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Posts posted by johnefallis

  1. 70% only?

    Why should I pay more for this low quality drinking water?

    What about in 7/11? There are many brands of bottled water to choose from. Any clues?

    40% for water supply utility?

    Pretty low indeed. ..

    most of restaurants in Thailand don't care to use clean water.... Eatin' out here in Thai is to destroy your health.....

    I want them to check restaurants , food courts and street stalls too.

    I really doubt.... Will it be lower than 40% passin' the quality requirements,FDA?

    The article was about VENDING water, you know the machine, put in a coin, fill your own container for cheap....

  2. 70% only?

    Why should I pay more for this low quality drinking water?

    What about in 7/11? There are many brands of bottled water to choose from. Any clues?

    40% for water supply utility?

    Pretty low indeed. ..

    most of restaurants in Thailand don't care to use clean water.... Eatin' out here in Thai is to destroy your health.....

    I want them to check restaurants , food courts and street stalls too.

    I really doubt.... Will it be lower than 40% passin' the quality requirements,FDA?

    The article was about VENDING water, you know the machine, put in a coin, fill your own container for cheap....

  3. "transferred" does that mean they will be stationed somewhere else are is the program that has supplied (Thanks to their language abilities and familiarity with Thailand, the foreign volunteers provide invaluable assistance in dealing with compatriots who face problems during their stays here, Capt Torpan said.) this invaluable service will be deleted? Is this a too good to be true scenario? The tourist police are so good that we don't believe it and therefore have to delete it. I just don't think the Thai people like competition, and that's why we can't work here. in order to work here we would have to be obviously inferior such as one from Burma or Laos. What a weird article! :blink:

    ...What a weird article??? What a weird comment! Too busy bashing to understand it I guess.blink.gifblink.gifblink.gif

    I just love all the whiners on Thaivisa forums...

  4. ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

    They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

    For all it is worth it is 9/10ths :o

    Remeber the airport take over by the 'Other Side' ?? :jap:

    The "other" side??? You mean the PAD has 2 sides?

  5. In America (my country) companies like to say they do not discriminate against gender, age, physical looks and... and ... when hiring. -But a good looking 25 year old will get a job over a aging 40 year old for a position -- not only because of age, but because the other person is cheaper to hire. Look at Fox News, do you ever see a member of their news team that is ugly and over 40??? Yet, this particular news (?) agency will accuse various companies or government organizations for discrimination (by the way, I am not a Fox fan.

    I like the thai way of just saying what they really want for job qualifications than lying and acting like they are open to all applicants.

    Absolutely! I have almost always been "the boss" when it comes to hiring. I have ALWAYS chosen my staff based upon what I thought I needed to make things work. While I would like to see more equal opportunity laws in Thailand I would chose the way it is now over a nanny state that makes an employer make unwise choices.

    I also agree. Nobody is perfect and life is not fair. Honesty trumps hipocracy every time.


  6. Back at DM airport, years ago, I was stuck in a transit space with other passengers - waiting for hours for a delayed take-off. On the intercom, there were loud (very loud, as it has to be in Thailand) announcements every minute or so. The voice was obviously a trans-sexual (I hesitate to say the 'k' word on T.Visa, for fear of being bounced). There was muted giggling adjoining each announcement. For some people, that may seem fine, but others of us don't particularly like being loudly spoken at, with a feminine man's overly-effeminate voice accompanied by giggling - periodically for hours on end.

    K word??? KATOEY? What's wrong with that?

  7. Yes , Thailand can be cold , even very cold . Remember that people , and even you if you live there , are adapted to 25 to 35 degrees celcius . If the temp drops below 15 you will feel very cold . If it even drops further ( here and there it might freeze !!! ) there is a very severe risk of undercooling .

    Clothes are readily available , but it still get's cold . Most people do not have warm water and have nowhere to heat up . Undercooling your body makes your body vulnerable . Then we come to the diseases . Yes , they are transmitted by virusses and bacteria . However , if you get undercooled , your body immune system is not 100% . You have more chance of having all kinds of diseases .



  8. To Sting123

    I don't know where you live, but here in the North East is is cold.

    Thai houses do not have insulation and have no heating. So I suggest you turn off your heating and leave your windows open for a couple of days, and then when you awake at 6am with an inside house temperature of about 14C, you will understand.

    Really? Are you kidding me? I'm in southern California right now, and I wake up every morning to a lower temperature than that where I live and call it wonderful. In fact, todays high 24 celcius, low 8. Windows open, no heat on.

  9. Crime is heavily under reported in Thailand due to the fact that the police are either incompetent, involved, or likely to take advantage of the situation. I expect the real numbers are much higher. Can't comment on the missing people stuff as they don't say for how long or what efforts were made to find them. But we know stalkers do use the internet to find victims so no reason to doubt it happens here too.

