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Everything posted by Mason45

  1. Hi all, I'm 77 years old and I enjoy good health and have a brisque 90 minutes walk every morning. The 2 things I hate is of course the soi dogs and those dreaded footpath paving bricks. The original pavers were set perfectly but then along comes the people who do repairs to water connections etc but never reset the pavers properly. Many look fine but have no compacted soil underneath them. You stand on them and on your bum go. Cheers.
  2. My wife of 20 years is from the back blocks of Korat. She's one of 10 kids, none of them completed primary school. It really shows up when she has to make a quick decision. She can go into total meltdown even on every day subjects.
  3. Hi all, as I've been told to reduce my weight I'm wondering which Thai beers have the lowest calories. Where I'm living right now they mainly sell Singha and Chang. My Beer and Archa are also available and both are 4.5%. What would that equate to in calories? Thanks.
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