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Posts posted by sezze

  1. Arrived in Suvarnabhumi today from inland flight . That flight was already late by 20 mins according to the pilot speaking due to BKK traffic. Anyway, arrived in BKK, no passport control since domestic flight ,so straight over to the baggage belt . Baggage belt ... and wait and wait more and wait more . It took 1h to get the bags and i was actually 1 of the 1st of my flight getting them . OK over to 1st floor for grab a taxi . Nope , had to wait in the entrance of the building ... the row was that long . Took 30 mins to get to the counter .

    So yes i can def say they can't manage the new traffic now ....

  2. 30 minutes ago, jimn said:

    People should stop getting their knickers in a twist. These venues are not the traditional tourist venues on Walking St and LK Metro, but Thai venues on 3rd road etc where very few foreign tourists go. Now if Republic, Insomnia, Bliss or Escape were raided then it would be a concern.

    I also believe that is the case. I guess, these venues are frequented by Asians and might have got something to do with drugs/gambling. Some places in Bangkok came recently in the news for similar facts, maybe same owners? I am pretty sure that a normal acting tourist might get a drug test when checked, but when they ask you your passport and say i left it in my room at X place , at a polite manner they will not even check further and just let you go. Btw i did get stopped frequently in Thailand for alcohol test, drivers license , speed limit ( that was just ripoff but ok) and to be honest, i never gotten into trouble , besides paying a fine. Also the police were always friendly and understanding.  React normally , calm and cooperative and i am pretty sure not much will happen.

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  3. Just now, sezze said:

    Wow somebody complaining about pump noise ... I got a Mitsubishi Wm-p150gx2 if im correct . Anyway , besides 2 times now change the pressure tank , the pump has been flawless , including noise . Yes , i can hear it , when it is silent but a standard fan at highest speed will surely block all the noise coming from the pump. The pump is really next to kitchen window which is always open and prob about 3 m from my bedroom . I only know the pressure tank fails because i hear the pump switching on much more then needed . I guess some people got diff standards. 

    forgot to mention , i got the pump now 10-12y ... so change the pressure tank every 5-6y .

  4. Wow somebody complaining about pump noise ... I got a Mitsubishi Wm-p150gx2 if im correct . Anyway , besides 2 times now change the pressure tank , the pump has been flawless , including noise . Yes , i can hear it , when it is silent but a standard fan at highest speed will surely block all the noise coming from the pump. The pump is really next to kitchen window which is always open and prob about 3 m from my bedroom . I only know the pressure tank fails because i hear the pump switching on much more then needed . I guess some people got diff standards. 

  5. On 11/16/2022 at 10:03 PM, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Why would that bother you ?

    It does not bother me right now , since i do not do anything illegal ... ATM . What is there is a different government , with different laws , not only in that time but also looking back in time ? Naah won't happen ... you sure about that ? A regime can change , and they can also change for the worst possible . You think companies like facialbook and google are collecting and selling your data because it is cool to have data ? You think governments do the same because they do love you soo much? Not so long ago Thai government wanted to hand out tracking bracelets to foreigners in the country .... all cool all good ?

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  6. 16 hours ago, rwill said:

    Cash still works when the internet or power goes down.

    And it will always be like that imho . Gold has a value in Thailand , why ? Because people use it as a bank account . But it isn't in the rich Western world . True , but then again , gold is still a standard value coin . Even in the western world . Gold has been since gold was around . You can introduce so many systems but in a war or any extreme situation ( and at some point it will come) things of value are not electronic but something you can hold in your hands .

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  7. Cashless won't happen anytime soon . Black market and prostitution will demand cash . This is not only for Thailand , but also valid for the rest of the world . It has got nothing to do with the value of a coin. How many digitals are around is just the same as how many banknotes are around. There is another difficulty, which systems are applied?

    BTW i always having problems getting small cash notes . This does not apply in tourist places but very well within Thailand , Not many can change the 1000 baht notes .

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  8. What about the high speed railroad going from Suv. to Pattaya ? I flew in the past several times from U-Tapaoand besides being a very local airport there was no benefit from flying from there . It is closer then Suv. , but in time , the difference is not huge ( ok 45m vs 90 min ) . In order to get more tourists , maybe it is a good plan , if Suv is working at full capacity . Otherwise , high speed railroads are much better option imho .

  9. 5 hours ago, PJ71 said:

    This total nonsense.


    I travel through this airport all the time and have never been processed in 45 seconds, even during covid, total lies.

    last 2 times ( including now since i am in Thailand ) the process took 30 seconds or less for me . In fact putting the check and controls during covid were a breeze and delight , i think it was less then 10 seconds then .

