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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. 1 hour ago, Tanoshi said:

    If she has a NI number then she is entitled to be registered with a doctor and receive free NHS care, assuming she also has an NHS number.

    She’s only entitled to free NHS care in a hospital if she’s actually resident in the UK, NI number or not.


    Many GP Practices require evidence that a prospective patient is legally resident in the UK before they are accepted onto their “list”.


    I have an NHS number and am a UK tax taxpayer, but as I’m no longer resident in the UK, I’m not entitled to free healthcare, in a hospital apart from emergency treatment and treatment for a few very specific conditions.


    NHS Trusts are required by law to check the eligibility of prospective patients, whether they do or not is another matter. 

  2. 43 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:


    If they want to provide a reliable service I'm sure they can figure out an efficient way to do it.




    There are well over six hundred constituencies in the UK and many more councils, for any Embassy in the world to act as a postal service to receive and return votes from possibly all of these would be a logistical, and unnecessary nighmare within the timeframe prescribed by law.

    Like member @Eff1n2retsays, the proxy system works pretty well.


  3. 16 hours ago, peterdwje2 said:

    Those who have fixed deposit accounts -- how did you open them and where? Bangkok Bank says they cannot open without work permit, but I am retired. On OA extension and in Bangkok if that makes a difference.


    As a matter of interest the Bangkok Bank gives the following requirements for opening an account on their website.


    1. Foreigner with a work permit

    • Passport
    • Work Permit

     2. Foreigner without work permit

    • Passport
    • A reference letter issued by one of the following institutes or organizations or required document
      • Embassy located  in Thailand 
      • An overseas bank where the customer holds an account sent via SWIFT 
      • Trusted individuals such as a Bangkok Bank staff member or customer, director of a private company, permanent residence in Thailand, government or private educational institutes located in Thailand trusted by the Bank
      • Trusted companies, e.g., an employment letter from the company if the customer is in the process of applying for a work permit.
      • Document showing ownership of a fixed asset such as a condominium sale/purchase agreement (a condominium which is acceptable to Bangkok Bank) Or a property reservation agreement valued at 100,000 baht or more with a reference letter from the property developer that is acceptable to Bangkok Bank.

    Of course we're all aware individual branches will put insist on their own requirements when people want to deposit cash with them.


    I opened an account in my local branch in Hua Hin with nothing more than a passport, I'm also retired. If I were in your position I'd go to their main branch on Silom, they're probably more likely to abide by the requirements of the bank rather than making it up as they go along.



  4. Your friend is wrong, as others have rightly his wife will not be covered for NHS during her stay as a visitor, apart from life saving emegency treatment. So whilst travel insurance isn't compulsary, it would be foolish to travel without cover.


    If she intends staying in the UK with her husband she should apply for settlement visa before she travels, and pay for the NHS Surcharge.


    If she's planning on returning to Thailand whilst her husband is staying in the UK, she may need to satisfy the Border Force Officer of the fact at the UK Border when she arrives.

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, jayboy said:

    This is of course the huge gap between what the PM assured the British Ambassador on equal access and the reality being experienced by local Brits.I'm referring of course to the vaccine rollout.


    I'm from the UK and have an appointment to receive my AZ vaccine next week 7 June.


    I have no idea if the assurances given by the PM to our Ambassador had any part of that, I like to think so, but even if not I'm grateful - I just hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the backside.


    Good post jayboy, I suspect your views are how the majority of us feel.

  6. You can certainly return, there are some hoops to jump through though, it you have an extension based on retirement with a re-entry permit, that's a good start.


    You'll have to obtain tests and self isolate in the UK I think, and I believe you'll have to get a Certificate of Enty, Insurance and will probably have to quarantine on your return here.


    As your question is really about returning to Thailand, I'll move your question to another Forum.

    • Like 2
  7. 21 hours ago, Simon555 said:

    Would a family visa count as 'residency rights'?


    A pretty grey area, but I suspect not.

    The visa itself only allows the holder to travel to the UK, at least in normal times, I'm pretty sure that it's only once the applicant has entered the UK, and collected their biometric residence permit, that they any sort of leave to remain, and so reside, in the UK.


    The link helpfully provided by @Upnotover is even more specific, it states that only somebody with ILR has residence rights, it doesn't even mention FLR. 

  8. On 5/24/2021 at 1:27 AM, salavan said:

    I still pay tax in the UK but not entitled to any health care

    Not strictly true, anybody in the UK is entitled to free NHS treatment in an emergency or if a condition is life threatening, even British Expats visiting.

    Ongoing treatment is charged for most procedures for patients not resident in the UK, unless they come from a country that has reciprocal healthcare arrangements with the UK.

  9. On 5/13/2021 at 9:22 AM, skorts said:

    We are still waiting for our refund for our February cancelled flights. 


    After opting for a refund for her cancelled February flight, and joining you in the queue, my wife asked to change it to a credit.

    As with all things Air Asia related they didn't make it easy, but they did and she subsequently rebooked a flight, which actually went ahead.


    They've moved the availability back yet again, the first available date is now 18th June, we want to travel again in August, we certainly won't be booking early again.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Brierley said:

    I'm not sure it's necessary to state that her visit is for six months. The visa is fixed length so she could elect to stay for two weeks or six months and it wouldn't change matters except the ECO might view a two week visit more favorably. In the past I have said that my wife will visit for a few weeks, had she stayed for a few months I doubt that would be held against her when she next applied for a visa. Perhaps you might consider saying that she will visit for a few months rather than the maximum time she is allowed to stay.


