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Posts posted by johnefallis

  1. Double pricing. Get real you make more and the double pricing is so easy to get around in most cases it is a non issue. Once agian bitching about a hundred baht here or there is ridiculous.

    Since you don't seem to mind, Give us your name and we will put you on a list to be double charged in every country you visit...just because you are not from there... and you MUST share your money with every stranger you meet that you make money money than. When you run out of money, lets see how many people will share their money and allow you to gouge them for double.

    Sure it is less than we pay for at home. But it is because of people like you that make it this way.

    When Japanese tourist go to the UK or America or Australia we don't charge them double because their incomes and cost of living are might be higher. Do we?

    Why should Thais have this right?

    If you don't mind turning a Buddhist culture from a non-materialistic culture to one of not only thinking of money, but one that justifies charging double because of your race, maybe you are the one missing the point of what Thailand really is and leave, so as not to further pollute it with such thinking.

    Overpaying not only sends the wrong message but creates a cultural snowball effect of more greed, corruption and crime.

    I don't think this is anything unique to Thailand. One only has to look at the ridiculous social welfarism and rampant socialism in the the US, UK and other developed nations...You state that we get doubled charged because of our race. Well, the same argument goes in welfarism. Why should I pay twice the taxes in the US, UK the Euro region etc etc to buy some 18 year old girl who got drunk and pregnant a house, a toaster, a DVD player etc etc...IS this not the cultural snowball effect in a much grander scale of being discriminated against for working, saving and being prudent to subsidise the imprudent, the credit card junkies and the irresponsible and lazy.

    Many in the UK face double pricing in the form of taxes to fund a corrupt system.

    Most intellegent thing I've read all day!

  2. I really don't think there were more than 11 million tourists 48 years ago in Thailand. Or 47, or 37, or 27, or 17 or even 7 years ago. What a crock of sh#t piece of journalism.

    For all of you that don't understand that a 22% drop in tourism from 1 year to the next and the loss of overall growth is what they are referring to, it is...

  3. Question for Siam Legal or Sunbelt Asia, whatever legal entity is involved with sponsoring with Thaivisa: Is there any possibility of bringing a lawsuit against King Power, Police, the "Translator", etc. and getting a hearing in a civil court where they will have to answer for themselves? Or is this whole place so corrupt that this is not an option? How about a formal complaint/demand for an investigation?

  4. I can't even read anymore of this crap. Almost one full+ page already of mostly ignorance and uninformed OPINIONS. Just like A_holes, everybody's got one. I'd sure like to know what countries a lot of you are from that you

    THINK anything has every been changed with a 100% peaceful protest of any kind.

    In fact the only mostly criminal collection of individuals I've seen named are the police and government, which are both armed. Cheese and RICE!!!,

    No wonder why a lot of you guys came to Thailand, they'd had enough of you in your own countries most likely.

    Lets ask Mahatma Ghandi's ghost if peaceful protest ever changed anything?

    CHANGE! : it happens every year month day hour minute second of all our lives.

    Big changes sometimes take a bit longer, such that we don't SEE the change unless looking back.

    Ever heard the saying "the empty can rattles the most"?

    Do you even think about what you say....before, during or after you write it?

    I wonder if senility is bliss? Care to comment on that?

    It's a shame you can't understand something so clear, logical and concise...

    I guess your world view is so skewed in another direction only violent actions can be seen as adequate change.

    No point wasting effort to explain this further. Peace Blondie left an extended rebuttal earlier anyway.

    I am sure you will continue to rattle for a spell here.

    Yeah, I'm rattling, haha. What is it you think I can't understand? Is it the fact, including PB's wrong examples further exemplify the fact that rarely anything is 100% peaceful? I don't know how my world view could be skewed when I pretty much, unlike you guys, try not to involve myself in the affairs of another culture/country of which I have little right to. Especially trying only to respect that people have/should have rights to demonstrate. Just as the history of my own country evovled. Right or wrong actions often aren't seen or determined until the change actually happens. Notice that my comments are pretty much only about the rattling comments of you armchair politicians/know-it-alls that have WAY too much to say about things that are not your business. Maybe if you spent more time paying attention you would see that.

    Rant about your rattling done.


  5. I can't even read anymore of this crap. Almost one full+ page already of mostly ignorance and uninformed OPINIONS. Just like A_holes, everybody's got one. I'd sure like to know what countries a lot of you are from that you THINKanything has every been changed with a 100% peaceful protest of any kind. In fact the only mostly criminal collection of individuals I've seen named are the police and government, which are both armed. Cheese and RICE!!!,
    Speaking of ignorance, uninformed opinions and A-holes...

    Gandhi in India. Jesus of Nazareth, a pacifist Jew in Palestine/Israel who started a pacifist religion. MLK Jr. in the USA. Corazon Aquino in the Philippines. A dozen Soviet countries that threw off Communist dictatorships non-violently. That's a partial list. A third of all earthlings live in countries that have achieved freedom/democracy since 1945 without using violence.

    Happiness is not a warm gun.

    Yeah PB, speaking of ignorance....NONE of the examples that have been brought up to contradict me were 100% peaceful, or necessarily demonstrations. Speaking of Cheese and Rice especially. In fact, there have been more killings/death in the name of Chrisitianity than probably the rest combined. Better get your understanding and facts straight if you want to argue the point.


