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Everything posted by FlorC

  1. Is it true that the compressor of an inverter AC never shuts down ? So you put on the AC like at 10 am , and it runs all day , untill you shut it down . Ok maybe at the lowest like 300-400 W , but all the time. Do they also work as a fan (without AC) , like regular models ? (side question : does it mean that inverter fridges also never shut down > so it keeps running 24 hours a day ?)
  2. I kind of have the same problem . Every time I go to europe , my legs swell up. When I get back to thailand , it's back to normal . I don't exercise here , it's too hot.
  3. FlorC

    Recommended 75" TV

    What do you mean : sleepy ? Lazy ? So tv's these days have their own USB input and player ? No need for apps like MPC-BE , KMP or Potplayer , or are they build-in .
  4. FlorC

    Recommended 75" TV

    I read here that some of you take a USB drive to the store to test the tv ? Do they just let you stick a USB drive in the tv ? Just regular mp4/mkv video files (264-265) ? I have not watched live tv for 15 years , I do not have a tv , but thinking of buying one to watch movies/series from the computer , so just using it as a big monitor. Does this mean I do not need to connect the computer (via HDMI , DP , USB3) , but just put the files on a USB drive and the tv has a player that plays these files ? What about overscan when used as a monitor ? When you buy one of these cheaper ones (10k-20k or discounted) at bigc, homepro, global house , makro or dedicated appliance store, they give you the showroom model ? Those big ones like 55 - 75 inch are on a stand . How stable are they when a cat leans on the front or back ? I doubt those cheaper ones have gorilla glass , so can cleaning the screen , or cat claws damage the screen ?
  5. Small province , not much choice . The company that made those 4m ones said that I will not find longer ones. So did another builder that finished a house a little further. That was only a ground floor too and no concrete ceiling. " but just because it will never be yours should only be one factor. How valuable is your comfort? " Yes I value my comfort , but lives can change on a dime. What is the saying here ? Don't spend more than you're willing to loose ? I wouldn't call double and triple glazing in the west cheap !
  6. How much a month is ToT , only internet ?
  7. Yeah , good video , thanks. I don't need convincing , I know about double glazing , but most Thais don't. But like I said above , it will never be my property , so I cannot spend too much .
  8. When I wrote in first post : I 'm getting an upgrade as in a new build room , it is not with my choice of builders . It is adapting the bungalows/rooms like they built several more to what I want better , and paying to do so , but I don't own it. So I'm limited . I did get through to get a double wall (second = qcon) at the south & west side. But I'm glad to have posted here , because I now see the risks in pushing a concrete ceiling when it might not be safe . Yes I've seen builders make floors with reinforced concrete , but that is not going to fly here. The costs will be too high , even if they agree to it. I will never own it , and the location is not good enough to work out some ground rental deal, and really make it my little house.
  9. These are semi professional builders . The question is , do I trust them with a concrete ceiling over me or my car ? And do I trust these locally made concrete plates. But I haven't heard of floors of shop or townhouses falling down. I'll email those window companies tomorrow , I live in Phrae , so even Chiang mai is pretty far.
  10. Hey guys I 'm getting an upgrade as in a new build room. But the thais still don't get insulation. Has to be cheap , but I'm paying too and I want a concrete ceiling. They are not too happy or eager with that. Now the room is 6 x 4,5 meter and the only concrete ceiling I can find is the standard Thai 4 meter. Is it true that there aren't longer ones ? Yes shophouses or townhouses all are 4 meter wide , but there are wider buildings without support . Why I really want concrete ceiling like having a second floor ? For sound (especially low frequencies ) and I want to stop the heat coming through , because the heat is not stopped by their angled roof (roof tiles of those colored roof plates) and a thin ceiling plate/tiles like thin gyroc. Second thing : Windows (and sliding glass doors) !! Is there no double glazing in Thailand , except for some expensive companies in the Pattaya/Bangkok area ? Here up north , Global house and Home pro have 4 or 5 different makes or windows , Windows Asia seems the biggest , non have double glazing. Some have PVC or/and Aluminium. It gets worse , they all have a green filter , some more than others . It gives the light coming in a greenish shine , I absolutely don't like. I want clear white light. You can't even replace the glass ! If you break it , the whole windows needs to be replaced ? That is what they told me. Well they are cheap . Like a 2 sliding window with mosquito net about 1,5 x1,5 meters is only 2500-3500 baht. Or 2 sliding doors with lock only 7000 B . But green light and no double glazing for sound and heat ? Back in my country , living in a street with lots of traffic , double glazing did absolute wonders. Now again , I'm not far from a big road and potentionaly loud people .
  11. That is the other side of the coin of course. The 800k as health insurance. If I had paid for that insurance , all the money would have been gone , but the 800k is still there.
  12. Yes but if you don't have the required 65k a month , you have to do the combination methode at the yearly extention. A bigger pain. + monthly paying the banks for the transfer , no thanks.
  13. At these rates , the 800k in the bank is like a hidden tax to stay in the country.
  14. Yes the hovering the mouse pointer over a link was the best, especially looking for that Thai girl named Phorn. It will be missed .
  15. Flight SK973 will take off from Copenhagen at 11.30pm local time and arrive at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok (BKK) the next day at 5.05pm local time. Does that count as an overnight flight ? Arriving in BKK at 5 pm , must be the worst.
  16. I used to watch his late night show 4 times a week , until the debacle with Jay Leno where he made a fool of himself . His TBS shows got worse and worse , always the same. Late night stopped after Leno and maybe Ferguson. Never heard of Conan Without Borders. It did not show up in torrent lists , but now that I looked for it , it's there ... still seeded. Of course I would watch it shot in Thailand.
  17. Basmati or jasmine rice ? No worries , in the future it may get banned : Climate Change Activists Now Going After Rice – A Staple That Feeds Billions (legalinsurrection.com) 'Experts' Float Potentially Deadly Ban on Global Rice Production for 'Climate Change' – PJ Media
  18. Tried mediaplayers. VLC , third time , still no good. Don't see what people like about it. MPC-BE and Potplayer are very simular to KMP and KMP64 , and pretty good. Potplayer is the only one that plays .ts files with no problem when going FF or clicking on time line. Zoomplayer and ACG player , no thanks . Didn't bother with Gom player , it has ads too in free version.
  19. ^ Thanks for that. It is more for all my veracrypt volumes on ext HDD's. On the SSD with linux on , I can use it but not formated with NTFS. So I'll need ext drives for Linux back ups too. More profit for Western digital then.
  20. ^ Ok. Khon Kaen Uni it is. Well the SHA 256 is right.
  21. Probably a stupid question : If you download the linux mint iso from a Thai mirror , is the OS then in Thai ?
  22. So Linux can't use Veracrypts in NTFS ?
  23. Depends on the computer , isn't it ? Desktops are very easy . Older laptops too , well mine is/was. The new slim ones , like my new one , are not easily opened , although it seems that way looking at the YT video's. I'm talking about opening an expensive new laptop computer without damaging it .
  24. I don't use/need many apps. And the ones I choose I stick by. I barely tried new programs the last 10 years , just other browsers because the ones that still work in XP couldn't open many sites. Linux will have enough , and then there is the dual boot , so for special apps I can go to W 11. Did you try Zorin OS ?
  25. Now Virtualbox is just a program I would choose to try before a clean install or .... in a virtual box. No seriously , I don't try or install much software. So a round up of things I want to try before re-installing is enough.
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