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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. Sorry but I can't do pictures on a computer.

    All those stoves have a clay grate and an ash box below it but their is no door on the air vent.

    The biggest size has vertical walls all the rest are cone shaped and not as steady.

    You could get one of those anyway and use it with either a gas bottle stove or a red brick chimney.

    The Thai guys will put the chimney in even in an existing house but they won't go near the gas bottle and will think your nuts.

    You will at least have to open it yourself.

    There are lots of videos on Youtube showing how to open them.

    The gas bottle method is a huge project if you can't do most of it yourself.

    You need to decide first if your going to go to all that hassle to save how many bags of charcoal per year.

    I had to buy a full length of the galvanized pipe for 4000bht.

  2. I'm trying to find a clock for exercising.

    What I want is a clock that will go off every 3 minutes so I know it's time to change to another exercise.

    Do you know what I mean.It's not a timer and it's not an alarm clock,in fact I don't know what it's called so I can't find it online.

    I know they exist because I saw one once but when I try to search for them I get

    results for lap timers.

    So does anybody know what that function is called.If you know where I can buy one online that would be great too.

    The one I saw was a large electronic clock with a Lap Timer and Alarm but with this extra function to be able to set it to go off every few minutes.


  3. I made a stove out of a gas bottle and the largest size of the Thai charcoal burning stoves.Do you know the ones made out of clay that they use for cooking.The larger they are the more steady they are.

    So if you use one of these you already have a clay fire box,grate and ash box.You will need a grate if you want to use charcoal.

    So I cut the bottom off of a cooking gas bottle and cut a door out of it and placed it on the clay stove.

    Then I replaced the door I cut out of the glass bottle and put a new door on the air vent below the grate.

    I had to get a Thai welder to make the chimney pipe out of galvanized steel pipe and then I pot a valve it that to shut of the oxygen.

    When I close the two doors and the top damper valve in the chimney pipe it burns for hours and chucks out heat.

    Another option is to have a Thai guy put a red brick chimney in and use the charcoal stove as a fireplace.You could block off the air vent in the Thai

    stove to save on the charcoal.

    10KG bags of charcoal 150bht,you could probably get them cheaper if you bought a pick up truck full

  4. I made a stove out of a gas bottle and the largest size of the Thai charcoal burning stoves.Do you know the ones made out of clay that they use for cooking.The larger they are the more steady they are.

    So if you use one of these you already have a clay fire box,grate and ash box.You will need a grate if you want to use charcoal.

    So I cut the bottom off of a cooking gas bottle and cut a door out of it and placed it on the clay stove.

    Then I replaced the door I cut out of the glass bottle and put a new door on the air vent below the grate.

    I had to get a Thai welder to make the chimney pipe out of galvanized steel pipe and then I pot a valve it that to shut of the oxygen.

    When I close the two doors and the top damper valve in the chimney pipe it burns for hours and chucks out heat.

    Another option is to have a Thai guy put a red brick chimney in and use the charcoal stove as a fireplace.You could block off the air vent in the Thai

    stove to save on the charcoal.

    10KG bags of charcoal 150bht,you could probably get them cheaper if you bought a pick up truck full

  5. Hi,

    I am on a Non O 1 year multiple entry visa on the grounds of marriage.

    I got it from Savanathet where I didn't have to show money.

    To get to Savanakhet from Chiang Rai you must really fly to Bangkok first and it becomes expensive.

    So I'm trying to find out if I can stay without having to leave the country.

    I have about 20K coming in from abroad every month to my Thai bank account.

    My misssus earns 15K per month but she's self employed and doesn't pay taxes.

    I've known for a while that there are dodgy visa services that can supply proof of income but I'm not interested in that.

    So I was just reading that there are other visa services like Siam legal that can also do it but cost around 15k.

    I nearly have to spend 15K anyway on flights.

    It would have been off topic to ask on that thread so I opened this one.Does anyone know how I can stay in the country in my circumstances.

  6. Thanks to those who helped.

    I just wanted to get the opinions of people who had experience with the Thai books.

    In this town the students aren't allowed to take their English books home so it's difficult for me to

    get my hands on one to asses it.

    My wife found a website in Thai that shows what they must learn in the first year of junior high(Maw 1).

    There are thirty new words each chapter,vocabulary that is much too advanced for their level of English.

    The grammar doesn't look too difficult for the first year but goes crazy after that.

    This was as I expected but I didn't realize that there would be a lot of mistakes in it as some people have suggested.I have also found out that they have a workbook that they can take home and I can get a copy of that.

    I would prefer to use a more communicative style of teaching but the parents(my customers) are all Chinese and only care about exam results.In a way they are right because getting into a university is more likely to get the students out of poverty than conversation ability but that's another debate.

    I will most likely not follow the Thai course fully but I would like to teach them the same grammar and get them used to the type of questions that they will be given in their end of year exam.

