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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. The use of an agent can be reassuring for some applicants, though you can do most of the donkey work from the UK if you wished.


    If she does use an agent pick a reputable one, preferably one that’s registered with OISC in the UK, whilst that’s not a legal requirement here in Thailand, there are a lot of cowboys claiming to be reputable agents.

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  2. 23 minutes ago, sandyf said:

     Heathrow are putting the taxes up next year.


    It's been reported that Heathrow wanted to almost double their charges but the regulator trimmed back the increase.


    The Guardian has reported that the Chancellor intends to substantially increase the APD for ultra long destinations, giving Singapore as an example of "ultra long", we will have to wait until Wednesday to see if there's any truth in that. 


    "Has anyone else used the Kbank app to transfer money out of Thailand"


    "Can I just download the Kbank app and then transfer baht out to my Australian bank account without and paperwork?"


    Yes, I have used the K+ App a number to send funds out of Thailand, I found it to be pretty straightforward provided the transfer met the criteria.


    Yes, once you have the app you can transfer funds for a number of reasons, you do have to confirm the reason for the fund transfer. I've only ever used it to send cash to Singapore and Malaysia, though Australia is on the list, whether you can send to your own account overseas I don't know, it might flag up a request for further details, though I don't really know. 

  4. If you've married in the UK, you're married anywhere in the world, including Thailand, there's no need to inform the Thai Embassy.


    If she's taken your name, that would have been her choice as there's no requirement to do so, she should change her passport and ID card, I don't think there's a rush to do so, but any flight tickets she has booked should reflect the name in her passport..



  5. 22 hours ago, theoldgit said:

    I made a transfer via Wise on Friday, and was half expecting to be in the same boat as a number of other members despite using the "long stay in Thailand" route, but it hit my account with Bangkok Bank about twenty minutes ago with the FTT tag.


    I'd only sent half of what I needed on Friday, with the intention of sending the other today via Swift from my bank if I didn't get the correct code, I'll now send the other half via Wise.


    It seems to be very hit and miss, and not good for my stress levels at my age.

    I made the second transfer yesterday, that has just arrived, also with the FTT code I’d hoped for.

    • Like 2
  6. 48 minutes ago, malthebluff said:

    It's an English degree 6 years  the teacher caorse was another that run along side she was doing 2 degrees at the start and is now working as a teacher and still in uni doing english as far as I know but i will ask her as  for a sponsor for a uk Visa they must write a letter saying they will sponsor and also show bank statements I cant see many organisations in the uk going to do  this even if she know of any. I could do it from Thailand I think but the  fact is to why they would need a sponsor if they have money and a good job and reasons not to stay in the uk. Why cant she just go on a holiday like any uk or USA citizen can I'm the sure bkk elite dont need a sponser

    Having a sponsor is not a requirement, if she can satisfy the decision maker that the proposed trip is genuine, affordable from her own means and that, on the balance of probability, she will leave the UK at the conclusion of her proposed trip, then in all likelihood her visa will be granted.

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  7. 7 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    A sponsor is a guarantor. 


    Without wishing to be pernickty a sponsor cannot guarantee anything other than say that a proposed course is in place or to say they would provide funds and could afford to do so.


    In the event that visa holder overstayed the sponsor couldn't be held to account. 

  8. 3 hours ago, KannikaP said:

    Nationwide, Wise in UK and Bangkok Bank here, with Express VPN on both PC & phone would seem pretty secure.


    I had a Bangkok Bank debit card, I'd never used it physically or online, in fact it's never left a drawer at home.


    I received an SMS from the bank that it had been used for a EDC transaction for just over 2,000 Baht. 


    I notified Bangkok Bank that I hadn't made or authorised the transaction, they required a police report after which the cash was refunded.


    I have absolutely no idea how it happened, and I've not bothered to get a new card.

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