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Posts posted by sezze

  1. 6 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Google, Amazon and a host of other companies would have been a fantastic buy when they were not making anything and burning capital. All you are doing here is presenting the old canard "if I can't touch it then it doesn't exist and can't be worth anything".

    I did not say it , if you read my previous post , you will see that BTC or any other will always be around . But in case of general public investment , no it isn't. It is nothing but air  , a digital unique number  but with nothing behind it . Would you like to buy my fart in a bag ? I can assure you it is absolutely unique , given that there is a market for it ? If so , would you recommend it to everybody to do the same ? Because that is what it is , Like i said , some people will make lots of money on it , even becoming very rich . But that doesn't mean it is a good investment for everybody , which they make you believe that crypto's are .

  2. 1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Former Fed Chairman Bernake does not like BTC, but he has said it will always be around as a speculative asset.  Give that a thought for a minute.  The same goes for other assets in this world, many are speculative. Just look at Art, and antiques, also speculative assets.  Sure someone will come along and say but it is a tangible object, but yet they are still speculative and bears what the market will take for it.  Why is a Picasso worth Millions while a Stevenson is only a few dollars, speculation, now if Stevenson were to die the price would go up....just like pawning your own items you feel have value, they may have to someone else but then they may not believe that it does, ergo the Non-Crypto believers.  In the end it is an asset class.......

    Yes , you are right. But with a Picasso you do got a painting , which you are supposed to like if you buy it . Even if nobody else likes it , you can watch it hanging on your wall . Same with any other piece of art or wine or something else . You do got something in your hand . In fact i own a few watches and according to the 2nd hand prices right now i can sell them with nice profit . Saying that laos leads me to the next point , i wear them and maybe i do sell them at 1 point or not but otherwise i wear them , like i did when i bought them in the 1st place .

    You might take your bitcoin or any other digital current in a offline wallet and get that HDD in your pocket anywhere , but then it is still just a HDD .

    In case of stocks , yes also speculative , but also there , you are supposed to think this company will do good , and continue to grow . Would you invest in a company which do not make anything ? The HDD company where the BTC is stored , yes might be , the data on the HDD , naaahh not interested .

  3. 2 hours ago, Stygge said:

    No, of course not. It´s also used for dark net shady affairs and by criminals washing stolen real money white. So there will always be a demand for crypto.

    being used/demand for it is not the same like a valuable thing . Yes , there will certainly always be a demand for it , especially in "dark money" . It is something different then investing in it for the general public . Charts do not mean anything , since there is basically nothing at all backing it . There is nothing more then a digital number . I always said it and i will keep saying it . Will some people get rich from it , yes , but again that is something else then investing for the general public . 

    • Like 1
  4. 17 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    As long it's only water .......

    However, many or most use harmful and cancer causing flavour ingredients. ????

    It is not water , It is glycerine and propylene glycol . The glycerine is the visible smoke , but holds nearly no flavor and evaporates at higher temp . The prop glycol is not visible but holds flavors very well and reduces the boiling temperature . The flavors used should be non harmful , they can't be oil based ( or you get what they call popcorn lungs , and there have been cases before of it happening ) . The flavors are many times the same they use in cooking products . So if you can cook with them , basically the same elements you smell are the same used in vaping , only at different amount and different solvent used .

    I did vape for a few years , but thx to the ban in Thailand i had to switch each time in Thailand back to regular cigs and at 1 point , i couldn't switch back to vaping again ( unfortunate). I can tell you from personal experience that it is a lot better to vape then to smoke . For taste , smell , color of skin , fresh breath , lung capacity ...

    In causing cancer it off course can't be known like that but let me explain it to you different . With smoking , you burn stuff . Burning stuff breaks down organic material into different components , which are not there before . With vaping you do not burn , you boil . With boiling , the original components stay the same , only at different state , which is much better controlled on what is in that vapor , dangerous or not .



  5. Thai Pass might not be like before , but it ain't rocket science . If you go longer then 1 month , there is a lot more paperwork to do then you got to do for Thai Pass. I did it 2 weeks ago , including the hotel reservation ( which i now cancelled since no longer needed , arrival on 11th ) and including buying the insurance and booking the hotel , that was done in +/- 1 hour and then scanning it all and putting it in TP took me another 15 mins or so . I did it on 14th , so Songkran on Thursday , thinking this will take at least a week . Monday i did get my TP ... yes it is a bit more of a hassle then before , but going to US for a 3 day visit from Europe requires also much more .

  6. 2 hours ago, PJ71 said:

    Unless you already have an existing TP.


    It is very clear on that page .... again , if you open something official like that and a big popup screen opens , read it just a tiny bit to know if it is for you or not. This is not difficult to understand and is very clear . I did not made the text larger, these are not small letters tucked away in a corner somewhere .

    • Sad 2
  7. Do not use too much fertilizer on fresh grass . Water is the best it needs and best a few times a day , it does got sun , together with water and halfway decent soil and it will be fine . After a while , Nitrogen fertilizer can be used , but you can also use some of the black soil they sell , sprinkled across the top . It is rich in nutrients and won't burn your grass .

  8. 2 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

    Travel rules maybe ok, but add non e cigarette smoking or be fined, drinking alcohol on the beach and get fined, don't wear a mask and you have a problem, ride a motorcycle with no helmet as the locals do and get fined,  pay extra for entrance fee and or food in some places, have less to spend because of the expensive THB and pay for an insurance that doesn't pay out are a few  ore things to add before visiting the country...

    E cig : long time rule , way before Covid

    Drinking on beach : same and as far as i know not in all places

    Don't wear a mask : yes , but many countries got those rules

    No helmet : Thais get fines also

    Pay extra : always have been like that ( well at least 30y i don't know about 50 or 100 y ago )

    Expensive THB : it is lower then last few years , with 1 peak exception last year . Before Covid , THB was way stronger .

    Insurance : true but i wouldn't travel without it , especially now .

    So , either you are willing to go Thailand or not . Most of the things have got nothing to do with Covid so it just might have been 2018 or 2025.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, redwood1 said:

    Odds are 10 to 1 it was a Indian .......Most farang don't fall for this ladyboy hugging nonsense.....


    Also guys please dont use a wallet in Thailand, its just plain stupid.....You're asking for trouble.... 

    It is not the wallet , it is where you put it . I put my wallet in front pocket and put my hand in my pocket . Back pocket , you wont feel , something i learned back in Spain when i was much younger . I did feel and didn't lose it because he gave it back straight away , but i know how fast it is ...

  10. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I think it will eventually be an annual shot. 

    Yes , it will fade off , and is already close to flu in order of disease . I expect a booster after summer for Europe , since they expect a peak again in autumn . Will it be just as big vaccination round as before , i highly doubt . Prob will be the same like with flu shots which are recommended for +50y or with underlying conditions . Some countries will hold on to stronger rules , but if hospital numbers are like now , there is nothing to worry about .

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