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Everything posted by theoldgit

  1. You could consider trying to make your HSBC account a joint account then the account would revert to her name in the event of your demise, or the other way round. Not sure if you could do that from Thailand though, especially if the account is registered to a UK address. As the previously poster has rightly advised a UK based Will would allow her to access her inheritance following probate, and that can take some time. My pensions are paid into a joint account with Santander International, in the event of my demise the account would revert to her on production of a certified death certificate, whilst this process is carried out she can access the account legally online or via her debit card.
  2. As @DrJack54has informed you, your post has been moved to the section for Thai Visas, and this is where you’ve just posted in. You originally posted in the section for visas to countries outside of Thailand.
  3. By adjust your application you mean falsely declare that you’re applying from a country your not resident in, your suggestion his illegal and highly risky.
  4. No it hasn’t changed @Jumbo1968was mistaken, I suspect he didn’t follow the link.
  5. All well and good if you live in a country that allows online renewals for UK passports, Thailand isn’t one of those countries. You don’t appear to be posting from Thailand.
  6. Both my pension providers, State and Civil Service, used to deposit my pension into Nationwide International until they closed their doors in, l think, 2017. Both now pay into my account with Santander International. No doubt most pension providers have their own rules, but there must be many expats in their fold who no longer have UK based accounts. Wise hasn’t been around for that long and it may not suit all.
  7. Yes, not to worry, I'll move it to the correct forum.
  8. That's what I was getting at when I said the carriers might need to be persueded. So yes once the passenger has boarded the relevant passport would no longer have to be produced, unless they have a stopover, in which case the validity may be questioned by somebody who doesn't understand the rules. My wife an I were travelling to the UK via Malaysia, her visa was in her previous passport, no problem at check-in in BKK as they understood the rules, but a guy at KLIA tried to deny her boarding as he was adamant that she wasn't compliant, I had to demand a manager who let her board without further ado.
  9. It's seems to be only a basic accident insurance, Covid-19 and other types of illness are excluded, and I suspect the "other types of illness" will be the catch all to ensure there's no cover for any illness.
  10. Tourist Visa to where from where, and what is his nationality?
  11. Providing the children have a valid passport for their destination country, there shouldn't be a problem at the airline check-in here in Thailand, and certainly not when clearing immigration when leaving Thailand, they will need to exit using their Thai Passports. How long will they be away for? Returning to Thailand they should use their Thai Passports, as Thai Nationals they enter Thailand as a matter of right and are not subject to any immigrations controls, so it doesn't matter if they have less than six months validity when they return, they could even enter on an expired passport, though the carriers might need to be persuaded in that event.
  12. It’s easy enough to do yourself, the requirements are about the same as a Standard Visit Visa, with the addition that the applicant has to demonstrate that that it’s reasonable for them to visit over a longer period of time. However you need to be aware that if the decision maker can persuade their manager that a longer term visa is warranted, they can issue a shorter term visa, in which case the higher fees are not refunded. Whilst an agent isn’t really necessary, some applicants find that using one is quite comforting. I would strongly advise caution when selecting an agent and would certainly recommend that you choose one who is registered with the Immigration Services Commissioner, OISC.
  13. You might find this website helpful https://daytodaydata.net/ it gives indicitive rates for banks and bureau de changes in Thailand, in either direction, it's regularly updated throughout the day.
  14. They'll also need to build new facilities at the Hua Hin Ferry Terminal, they were all demolished after the firm went bust.
  15. A number of countries are bolstering Putins war chest by buying his cheap oil, India, Mexico, China and Israel, to name but a few.
  16. From the OP " I have been working hard in UK to send her 30000 every month and she says it is not enough. She doesnt want to get a job and she tells me it is a guy’s job to look after girl in Thailand"
  17. Whilst applications have to be deposited in person, rather than online, it can actually be by any person, that’s why agents are allowed to deposit applications. So sungods experience is still current, your daughter doesn’t need to attend.
  18. Maybe the Halifax are thinking that your cousin is being scammed and is being pressurised into sending funds to a moody account. You'll be aware that this is fairly common in the UK especially for those of a certain age, maybe they could have handled it better.
  19. Unhelpful, off topic, post removed. The thread is regarding transfers to Thailand, not Europe.
  20. Trans - as a matter of interest was that the agents fee or the agents fee and a HMPO fee?
  21. I'd considered doing that if we visited the UK in the near future, but was put off by the media stating that in person fast track appointments weren't available. I've done a couple of searches of the appointment system and discovered that whilst appointments were not generally available, they often were in the evening, Thai time. I didn't go as far as making a ghost appointment, to ascertain where appointments were available, as I didn't want to reserve a slot I wasn't going to use. I've heard that applications via the Post Office can be quicker, maybe they go through a different route.
  22. The instructions regarding supplying name and address and/or residency evidence, in Table A, are certainly very clear advising that a visa or resident permit (or colour photocopy) is an acceptable method, though I'm led to believe that VFS actually find the instructions from HMPO unacceptable and have made up their own requirements. I'd be interested to hear if members have successfully challenged VFS on this?
  23. Having been refused a joint account at a branch on Sukhumvit, near Thonglor, wheree my wife and I had individual accounts, because of a new Thai Government law, which I suspected didn’t exist, we called their call centre who confirmed my suspicions that there was no such new rule. We were advised to return to the branch and ask again, the lady in the call centre gave me her mobile number adding that if we got the same rebuttal we could call her, and she would put them right. I was quite keen on doing so but my wife wasn’t as she didn’t want to lose face. In the end we went to their main branch on Silom, near the Bangkok Christian Hospital where our account was quickly opened and without question.
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