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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. This is the third time PayPal has told me that my Card has been blocked by my Irish bank.

    This is because I spent 50 euros in Asia.

    I don"t know whether or not to tell my bank that I'm living in Thailand or not.

    When I go home a bank statement with my name and address on it is really handy.

    Can I tell my bank that I'm living in Thailand and not my mothers house,which is on my statement.Will it cause any problems with them.Will I then have to register as non resident to keep my bank account or will I loose my precious proof of address on my bank statement.

  2. OK,

    And as far as the free computer to phone services which is easier/better Skype or Google voice.

    I should open a new thread for this really.

    Will I need to get a set of earphones with a microphone on them for both services

  3. I have tried to transfer money but it says that I have to use a thai account.

    If anyone could tell me how I can phone Ireland cheaply it would be great.

    My wife's cell phone is DETAK.

    I could get her to call them I suppose.

    I have found some information on how to use a computer to call them.

    There is some new service from Google,I don't know if that's better than Skype.

    Do computers actually save time or do you spend as much time learning how to use them than they actualy save

  4. I shop regularly on the internet and nearly always use PayPal but

    Three times this year my Irish bank has blocked my card.

    I ring them up and they confirm my last few purchases,which are always small money and they unblock the card.

    The phone call costs 1000 baht on my wife's cell phone.

    Is there any way I can stop them doing this or a cheaper way to phone them.

    So this time when my purchase was refused I tried to put money in my PayPal account so I wouldn't need the card.I went to my online banking and transferred 100 euros to the PayPal account that was already set up.

    I was a bit wound up and didn't think so as soon as it was transferred I realized that I now have two PayPal accounts.

    Any way the money wasn't transferred into either of my Pay Pal accounts and I emailed PayPal on Saturday but no reply.

    So the next question is how do I get my money back.

    Lastly would anybody be able to explain how I can transfer money online from my

    bank account so I can get back to shopping.

    All help wellcome

  5. Hi,

    I want to screw and glue two pieces of plywood together and it has to be strong.

    I looked the local shop and the lady showed me two types of wood glue.

    Neither had English instructions on them.

    One was a little bottle of clear liquid which she said was best used with glue and dried in seconds.

    The other was a tin which said DOG



    for leather and Formica

    I take it that this one is not for wood and the one that dried in seconds will not give me time to get the screws in.

    Does anybody what is the best wood glue to use in Thailand and where it is sold.

  6. Hi,

    I have a laptop with Windows 7.

    I watch videos with PotPlayer which is great because you can sit back and just reach out and change the volume with one hand.

    But when I stream videos I have to sit up and use two hands to change the volume.

    Does anybody know if there's a way to control the volume with one hand when watching videos on say YouTube with the Firefox browser

  7. Wow,thanks for all the advice but I don't know what made you think that I was from the U.K,I'm from Ireland.


    I have been researching all that was recommended

    What's called "modern portfolio theory",a mix of stocks,bonds,property........etc.


    The other advice I found was 1--don't invest in anything you don't understand

                                               and 2--invest in something you like.


    The only things I understand are property,long term deposits and maybe annuities.

    The only one I like is property.


    So now I'm thinking of putting most of it in property and I'm looking at putting the rest into a Swiss bank or a Swiss annuity.


    So property in Ireland and Thailand and money in a Swiss bank or insurance company.

    I must research how expensive the currency exchange would be for going from Euros to Swiss franks to Thai Baht and how much of a hassle it would be to have property in Ireland and to live in Thailand.


    Getting there,getting there............



  8. Great,

    I disconnected from the WiFi and it must have automatically connected to the cable.

    It's defiantly faster now.


    So if my WiFi signal was slow and kept disconnected maybe my WiFi receiver is dodgy.I dropped my laptop and had to get it repaired.


    I will wait and see if it still keeps disconnecting now that I on hard wire.

  9. Thanks Chicog,

    I don't have any special internet connection and that would explain why

    there is no difference in speed when I connect by wire.