    I was a bit bleary eyed last night when I opened this post and I didn't check my typing before I posted.

    I didn't think it would be an issue.

    Thanks again to all who helped and God bless the begrudgers.

  7. Hi,

    I've been teaching students from my home for two years now.

    I"ve used a course from Oxford University Press up to now but the older students are nearly finished it.Half of them are in their first year of junior high and the rest are in their last year of elementary school.

    So I'm thinking about what to teach them next.The parents want me to teach the same book that they learn in school but I am skeptical.

    Does any body have experience with it.I would imagine it has totally irrelevant vocab,grammar that is too difficult and a schedule that is to fast for the amount of materiel.I only have my students for 2 hours a week.

    I would also like to know if there are any websites where I can get past test papers for Thai high schools or information on how much of the book they learn every week e.t.c.......

    All help welcome..........

  8. What a can of worms I opened.

    I managed to get some of them removed and keep it some bit tidy.

    Shellex didn't have all the items I wanted to delete.

    I also downloaded an app for firefox to delete right click menu items on the brouser

    Thanks for your help,as allways.

  9. Hi,

    I use Windows 7 and when I right click on an item in a file I get a whole range of choices that keeps getting bigger.

    Does anyone know how to delete them or even what that box is called so I can Google it.


  10. I apologize if this has been covered already I haven't got around to reading the whole 4 pages yet.

    So I have downloaded TEST 1,2, and 3.There are about 30 questions on each test but some one told me that there are 1000 questions.

    Is this true and is this just a sample.If so how and where do you practice the other 930 questions.

  11. I might check out this Pale Moon browser,what's the difference between the 32 and 64 bit versions.

    The customize Australis function is great but if it happens that the page won't forward or back by right click it seems to be a hassle to open the navigation bar again.

    I will have a good look at it in the morning.

  12. Hi,

    I just updated my Firefox to the latest version.

    It told me that it would disable the theme that I was using and when it opened it had a new theme.

    On my old theme I had a box in the top left hand corner for all sorts of things,add-ons,help,history,etc..........

    My new theme doesn't have this box.........does anybody know why......?????????????.

  13. Hi,

    I have noticed that the rice for sale in the local shops is not so nice.It must be commercial varieties that don't taste very nutritious.

    I went to Tesco and found jasmine rice and bought the most expensive one and it was some bit better.

    Does any body know where to by good rice or better still where to by Basmati rice in Thailand or online.

  14. Thanks all,

    I teach English through Thai.That's why I don't the English terms,in Thai it's much more simple.

    They explain it like this. VERB 1----VERB 2----VERB 3.

    go went gone

    do did done

    So I'm teaching VERB 2 which can be said as "verb two","werb song" or "kham-gill-ee-yaah beuh song" in spoken Thai.

    Just out of interest does anyone know what they are called in English.

    VERB 1----VERB 2----VERB 3.

    simple ----???? ----????


    KhaoNiaw has eased my mind a little.I have started with the 26 most common verbs used in the English language according to the Oxford dictionary and I will break this up with spoken and written practice to make it interesting.

  15. Hi,

    I had a post a while back were I asked advice on how to remove stubborn programs.I was advised to use Revo uninstaller.

    I see that Revo can also take over other Windows actions like disk defragmentation and systems restore.

    Can it take over disk clean up,if so how do you do it.If not does any one recommend a program that does do a better job than windows at disk clean up.

    Much obliged as always

  16. Hi,

    I teach elementary school aged kids in small after school classes of ten.

    I've come to the past tense.

    They've got it but they don't know the past participle of each verb.

    So reluctantly I started making them learn them off by heart.This feels really

    like the old script and wrote method that went out with the horse and cart.

    Are there any new upbeat ways of getting them to say-go-went



    I feel like a dinosaur.

  17. O.K,

    Well that's that.

    But maybe they got an English speaker to translate the new one,the only thing difficult about the last one was that the questions didn't make since.

    Also the only disadvantage to not having a license is that the compulsory insurance won't pay if you don't have a license,or so I'm told.

    But this only makes me go out and get a private motorcycle insurance policy with decent coverage.

    The private companies have policies where you are insured if you don't have a license,or so I'm told.

  18. Hi,

    I see that the written part of the drivers test is being changed to be much harder so I was thinking of doing the test before they changed it.

    I have two questions,

    1-does anybody know the date it changes and

    2- Somebody told me that if you pass it and you renew your license 60 days before it's out of date you don't have to sit the test again.Is this true or what is the story,is it one test per life or how often do you have to renew it.

  19. Hi,

    A thing that has been annoying me for ages is when I press the large Pot Player icon on my taskbar it only brings up Pot Player about 50% of the time.

    The other 50% of the time it doesn't and I have to go to the right hand side of the taskbar,press a little arrow which opens up a little box that has the Pot Player icon in it.

    Only when I press this icon does the player come up on screen.

    I would love to know how to fix this problem if anyone has the time to explain how to fix it.


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