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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 2 hours ago, geisha said:

    logosone , It also states that all confirmed cases of the virus should be sent to the treatment centers and hospitals. So what do you, or they, suggest one does when these centers and hospitals are full to overflowing with very sick patients ? 

    Actually the official advise in the UK states that you should not go to a hospital or GP surgery unless you are experiencing respiratory problems or under a high risk category, i.e. older people.

    if you have coronavirus symptoms:

    • do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital
    • you do not need to contact 111 to tell them you’re staying at home
    • testing for coronavirus is not needed if you’re staying at home
    • Like 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

    Not 100% fatal? Wow, those are the good news. FYI - this is a deadly virus. The percentage of those who dies - varies, but it is still incomparably more dangerous perspective than being caught by Thai immigration. 

    Debatable, get locked up in IDC and you would not only have a very high risk of catching Covid-19, you would also stand a very good chance of catching something that has a way higher morbidity rate, disease is rife in there, with ZERO social distancing or chance of it.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

    Wow. I was going to go in tomorrow for my emergency extension. I hope there is someway we can get still get this or that they will make a reasonable allowance for all if us who will still be here no matter our visa or status in the country.

    You may still be able to, what I wrote is not confirmed by any means and is not to be taken as gospel, best check yourself.

  4. 12 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    I would wager that they would be forced to shutter between 6 pm and 6 am with no service, dine-in or take-away. Otherwise why bother with a curfew?


    "I am declaring a national state of emergency and everyone must stay in their home between 18:00 and 06:00 the following day... unless they're hungry."

    I see your point, but is not really practical to impose a ban on food delivery after say 18.00, a huge number of Thais do not have the facility to cook and if at work cannot necessarily get home before 18.00, although most I've read is suggesting 20.00hrs curfew start.

    What about those on night shifts etc.?

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, daveyboy69 said:

    but I have extended at im twice already this year


    The way I understand it, immigration are allowing a second extension on your current entry, you say you have extended this entry once so far?

    You may have to prove that your flight was cancelled and that you are unable to get another flight in the near future.

  6. 16 hours ago, Jimmy B said:

    AXA UK has travel insurance and says will cover medical problems to do with Coronvirus but not flight cancellations.


    'We will continue to cover any medical claims because of Coronavirus if you are travelling to an area where no FCO advice against travel exists.'

    Exactly, so null and void, FCO advice is NO none essential travel.

    Only answer is delay until it improves.

  7. 8 minutes ago, TherealG said:

    You're so out of touch with what's happy around the world. "Shelter in place" is saving lives what don't you get?

    What are you going on about or suggesting?

    Should all places be closed so that those without the facilities to cook starve?


    I am pointing out simple facts, there are far more serious and potentially dangerous practices going on by the minute, than some foreigners or locals going out for food and having an alcoholic drink whilst doing so, so long as the restaurant is practising social distancing, protecting their staff and providing a clean environment.

    The restaurants should enforce that if you are drinking alcohol, then you must be there to eat and not only drink.


    I'd take my chances on this, rather than been crammed in on a BTS train, holding grab handles that have been touched by hundreds between cleans, or being forced to work where there are 30 plus people crammed in a few square meters of space.


    In reality, unfortunately there is even some evidence to suggest that even total lock downs don't necessarily reduce the risks, Italy is still, sadly, suffering terribly, despite them acting quite swiftly and decisively.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  8. People need to eat and having an alcoholic beverage whilst doing so is perfectly legal and doing this is not going to automatically mean that the spread of Covid-19 will expand because of it, the article seems to be aimed at getting clicks rather than real reporting.


    There does seem to be a strange moral code amongst some people, how about the social distancing being practised on coaches, baht buses, taxis, trains, BTS, personal cars, motorbikes etc.?

    There are businesses who are forcing their staff to work in the office, whilst still sat 3 to a small desk and so on, all are far more risky than going out for some food and having a drink.


    Most responsible restaurants have redesigned their seating so that there is at least 1m between the tables, some have given up alcohol sales as the BIB here are interpreting that the sale of alcohol is banned, one place got closed for selling it and has been allowed to reopen only one the premise that no alcohol is served, which doesn't do anything.


    The rule should be, if you are there drinking, then you must eat.

    • Like 2
  9. 26 minutes ago, HollyChandler said:

    Im Travelling to the uk on Thursday for 5 days then returning bk to BKK.... have no idea how I'm going to get a health certificate due to Drs being busy! Any Ideas?!



    No doctor or hospital is going to have the time to issue a certificate if you are not exhibiting any signs of the disease, this is also the case in Thailand, my company asked this to get clearance for the people working offshore, we were to told to go forth and multiply.

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Sheryl said:

    That is certainly the intent but how imm officers will interprwt/apply it may be a whole other matter.


    It is time consuming and difficult to figure out what countries someone has recently been in especially if their passport is full of stamps.


    As a short cut IOs are likely to look at boarding pass point of origin and passport nationality. So might at least have some hassle/questioning to enter a country if holding a passpirt from a banned or restricted nation.


    Yes, I agree, it is all down to interpretation, worringly it takes common sense, which is lacking worldwide, especially right now!


    Very shortly after I wrote this, I had a call from one of the Captains of one of the vessels I manage, who is an Iranian passport holder and a PR in Chile, he was checking in for a flight from Santiago to Bangkok via Dubai to join the vessel and they have refused him to board based on his citizenship, this despite him having a non-B Thai visa issued in Santiago on Friday 13th March, an OKTB letter from the company, he has not visited Iran in over 4 months and was holding a Seaman ticket / book, he spent over 3 hours arguing with them to no avail, they said it IS the citizenship that makes the restrictions COVID wise and not where you travel from, which is totally and utterly wrong, but there was no reasoning with them, using their logic, a passport holder of a country with no reported cases could arrive from China, Iran etc. with no problems, this is actually getting ridiculous now.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  11. Apart from the obvious health concerns, I think one of the most concerning parts of this virus is the economic impact it is going to have on each and everyone of us, which at the current rate is going to be devastating on the world as whole.

    Airlines are going to suffer enormously, with the knock on effect for airports and the service / supply industry involved there.

    We could be in for a seriously bad recession like no one alive has ever experienced that may take decades to recover from.

  12. In answer to those that have asked if they are holding a passport of one of the countries in the list, would they be subject to the restrictions if coming from for example Malaysia or another country that is not currently on the list, then no you would not be subject to any of the self checking etc. UNLESS you have visited one of the countries on the list within the past 14 days.

    The instructions are very clear, it states coming from, so would apply for any Nationality who has arrived from the countries on the list, including Thais.

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