energy into heat is not for all people , it is only for company/commercial use , while it is a viable source . I however know that most people do not have all the knowledge i got , so , no heat is no resource for normal people .

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 7/3/2022 at 1:46 AM, steve187 said:

    get a 30 day visa exempt entry, and then extend at local immigration office for 30 days 1,900thb,

    may need a flight out of the country within 30 days of arrival to keep the airline happy,

    you will also need a tm30, and there are mixed reports of tm6 still be required, if you can still do a tm6 it would be best to do so, as immigration may require it

    It requires 2 things i do not like , the TM30 and especially , the stupid flights out , which from Udon to BKK and later to Laos is just a joke . As far as i read , the TM6 is still there , so i do need to fill in official paper on how many days i stay and when my flight out is and flight number . This means a confirmed booking , which i do understand , but booking 2 flights ,Udon to BKK/DMK and then to Laos Vientiane , while i can just go by bus for shorter time and less money ,  just feels so stupid . Cancelling 2 flights , while just booking a hotel and then cancelling , way easier ... . Ps i i do know airline will ask my visa or onward travel plans , so i do need to show them something . They did always ask me before , and expect it not to be any different now , as it should be ( i go in a country with rules , i need to follow the rules , so 30 day visa with 52 days stay is not possible) .

    Personally i think i made my decision , just book a hotel for 30 days , somewhere in the middle , and cancel it later , very easy ,np ... .

  16. 52 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    No problem.

    You are actually extending your visa exempt entry 

    TM7 form .


    Also few basic photocopies of passport. 

    Apply couple of weeks prior to expiry of your 30 day stamp. 

    Im not OP , but i got similar questions .

    I want to go in October-November for around 55 days . Before i always took a single entry tourist visa , but the paperwork involved has gone up again . Since i am staying for most part in GF home , i do not have a hotel reservation ( needed for at least half of journey ... ) or invitation letter , including id card and house registration all Certified Copy ( were can she do that... pff ) .

    Anyway , the easier options are :

    - book hotel for half of my stay at 1 of the websites , and cancel it after i get my visa

    - visa run ( i think it is possible now?)

    or and now we get it ...

    Can i just enter with 30 day stamp and extend it at local immigration office ( Udon Thani ) ? Before there was the TM6 which you needed to say length of stay , and outbound flight . Since TM6 is gone (correct?) i do not need to say it . Prob the airline will ask for my visa , do i need to book a air ticket out , in the middle , which i need to scrap , so it is no problem ? 

    Or finally get the GF doing the paperwork ( no computer in house , so will be serious hassle ) and where can she get Certified Copy ?

    I think the hotel option looks the most promising , easy to book and cancel and no costs involved at all , would that be a issue ?


  17. 15 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    In this instance , Western Countries are better at wire management .

    Maybe if Thais complained more about the ugly wires , then the authorities might to something to fix the issue ?

    Yes , but we pay prob about 4 times more for electric ( per kWh used) and 2 times more for internet . Electric bill in my Western EU country now , 2 months ago new contract , +/-2000 euro ( exch rate 36 means 72000 baht) for 4000 kWh , so thats 333 kWh/m . In Thailand i pay for same amount of electric +/-1600 baht/m or 20.000 baht .

    Pls stop complaining ... you want premium high end everything , you will pay for premium high end . It comes with a lot of other stuff also like rules and regulations and paperwork where you do not find front or back of it all .

    You all now why you came to Thailand . Being a premium high end destination was not it . You could have stayed in your Western country also .There is a word  which says , you pay peanuts you get monkeys ...  Don't like it go back to your Western country ... I did just came back after 2.5y absence due to covid , and OMG i know again why i went there so many times before and was building something there for later .

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