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Everything posted by FlorC

  1. It's been 7 years without having to fly . Now I have to . Things have changed since covid ? Where do you buy tickets these days , to europe. Does it make a difference to use a VPN so that they can't see I'm in Thailand ?
  2. Starting is what , 5-10 seconds of current surge , stopping doesn't cost any power. The relay just cuts off. Quiet maybe , but it keeps turning , and you forget it is on, or use the timer.
  3. Starts on jan 1st 2024 . So on tax day 2024 , they are going to look at your income of 2023 ? Or what you brought in the country in tax year 2023. So bringing in more money before 31 dec 2023 , could bite you in the behind ? What about living from an inheritance ? And the cash sniffer dogs at the airport , because I will bring in cash . One poster showed that from 150k to 300k = 5% . Worst case for me 15.000 tax a year . I wouldn't leave for that . If they had gone through with the mandatory health insurence , which would cost 40k and up , then I'm out.
  4. If you have solar panels , the inverter type AC , will be better. A nice constant on , lower wattage powered by the constant solar current with no hard on/off switching.
  5. Mine want a deposit or withdraw , not just an update or like you get after the monthly interest. 10 % ?? In russian ruble ? Argentine peso ? turkish lira ? Where do you get 10 % ?
  6. I was looking around in the specs and it said 300 -350 W minimal depending on how big (BTU). Like now , my regular AC goes full power for 5 minutes and then quiet (off) for 20 minutes. Say at night when it is cooler , mine switches off ,while inverter types will keep turning at minimal until you switch them completely off.
  7. Immigration wants an update of your bankbook/account the day you go for your extention. How can you do that with a fixed account ? I want to do the same as the OP , because I tired of 0,9 % on my 800k.
  8. I don't want an inverter AC. The compressor is always on. A simple on/off type has less electronics and not near a hot , vibrating compressor. So Onemorefarang has 4 compressors , even idling , that is at least 4 x 350 W = 1.4KW .
  9. Or buy the same vitamins at the farmacy but at a much higher price ? Yes I don't trust lazada vitamins , but I have no choice . I'm vegetarian but some eggs and yoghurt are not enough . Once I get back to europe , I will let them test my blood to see if these lazada B12 and D3 really work.
  10. I stand corrected. Just went today , and yes they want a house visit too..... Every year more and more. I should open a second bank account , because with only one account for all , there is absolutely no financial privacy !!
  11. I take these : Doctor's Best, Fully Active B12, 1,500 mcg | Lazada.co.th methylcobalamin, a superior vitamin B12, for optimal absorption
  12. No , they just want to know , and I quote : Are you currently having any criminal or civil cases pending in the court of justice outsite Thailand . And second question : Have you been imprisoned by the judgement of the thai court , or by a lawful injunction, or by the judgement of the court of jurisdiction outsite Thailand , except when the penalty is for petty offence or negligence oe is provided for as an exception in the thai ministerial regulation? Yes or no answer , with the yes , asked to clarify. So not really asking criminal records. I guess you can lie here , but I'm as clean as a whistle , so no problem.
  13. Phrae , and definitely not because I'm handsome. 555 No home visit yet. Anyway , taking those pics doesn't bother me. Asking 3 things at the bank and paying for it + extra copies of my bankbook, DOES bother me. Also an extra doc that says that I've not been in trouble with the law , is new this year. Owner of the place I stay needs to fill in an extra document , I don't know what it is.
  14. Weird enough , this year they asked 4 pics for my retirement extention. New of course because it is the first time.
  15. So often they "forget" Phrae . Nan , Uttaradit, Lamphun, Lampang , but for some reason not in Phrae.
  16. Since the new government , more p0rn sites are blocked . So this guy : Mr. Prasert Chantararuangthong is doing it ? Shut down facebook , yeah ! Don't touch the naughty sites . VPN is slower.
  17. What you want is cheap sturdy door and make it to a counter for computer and stuff. Unless you really want to see the wood , why not use formica to cover it ? It will be flat , can stand water and oil , nice smooth , easily cleaned. Back home wood covered in formica is easy to get in every DIY store , but not so here in Thailand. It is possible to find the formica but you'll have to glue it yourself . Not that easy but a lot less work and toxic fumes than varnish , PU or paint.
  18. But can a snifferdog smell pills tat are still in their blister package ? I tend to bring pills , so thanks for the warning not to go through dubai.
  19. What about pills in the checked in luggage ? They don't check that again during a layover in Dubai or elsewhere. It's all in those airplane containers that go from one plane to the other. Just carry on bags will be checked again.
  20. Yes I've been looking at kitchens too , but in nakhon nowhere , choice is limited. Local Homepro has some for the stone/tile type and it looks reasonable. Just one kitchen western style , with a westerner price of around 430k ... PVC cupboard are ugly and look cheap. The 2 doors from Global house will probably be it for me. @1990 , still expensive for what it is.
  21. Closest " Chiang mai or Phitsanulok. May go see there next month , but far to transport a heavy toilet. Bog standard are the ugly ones that are not great to clean but simple enough to get repared when bad water make them leak.
  22. I don't see where they are located on their site. Never heard of them before. In my neck of the woods it's only GH & HP and some smaller companies with limited choice.
  23. ^ Good link but you can't buy a toilet online , or rather choose one without seeing for real. This cute one at GH , not even expensive , but with narrow opening.
  24. For the one that suggested sitting on it . Now I don't care what people think of me , but sitting on toilets at global house or homepro , is bit too much ! They are all pretty much the same height . A higher waterline gives more splashback. And you can't test the flush , none are connected ofcourse. I haven't been in another hotel since 2012 , so I can't compare. And going like in big c or makro , I never sit down . It's just that the nicest looking toilets all seem to have that narrows opening at the bottom. Obviously I want a one piece with conceiled trapway with a soft close lit. They are beautiful and easier to clean. I don't understand how it is fixed to the floor , or how the drain pipe is connected , without leaking.
  25. I'm not joking here with this subject. Going to Global house or HomePro , there must be 50 toilets or more to choose from. Of the nicer looking (and more expensive ) ones , many of them have smaller bowls . What really stuns me is that the bottom part is very narrow , like 8 cm or so and then a hole of maybe 5-6 cm to go down the drain. So different from the toilet I have now , where it is much wider , especially the shute to go to the drain. If you have a big , harder "load" , there is no way it is going to get flushed away. Same for to much TP. With a small bowl there is not much space to use the bun gun without making a mess. So Thais have much smaller " loads" than us ? How to choose the best toilet . I mean you think to get a nice one installed and it doesn't flush well , a quick and easy replace is not posible and the connection with the drain pipe is not flexible and probably differs from toilet to toilet. I can't find on a DDG search good pictures , to show exactly how those toilet look like .
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