    Is there any way I can tell if it's connected by wire at all.


    Also my laptop keeps disconnecting and I have to go to the task bar and reconnect.

    Any idea why that may be and how I might fix it.


  10. Hi,

    I have a private internet connection.My wife's laptop and my laptop are in the same room as the modem.

    What I want to do is to have my laptop connected to the modem by cable and my wife's laptop using the wireless connection.

    This will mean that my computer will go slightly faster because it's connected bu wire

    and cable  connections are faster than wireless ones.

    If that's true.


    So I hooked a wire up between the modem and my laptop but the task bar says I'm connected wirelessly.


    So my questions are,

    Am I right in thinking that my computer will go faster on a cable connection.

    If so how do I do it and how can I tell which way it's connected



  11. Thanks for taking the time to explain things.

    I'm reading a book called  "starting a business in Thailand" and I will read more books on investing in Thailand and investing for retirement.

    I will look into mutual funds and hiring an investment manager.


    I am just starting out on this journey and wont invest a penny until I understand what I'm doing.


    So long term deposits have been ruled out,next I will look at mutual funds and buying property to rent.

  12. O.K.

    I did think of just blowing it but I am not yet 50 so that wouldn't work.


    I know  that if I put it in an ordinary savings account I couldn't live off the interest.

    So I'm trying to find out if I can live off the interest if I put it into long Term deposit accounts and laddering the accounts so as one account matures every year.


    What I didn't consider was Idnguys' point that if I do that outside Thailand I could get caught out by currency exchange rates.

    I need to get advice that is "farang in Thailand"specific.


    Do Thai banks do these kind of accounts and would it be safer to take your chances with the exchange rates than with the Thai economy.


    Also, are there professionals in Thailand that could be trusted to advise on these matters.


    I do have some serious learning to do...........and that's what I'm doing.

  13. I was not thinking of investing it in Thai banks.

    I might put in different banks around the world like a Swiss bank,a German bank and maybe an Ausie bank to spread my risks out.


    Would I get more than 3% like that.


    So are these maths right...300K @4%=12K Euros a year.


    I don't know how much my inheritance is until the will is read and I will be back in Europe for that.

    I will have to decide whether I have enough to retire or not when I know the amount.


    If it's not enough to retire on I will need a plan B.

    Is 4% a realistic rate for 5 year term deposits and are my maths right in saying I  need.


    Thanks for the help so far.

  14. Hi,

    I am about to inherit a large sum of money and don't know anything about investing.

    I have been living in Thailand for years and I know that I can live here off of 100 euro per month.


    I have begun researching  about retirement investing.I have ordered some books etc............


    The first option I'm trying to understand is leaving it in the bank.Can anybody help me do the maths.

    How much would I need in the bank to draw 1000 euro a month and keep up with inflation and not let my original amount decrease.

    Maybe doing something like laddered long term deposit accounts.


    I know that this is a very broad question but a simple example would be helpful untill I get the hang of it.


  15. What I did was to place the gas cylinder,with the bottom cut oft,on top of the clay stove.

    But your right,the gas bottle stove would take years to pay for itself.

    When I was researching mine the only help I could get was a Thai metal

    worker saying that he would put a chimney in our living room without going through the roof.

    He was the guy who comes to your house and puts on the metal frames on the windows to stop people breaking in.

    Every neighborhood has one of those guys.

  16. That's the same clay stove I used--your next step is to open the valve at the top of the gas bottle.

    This is dangerous and most,if not all, Thai guys will be afraid to do it.

    I don't know how handy you are and if your going to do it yourself or not.

    If you search

    how to open a gas bottle stove-- on youtube you will see how to open the top valve.

    I also had heat resistant paint and fire cement from Europe.I think exhaust pipe spray paint would do instead and you might get away without fire cement.

    Let me know if you want advice and be very careful if you go opening that valve.

    Your next steps are 1 open the valve

    2 fill the tank up with water and drain it again.

    3 then it's save to use power tools

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