    • Like 1
  10. I fail to see why this happens . Is part of my job to always understand why something happens and find a explanation and try to fix it ( the fixing in this case is easy ) . The current flows from - to + so it must be that the - wiring inside must be larger/bigger gaps , so that the current really stops directly when it trips ? When changing direction or polarity , then the flow keeps going for a while making a new connection by melting pieces , causing flames ?

    Is there any other reason ? If not , are there no brands around which do got same wiring inside , or is it something normal ? Im just wondering ...

  11. I arrived in Thailand beginning of this month with a return ticket of 55 days . I was asked at departure by airline my onward flight and show it to them . I did book a refundable flight out so no problem , but i was certainly asked . Arrival in Thailand , officer asked me how long i stay and i answered 28 days since i will go get visa stamp , but no need to show anything there .

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  12. 13 hours ago, MJCM said:

    Thx Crossy


    b...........dy h......ll



    Oke then, if Not going with Sofar and not going with Fanless.


    Will modifying them for example putting a fine mesh where the fans are void the warranty?


    Because of the location where the Inverter will be placed I am mostly worried about Insects ingress, Water not so much (even it is in same room where we store over 50k of Rain Water ????

    There are several inverters on the market which do have dust covers . Remember that they need regular cleaning . Also , you can buy dust cover cloth for a few baht .


    like this . ( type : dust filter pc , and you get a bunch of filter cloths ) .

    On another forum i saw somebody who did make a new air intake for it's Revo II inverter , taking the original fans out , switching them for high grade computer fans ( Be Quiet or Noctua or similar ) for less power consumption , near 0 noise and higher airflow .

    Will it void warranty ? Well if you do stick a magnetic dust cover on , then nothing is visible . Its magnetic , so no extra holes made or anything like that . If you open up the complete unit and use a new fan and air intake box , yes probably . On the other hand , unless it comes in broken , warranty in Thailand isn't the most secure protection .

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  13. Wow , didnt know horny farangs went there . Part of me is also , but i keep that in the few days i stay in Pattaya . After i go to home , and i just relax . Many towns and small villages got all tech right now , and more people then you expect can pay for it also . They are not the party towns , they are just normal regular Thai cities and villages . They are all great to some extend , 1 suits better 1 person while another 1 prefers next . OP's topic is stupid and ridiculous and very narrow minded . In fact , idk what he is doing there in the 1st place , if he is looking for that kind of stuff ( plenty to find if you are on the younger side and speak a bit of Thai language ) .

    • Like 2
  14. On 9/8/2022 at 6:38 AM, KhunLA said:

    This has been said many times , from the 80s when we would have run out of oil around 2000 . There are 1st of all still oil/gas fields found regularly . 2nd the techniques used now are not the same as 20y ago and won't be 20y from now . Making it possible to reach places not possible before . This does not mean we just got to burn it , since most of it is needed for making other products . And these go very very far , including your food , medicines , clothes , and even your solar panels , wind power and everything you see around you .

  15. Where do you draw the line ? What line ? As girlfriend or as one night (15min) stand ? As girlfriend , i'd say , as long as you can hide them and/or not offensive it is all fine . Face tattoos are not ok . As being a short/long time rent out , anything goes , if i fancy her .

    In general , i like tattoos ( dont have any myself) but on the other side , color books are for children and not permanent on skin .

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  16. As long as they are parallel connected ( adding more amps) it is fine . In series ( increasing voltage) it is no good , since different wear makes the total pack perform worse , and puts additional strain on the weakest of the pack .

    In parallel use , maybe 1 pack shuts down 1st but then the other pack will still go on taking on the complete load .

    I do need search for it , but i think both packs need to be on different BMS also ( so 1 pack can shut down while the other 1 goes on) , but im not 100% sure .

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  17. I never heard of inverter blowing up . Prob a bit over the top , since the prices mentioned are also . In Belgium and Netherlands , prices of inverters are not so much different then in Thailand , leaving the cheapest ones out , so standard grid tie +/-1000 euro .  Inverters with batteries , somebody i know from my work is having a 22kW battery placed coupled with his grid tie inverter , fully programmable on hour by hour base ( in case they charge energy consumption unit price in peak ... ) fully installed with 12y warranty ( including batteries) if i remember correct for around 15000 euro .

    Inverter blowing up , prob means , a small smoke trail , possible even a small pop , and some electric smell . 90/100 the condensators are gone and they are repairable . 

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