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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 4 minutes ago, Joinaman said:

    So you think an aresole in long strides is better than a mild respectful person in shorts ?

    So you get dressed up to show power, ?

    Yes we require the immigration to obey the rules and follow them, we provide the correct fees, paperwork, they provide the visas/stamps, that is their job, irrespective of whether they like or dislike the person requesting the visa/stamp

    They sit on their arse, shuffling mountains of unwanted paperwork, in a basic office area, so dress casual dress code should have no bearing on them doing their job

    But yes, No budgie smugglers, sweaty T shirts, and smelly armpits, but that applies to anywhere not just immigration



    You obviously don't get it!

    I agree that clothes don't maketh the man, but that is totally irrelevant in this case.

    It is about respecting the rules, which are not by any means unreasonable.

    Not sure what you mean about dressing up to show power........... again, respecting the rules, nothing else.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Joinaman said:

    Why ?

    does a pen pushing army clerk deserve respect more than say a plumber ?

    How many actually serve at the front, , 

    How many join the forces because they couldn't get a job anywhere else ?

    Respect the person, not the clothes 

    Discipline perhaps............. something you appear to lack or respect.

    Or should all members of the armed forces be allowed to wear anything they feel like?

    • Like 1
  3. The attitude of some posters is hard to comprehend, if an official department request a dress code, then it should be abided by, no questions asked.

    People are going to immigration for a reason and usually require something out of the visit and yet some cannot be bothered to reciprocate by dressing appropriately.


    Every time I have visited Jomtien IO it never ceases to amaze me how some people turn up there, showing a total lack of self respect or respect for the regulations, luckily for them I am not in charge, coz for sure I'd kick them out and tell them to return when they are properly dressed.

    • Like 1
  4. 50 minutes ago, Mel52 said:


    lol emoji23.png I heard Thailand is going to start scanning all ten fingers and toes as well at the airport and take a DNA sample. Come on people chill it’s airport security it’s the world we live in today it sucks sometimes but it’s just life. If this is the worst thing people have to complain about then life’s pretty good


    I wasn't complaining, in fact quite the opposite!

  5. 29 minutes ago, HansWurtz said:

    I am married and having the yellow house book, I went to the immigration upon my return from abroad 16th June, and was told that each time I am back from aboard I need to report, but my wife doesn't need to fill the TM 30, only I need to fill the TM 28 with copies of my TM 6, as I still have the last TM28 registration in my passport issued 17th June the last one I had the immigration officer took it out when I got new extension, now I will see when I am going to Russia next month, will return 11th July I will see what they will ask for then.


    Weird, as a TM.28 is to report a change of address, i.e. if you move house, condo, province etc.

  6. Just now, BestB said:

    750 being 5% of 15000. 


    5% paid by employee and 5% paid by employer, total monthly contribution 1500 baht .

    As stated it caps at 750 THB regardless, so even if earning 400k you still pay 750 THB, the 5% is only on the first 15,000 THB earned, the government also contribute 2.75% to the fund.


    To answer the other poster as well, if a person has contributed for 180 months or more, then the lump sum option is not available at retirement, if more than 12 months and less than 180 months, then you would get yours and your employers contribution plus interest.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 hours ago, BestB said:

    Once again for the slow ones, Thai who actually work, pay 5% to social security and company pays another 5%

    For minimum wage earner its 10800 per year,ie 432000 at the retirement plus interest.

    For the  educated, its 18000 per year, 720 000 at the retirement plus interest.

    Not sure where you get your figures from, but they are not correct.

    Social Security payments for the employee cap at 750 THB per month, no matter how high their salary is.

    • Like 1
  8. OK, two further visits to immigration, Jomtien and Sriracha and both are insisting that it is impossible to make the extension of stay based on work anymore, they say the only two options are extend for my eldest son, or leave the country and return with a non-b visa, madness...........

    It is something to do with the writing on the last EOS in Thai, which seems to be why they insist on this, their claim is since my last employer cancelled the EOS based on work and it was changed to taking care of my son, this negates ever going back to an EOS based on work unless I go out and get a non-b visa, no other non imm visa class will be accepted.


    Has anybody got a link to any evidence that this is not needed, i.e. a police order or similar?




  9. I will need to renew my extension of stay at the beginning of September 2019, as some members will perhaps recall, my last extension of stay was based on looking after my youngest son, who was tragically killed in a motorbike accident just about the same time that the 30 days evaluation period was up. 

    For the 15 years prior to this the EOS was based on work, the original entry was on a SE Non B visa, those stamps are in the passport, as they carry them on to each new passport.

    The reason for the change in the reason for the EOS was that it came whilst in between jobs, so my previous employer cancelled the EOS at CW immigration with a 7 day grace period based on the actual end of employment date, on the 7th day I applied to extend based on my son at Jomtien, during the period of cancelling the EOS based on work and applying in Jomtien I found new employment, however the EOS based on this was not an option at that time due to the WP issuing period etc.


    One of the staff have jut been to Sriracha IO to ask if I can change the reason for the EOS to based on work in September 2019, they are saying no, it is not possible as it is a non O now??


    I was under the impression that it was possible to change the reason for the EOS back to work?

    One thing to note is that the WP is under IEAT and therefore 2 year validity, so the EOS would be mid way through, rather than the norm of getting a 2 year EOS based on the WP validity.


    Sriracha say that I must extend using my eldest son, who is now over 20 years old, he is still in full time education though (Uni).

    If I cannot extend due to work, then am I able to extend for the remaining son even though he is over 20?

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