    The questions at the begining on the application form include "How long do you intend to stay in the UK", "On what date do you wish to travel to the UK" and "on what date will you leave the UK".


    The ECO will use this information along with the ties to the applicants home country as part of their assessment as to they believe that, on the balance of probablities, the applicant will leave the UK as planned.


    Yes you're correct in saying that basic UK Visas are routinely issued with a six month validity, but they are not a fixed length, if when assessing the evidence supplied by the applicant the ECO believes a shorter length is more appropriate, they can grant entry clearance for the duration of the proposed visit the applicant has declared.


    Whilst this is not common, it can, and does happen, and whilst your wife has stated that she would be staying for a few weeks, and was granted entry clearance, that's not always the case.


    The other thing to bare in mind is that if an applicant stated in their application that they intended to stay in the UK for a few weeks and then stayed for the full six month validity of the visa, whilst they wouldn't be in breach of Immigration Rules, it may well cause the ECO to doubt the validity of the reasons to return in any future application, this is why it's advisable to give the reason for any "overstay" during a previous visit in any subsequent application.  

    • Thanks 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, ericdiam said:

    AIl immigration offices are extremely far away.

    Mass gathering is also not a place i want to go to these days. I'm over 60 years old and risk patient


    Certainly not all Immigration Offices are extremely far away, in Hua Hin for instance there is an office in the basement of a large mall, usually very quiet, socially distanced and you can be in and out in minutes.

    I know your talking about Bangkok, but I'm sure there are other offices as convienient at Hua Hin, so certainly all offices are not "extremely far away".

  12. It's not that "they don't like people taking extended periods of time in the UK" it's that by doing so your girlfriend may have difficulty in convincing the decision maker that she's a genuine tourist and that she has strong ties to Thailand


    Certainly the Entry Clearance Officer will take into account the disproportionate amount of time she intends spending in the UK when she makes her application, as will the Border Force Officer if and when she makes it to the UK Border.


    Both will need to assess whether she intends to make the UK her home throught frequent and suceesive visits, it's really up to her to prove otherwise. Whilst decision makers are well aware of the loss of income and employment prospects as a result of the pandemic, Thailand isn't alone in that, they will certainly need convincing that she's a genuine visitor, I don't know many visitors who are planning a six month holiday, especially those seeking employment.


    I really don't think there's a right and wrong answer to your question.

  13. 3 hours ago, puchooay said:

    All the agents do is check the paperwork. I would very much doubt that any agent would refuse any applications even if they felt they would fail.


    The visa process is quite easy. The UKVI website is fairly straight forward and the requirements are listed. The applicant or the sponsor simply has to follow the requirements and hand over/upload the proof. That is exactly what any agent would do. Why pay someone to do something that you can do yourself? 


    My wife has applied for and been successful in receiving 2 visitor visas and one settlement visa. All done by simply following the steps set out on the UKVI website.


    In my opinion, the most important issue is to make sure your girlfriend/wife/partner does not get embroiled in any discussions with staff at VFS. The application has nothing to do with them. Any questions delving deep into the application should be shrugged off with a smile. 


    We are trying to advise on an application to the UK not extensions of stay within Thailand, so I think we can safely ignore your comments in respect of the so called agents who you seem to claim they can circumnavigate Immigration rules.


    To be qualified to advise on UK Immigration matters you have to pass a pretty vigourous test, I can assure that requires far more than just checking the paperwork.


    I can't say whether a qualified  agent here in Thailand would decline to handle a clearlyt non complient application that had little or no chance of succeding, anyone can call themselves an agent here, especially those that hang around bars in seaside resorts, when they're open, but I pretty confident that qualified agents, and highly experienced posters here, wouldn't do so.


    I am pleased to note that your wifes applications were successfull, though not all applicants are the same, some applicantions are quite complex, that's where the services properly qualified and experienced agent can work wonders, where the services of a bar prowler, even with a plush office wouldn't, sadly anyone in Thailand can call themselves an agent.


    I do agree that applicants shouldn't get embroiled in discussions with some VFS staff, a point the VFS site makes clear, and in any case with applications and supporting evidence being uploaded online, such pressure shouldn't be an issue.


    Can we now please concentrate on addressing the OP's concerns.      

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  14. On 5/13/2021 at 2:30 PM, Brierley said:

    UK Border Officers explained it to us as follows: during the life of the visa, my wife cannot spend more time in the UK than she spends in Thailand. she also had a 2 year visa. 


    The visit guidance published to Home Home Office is very clear and is covered in the section which covers, Frequent or successive visits, "There is no specified maximum period, which an individual can spend in the UK in any period such as ‘6 months in 12 months’ (as long as each visit does not exceed the maximum period for that visit, normally 6 months). However, if it is clear from an applicant’s travel history that they are seeking to remain in the UK for extended periods or making the UK their home you should refuse their application".


    Border Force Officers must be satisfied that the applicant meets all the requirements of V 4.2 to V 4.6 of the Visitor Rules and is a genuine visitor. If they are not satisfied, they must refuse the application. A visitor can enter, or extend their stay, to do different permitted activities but they should be expected to have a main reason or reasons for visiting, for example for business or a holiday, and be able to provide details. However, particularly where a visitor holds a long-term, multiple entry visit visa valid for 2, 5 or 10 years, it is likely that their reason for visiting will differ over time. This is permissible, provided they continue to intend to undertake one or more of the permitted visitor activities.


    Your wife is your wife and is fully allowed to provide care for you, as long it's not long term and she's not being paid, she will probably be required to satisfy the Border Force Officer that she will be returning to her home country and that's where she actually lives.




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