    In Western countries one finds a bigger trust in the police and police working the chat rooms to catch these perverts.


  10. Wow, Thai complaining about working on a farm with low pay or no pay. I can see the no pay being a crime, but low pay that's standard for any migrant laborer in any country.

    I never once seen Hmong or Vietnamese complain about low wages as they picked strawberries in California fields.

    Next thing you know, Juan Valdez will be bitching about him getting low pay and extreme working conditions to pick each individual coffee bean for you and I to savior.

    Mexican labors don't sue for low wages for picking grapes for your wine or Oranges, apples, vegetables, etc.

    Just tell Thai. If you don't like it there, then point to the ocean and say, Thailand is that way, enjoy your swim.

    First READ the OP again, than THINK, and after you have managed those two, come back here and we will see if you have learned anything.

    Where are you from? Hick o Ville?

    Nah, he's just a douche-bag

  11. Why wasn't this criminal arrested at the scene, when it was established that she was driving illegally because she was under-age and had no licence?

    Of course she will do no jail time, because of her families influence.

    Justice for all? Not a chance in this corrupt Country. Money is God here. bah.gif

    They're not in the U.S.

    That's the only corrupt country that supposedly guarantees justice for all, that I know of anyway.

    You should go down to the courthouse and tell them all how stupid and corrupt they are.

    Oh, yeah, and how great your own country is that you would rather be here.

  12. Anorakspost-87530-0-42811700-1292315099_thumb.j

    This is Thailand, don't forget to wear your hard hat under coconut trees.

    Great photo, Kwasaki. It points out the ridiculousness of the new law.

    The main cause for the accidents is the risk takers. I see many responsible bike riders moving slowly along the highway, but I see just as many more young men (without helmets) racing between trucks and cars at high speed. They fly down narrow sois with no idea what is just around the corner. There are more ways to kill yourself on a bike than banging your head on the pavement. I always wear my cheap helmet and just take the chance that it will protect me, but I don't take risks in jumping lights, running red lights or dodging in and out of narrow gaps in traffic at high speed. One tiny error in judgement, or a patch of oil on the road and you are down in front of fast moving vehicles. The mirrors on the small scooters are totally inadequate for good vision on what's happening behind you.

    Enforced Helmet Zones seems best to me. Can't get most folks to wear one normally nor expect them too. Preaching from on high doesn't help. Personally I don't like wearing a helmet -fun reduction and its luggage = lose/stolen risk

    Yes Ian great photo and agree with you both, in our village I see the kids all piling on top of each other 5 or 6 on one bike having fun.

    I was told simply by my policeman friend that you have to take care of motorbike riders when you are in Thailand because in your car you are bigger than them and it's you that can hurt them, especially if it's kids because if you hit them it will be your fault and make sure you honk your horn at them.

    I say take care give them a wide berth keep away from them as much as possible and, yes, honk your horn at them.

    There's a guy who gets on the bike forum, he has a great saying. " If shit happens, it happens, and there's nowt you can do about it ".

    Most people here are certainly missing the point alright, the fact this is Thailand seems to have slip there mind and are trying to bring there own draconian enforcement laws and mind sets of what country they come from into Thailand, I strongly disagree.

    If they want to wear a helmet when others don't, fine, if you wear a piece of plastic so you don't get fined, fine, if at times you don't have to wear a helmet, fine. Thai people do what they want, it is not for anyone here to tell them otherwise they are Thai people and you are not.

    I only wear a helmet here when I have to, when I started riding motorbikes in England you didn't have to wear helmets but I bought one because guess what !!! you can go faster, just like the helmet wearing motorbike racers I like having the freedom not to wear a helmet, whether there's laws or silly laws.

    You had me at "they are Thais, and you are not"!

  13. THere is no argument for not wearing a helmet.It is nothing to do with "nanny" states etc.

    It is quite simple

    A helmet will save you only from glancing blows - but anyone who has any experience of RTAs will tell you that they are the main cause of death with motorcyclists.

    THese deaths or injuries cost YOU and ME money - we pay for the medical bills, the pensions and day care centres - the family on welfare etc with no bread winner. tHese deaths cost the nation millions every year.

    What I can't understand is the nationwide resistance to wearing helmets in Thailand - I have never witnessed it elsewhere - even Machismo Spain and Italy agree that a helmet makes sense

    Yeah, and body armor would certainly reduce injuries and increase survival rates, especially for those riding in buses, on top of garbage trucks, etc. In fact, we should all have to run around in big fireproof plastic bubbles with air filtration systems, etc.... ?

