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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 16 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    As a 25% shareholder you can't really influence company policy in any way, so they could argue the term of the loan was indefinite and the interest rate was 0%. "

    The point is the money was for a 25% holding in the company, it was NOT a loan, so the chances of recovering the money are low.

    Same as the stock market, you buy shares and can lose or gain when you sell them, what you can't do is ask for your money back.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

    If your current extension is valid until Feb 10th and your returning before that date your current re-entry permit is still valid.

    I disagree, the old re-entry permit was based on the last extension, the application for a new extension has null and voided the existing re-entry permit.

    As it states in the passport, a new re-entry permit is needed.

    OP - The re-entry permit desk in BKK airport is before immigration, go up to the left side immigration area and it is over in the left hand corner, it is signposted.

  3. As others have stated, your best option now is to move on, right now your wife for all intense and purposes owns 25% of a dormant company, the ways of ever getting any of the investment back are limited, you could try to sell the 25% share to another person, however, it is unlikely anybody would pay anything for a company that currently isn't trading, the only other way is to hope that the company does trade, make money and pay dividends to the shareholders and make the % worth selling on, or the ex. friends wife buys your wife out, unless she wants to, or it was written in a contract, there is no way of making her.

    As this clearly wasn't a loan, how did you think you were ever going to recover the initial investment?

    Is the company a limited liability company?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Momofarang said:

    Ill informed comment. You can work neither on a tourist nor on a retirement visa but you can get a work permit with a marriage visa.

    Actually there is nothing stopping you working on a 30 VE entry either, so long as you are in possession of an Urgent Work Permit, which would allow you to temporarily work for up to 15 days, my company has organised many of these for foreigners in the past.

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    • Thanks 1
  5. On 12/14/2019 at 11:59 PM, chickenslegs said:

    Part of the problem is that the general rule here is to give way to traffic from the left

    It is impossible to give way to traffic on the left when driving on the left side of the road, it would be total carnage if this was actually the case!

    Every single junction would have constant accidents, I know bikes come out of junctions on to a road without stopping, but given the misconception that officially Thailand gives way to the left, then cars should do the same at every junction, as the oncoming traffic is on their right and the they are on the left of the oncoming traffic...................

    The RTA here actually means that if you are turning right at a junction, then you should give way to somebody turning left at the same junction, this would not differ in the UK.

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, toenail said:

    Totally a poor design for going through departure security (upstairs) then waiting to go down the escalators (peak hours I guess) to wait 30 minutes in a packed room to go through passport patrol. This area is made for an airport 1/4  the size or volume of people. 


    I look at the airports in SE & E Asia and their security & passport patrol are more spacious. 

    That is a part of the problem, the airport was designed for 20 Million less passengers than the current throughput, for those that remember, the original design of the airport had the security screening at the start of each gate wing.

    If they hadn't reopened DMK then this over capacity would be far far worse!

    I've just been on a business trip to the Philippines and Thai airports are ultra efficient compared to there, nearly 2 hours to enter in at Clark airport and over 2 hours for check in, immigration and security screening at Manila airport T1!!

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, moontang said:

    It is certainly not a free ride... Customs, duty, excise.. It is all a bite in the ass.  Maybe you can explain why they used to collect deposits from people bringing laptops in... 

    Computers are liable for 7% VAT on import, no other duties.

  8. 14 minutes ago, alant said:

    How do they collect the data?

    Is that data from their own connection only?

    Who can ask for the data?

    IS there any requirement here to keep the data secure?

    It has been a requirement since 2007 for Thai based companies over a certain size (staff nos.) to log all internet websites visited by their staff, I would imagine this is managed via a firewall.

    Most modern WiFi routers log this data, although probably not for as long as 90 days.

    I would be very surprised if each Thai ISP isn't logging this data for each and every one of their customers, both corporate and private.

  9. 20 hours ago, dirtybirty said:

    Do you have a Thai licence as you can drive I think for 6 months in the UK on that

    When I asked DVLA about this, they told me that you are allowed to use the Thai DL for a maximum of 1 year if you are living in the UK again.

    Technically you are supposed to be resident in the UK for 3 years before DVLA will issue a new UK DL, in reality this doesn't appear to be the case, I know of two people who moved back to the UK from Thailand and obtained a new UK DL within the first two weeks of being back, both applied online using their photo kept by the passport office.

    It is illegal to drive in the UK using a UK DL that has an address on it that you no longer have a connection to, the police do have the means to carry out checks on this, quite how I do not know, likely some form of access to the public version of the electoral role.

    I imagine the need for this is connected to driving offences that fixed penalties cannot be applied and a summons for a court appearance needs sending out.

    Quite how this is dealt with when anybody is using a foreign license is anybody's guess.

  10. 39 minutes ago, Langkawee said:

    What you are saying is not true. He was denied on means. There was no supporting evidence that he was working and neither was he denied for this reason. You need to speak to Ubon Joe. For visa matters he should be the only one to speak. He was denied because of a lie, insufficient means, yet he has 21,000 baht. No evidence to support he had insufficient means. Thai airports have become a circus. He had a METV for crying out loud. What dont you understand? They had no proof he wasn't a tourist, no evidence that could mean he was working. 

    You miss the point completely.

    1. He wasn't denied for having no cash in that sense of the word, as they used 12.2 which is their standard denial clause for SUSPECTING he is working in Thailand.

    2. Having a METV means nothing, immigration in EVERY country have the right to deny entry if they suspect that the person is trying to enter for purposes other than the visa allows.

    3. They do not need proof that he was working, suspicion is enough - The OP himself admits he is a frequent visitor to Thailand and has previous SETVs and at least one other METV, he is young and therefore, in the minds of the immigration officers dealing with him, he should be working to support himself, as he is spending a great deal of time in Thailand, their conclusion was that he is working here, to use your own words, what part of that don't you understand?

    • Like 1
  11. There seems to be a lot of discussion about the immigration database etc. 

    When a person goes to the desk and hands their passport to the IO, he scans the passport and the system compares the name, nationality, gender & DOB against what exists in the system, if there are matches with different passport nos. then the photo in the system can be compared by the IO to the person standing in front of them, if the two match the two passports are linked.

    The photos will be replaced by fingerprints over time.

    This doesn't take long at all in a properly managed DB.

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