  6. I concur on the location on Rama IV, and also that the full-face helmets you can get for about 1500 baht are pretty decent. As far as the tinted thing goes I've been wearing a cheap Thai helmet with a flip down dark tinted shield for the last year with no issues, even when traversing road block/checks. I usually wear tinted/sun glasses day and night though so the tinted sheild is getting old on the dark soi's of Bkk. I got another helmet the other day with clear and along with my new tinted/photo lens glasses really works great day and night. For Bkk I don't think there is enough direct sun exposure to worry much about having a dark shield, though a very light tint to block UV is probably a good idea and will look for one of those. I doubt I will ever have any trouble, except that it may stop my photo lenses from darkening.

  7. I can't even read anymore of this crap. Almost one full+ page already of mostly ignorance and uninformed OPINIONS. Just like A_holes, everybody's got one. I'd sure like to know what countries a lot of you are from that you

    THINK anything has every been changed with a 100% peaceful protest of any kind.

    In fact the only mostly criminal collection of individuals I've seen named are the police and government, which are both armed. Cheese and RICE!!!,

    No wonder why a lot of you guys came to Thailand, they'd had enough of you in your own countries most likely.

    Lets ask Mahatma Ghandi's ghost if peaceful protest ever changed anything?

    CHANGE! : it happens every year month day hour minute second of all our lives.

    Big changes sometimes take a bit longer, such that we don't SEE the change unless looking back.

    Ever heard the saying "the empty can rattles the most"?

    Do you even think about what you say....before, during or after you write it?

    I wonder if senility is bliss? Care to comment on that?

  8. How did you know, I do sleep in yellow pyjamas! have you been peeking in my windows at night?

    I can't say whether tourism in northernmost Thailand is getting back to health, but one indicator is the relatively large number of farang who go to the modest sized Night Bazaar here in C.Rai. Between 7 and 9 pm, on the road leading to the main entrance, police have to sometimes stop traffic to allow large groups of tourists to cross the street. These are tourists who usually stay at mid-priced hotels and g.h's, rather than over-priced resorts - so perhaps the TAT numbers (which give more weight to resort numbers) are not well enough apprised. Plus, tourists may be fat and poor dressers, but they do have some sense of where the safer areas of Thailand are. When they read newspapers reporting riots in Pattaya and Bangkok, and possible riots for Phuket (upcoming ASEAN meet), then you might expect them to look elsewhere in Thailand - for safer places.

    I'd venture that UDD and DAAD and whatever else the Red Shirts call themselves are doing more damage to Thailand's tourism sector than whatever the Yellows did.


  9. I can't even read anymore of this crap. Almost one full+ page already of mostly ignorance and uninformed OPINIONS. Just like A_holes, everybody's got one. I'd sure like to know what countries a lot of you are from that you THINKanything has every been changed with a 100% peaceful protest of any kind. In fact the only mostly criminal collection of individuals I've seen named are the police and government, which are both armed. Cheese and RICE!!!,

    No wonder why a lot of you guys came to Thailand, they'd had enough of you in your own countries most likely.


    Last Thursday i went to Tiger for my very first big service stop after 22000 km . The service i ve done so far on my bike every 3500- 4000 km was an oil change motul 15 w 50 ( 235 baht/l) .

    when I arrived at tiger pahol yothin main service point the mechanic started instantly on my bike . Every detail i asked was carefullu done

    battery tire pressure oil change chain etc . The mechanic knew already what to cos i mailed Tiger a few days befroe what to do.

    after 1,5 hrs works i received my deadly bill

    2 new front wheel bearings 140 bht wear part

    oil filter 56 bht wear part

    oil change was done at 20000 km

    labour cost 0 baht


    I couldnt believe what i ve heard and i was too embarrassed to ask why they needed the six baht how cheap can a bike be

    Next week im tigering to laos Vientiane anyone interested to join


    Hi Charlie,

    I recently had the 250RS out for a demo for about a week. I wanted to ask you if you have had any issues with the gearbox, hard shifting, sticking gears, hard to find neutral? The one I was riding seemed to have some issue with less than 4000 km on it. I would think that you would know by now at 22k if it was a common problem.

    Otherwise, glad to hear everything else seems to be going pretty smoothly. I am thinking it won't be to far in the future that I will also end up on a new Tiger.



  11. Don't shake in your boots, the odds are very low you get checked and arrested, unfortunately the form of transportation you are most likely to get checked on is the bus (checkpoints). I found that the train is the best way to go about the Vientiane, Laos visa run (2nd class sleeper), in your case the best advice came from Mac Whalen to fly out. One other option is that it is possible to get a medical visa without leaving Thailand (60 days), but I understand that the institution must make the request for you. Otherwise nobody cares much, you can fly out cheaper. Whatever method you choose, just go, and take your 500 baht per day with you because they will want it at the border!

    Good luck!

    P.S. Thanks for the good responses Mac, I'm looking forward to also attending your school next time I come back to Thailand. I've been watching things closely the last year here and am thoroughly impressed with your operation.


  12. "Phi Phi tourist deaths remain a mystery, autopsies inconclusive"

    Sounds like a "Buncha Kahkhong", Dr., just as was predicted at the onset of this whole ordeal.

    I'm glad they are willing to let someone else come and investigate,....now that the girls have been cremated and buried already.

    For most I don't think it is even the reason they died that is most important, it is the way the whole thing has been handled.

    Cheese and Rice!!!

  13. the three women detained Ying and Noi and forced them to provide sexual services on an average of four customers per day

    Seems they got off somewhat lightly if the above is what happened.

    You're right about that. My ex got 8 years for stealing my ATM card.

    Do you visit her in prison? Just curious.


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