    We should all be forced to take vitamins everyday too, you know, to increase health and reduce disease, for everybody's benefit.

    Don't you think?

    Just another point of view.

    They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

    Good quote. Would surprise me if many on here actually understand what it means....

  14. I would like to know how many of the fatalities involvied those wearing the 200B plastic brain-bins. Seriously, what is the point of those things? Wrapping a 50B towel around your head would be safer and quicker to mop up the blood.

    Also, i would be interested to know how many of those fatalities involved more than 2 on a bike and riders/passengers who were inebriated. There is a lot more to this than just wearing a 'helmet' (can somebody please define 'helmet' in Thailand.).

    Lets be real here. the following laws need to be introduced;

    1, ALL passengers on a motorbike need to wear a helmet of a certain standard at all times of each day, regardless of where they live. If you can't afford a helmet, ride a bicycle. (agree that subsidising quality hemets is a tremendous idea and would save the health authority in the long run)

    2, Drunk riders will be fined heavily. (Standard roadside sobriety tests could eaily be introduced) and bike impounded.

    3, Riders must be a minimum of 16 years old outside of major cities and at least 18 in major cities.

    4, Bikes must be serviced at least once a year and a record kept in the bike.

    There are a whole host of others that need to be introduced but lets crawl before we can walk, hey.

    If they have all that wherever you're from,...maybe just go back?

  15. I think this forum should be renamed the "old woman winging wanke_rs and wosers forum". Take a look at yourselves!! ... U leave your own over priced and regulated country to come and live in a place where there is some freedom to decide on the level of risk that you r going to live your life with. Most of what I read on this forum is about having more laws and more fines and more restriction of indivuality. Please <deleted> and let natural selection take it course.

    Hahaha, well said. My sentiments exactly.

    Though I do have to say there are a lot of good comments in this particular post as well.

  16. You guys bitch about having more then 2 on bikes and helmet quality, you go pay for an extra bike or car and a nice helmet for a poor thai family then. They don't even have mosquetto nets or shutters and any toilets in the NE let alone these luxuarys.

    Get real idiots.

    Long night?

    If you can afford a motorbike for 20k baht (used), you can also afford a helmet for 200 baht. Which, despite being a little piece of plastic and foam, will be way better than nothing.

    So poverty is an excuse for not following the law is it??

    Most families own helmets, but choose not to wear them. Fairly sure that some of those poor NE families you talk of have enough cash for dads beer as and when he wants it.

    Question of priorities. getting smashed or brain smashed in??

    If familiies can't afford helmets then clearly there is a need that requires a solution. Perhaps the government could make helmets freely available when a bike is bought then no one has any excuses.

    And yet another reasonable comment minus the whining and b!tching that so often engulfs important topics and their discussions. Take notice whiners.

  17. I think just getting the new generation to accept that wearing a helment (no matter how bad it is) is a step in the right direction. As soon as it becomes the norm, it will soon become a game of fashion and status.. the more expensive your helment, the higher on the pecking order... it would work.. wouldn't it? :blink:

    I suggest NO fines. Then we have no "poverty" issues to deal with. Just impound the bike 1 day for the first offence, 3 days for the second and 1 week for the third. People despise walking, so they soon will all be wearing the best helmet that they can afford!

    Problem solved! now if we only had a way to keep your hair pretty...the world would be perfect. :unsure:

    Wow, good post!

    ATTENTION NEGATIVE NANCY'S: take notice of what a constructive, reasonable post looks like. A complete lack of whining and bitching about Thailand and trying to compare it to what it is not (and we hope it never will be), the WEST.

    @the poster, great suggestions.

    Might I suggest that instead of all the would be taxes that would be put in place to make this more like the west by some of the other posters gripes and comments, that they just donate an equal amount of money they clearly would be willing to pay by virtue and force of western style taxes, then when the kids get stopped, they can be given a free helmet once before the bike is taken away as you suggest?

    An ugly one of course ;-)

  18. It goes deeper than that - 1,000 Baht mark up here and there does not work out to be 20M Baht in properties. BiB will be working (maybe) to solve this. That is why extradition has been stalled.

    Really? Like sooo many of your infinately knowledgable comments, I'd like to know where your information for this comes from? I'm so tired of opinionated busy-bodies that I just want to seperate them from the rest. Which are you? So you think the mark up between China and the U.S. on the likes of Tev-tropin and others over 11+ years is not much? A few thousand baht?

    Did you even read the article? I didn't see anything that stated the police were....oh, nevermind that obvious point...

    Why don't you do the math for us Einstein, I'd like an in depth explanation.

    After all, you've been taking up my time with your comments for years now.

    About time somebody checked you.


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