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Everything posted by FlorC

  1. Wouldn't it be great if thaivisa or aseannow had a service to bring expats and others together to directly exchange without those money grabbing banks (or exchanges like SuperRich that are only in big cities) ? I have some crispy 200 euro notes to exchange , but not in Phuket....
  2. Many years ago there was an outbreak in Thailand, reported here on thaivisa. (long before covid) Because of bad vaccines , pets and people got infected. The weird thing about rabies is , there seems not to be a blood test . It's always after the animal dies , they take samples from the brain to know if it was rabies.
  3. ^ I read that here on the forum a while back. It made sence that they would elaborate about the tax for us expats (>180 days) tax residents. So I waited to send money . Maybe the baht will come down again after the 10 K scheme is in action. Thai interest rates are low , US rates high. Industry is in a bit of a slum here. Certainly in the car industry and tourism is only 18 % .
  4. So we were told that there would be some more explaining about Thai tax in July. I waited to exchange and/or send money from europe . Nothing about the tax in july ! So now I get scr-wed twice , stronger baht and tax on it ? Great ! Lucky I have 6 months to go under the 800K retirement hostage money. But maybe the baht will go up even more.
  5. Does this include unblocking of certain AV websites that have been blocked since this new government ?
  6. I buy the frozen vegetables too, it is very convenient, but I cook them so no risk. It's the frozen fruits that are eaten raw and especially coming from China are a risk.
  7. The frozen fruits at Makro I buy , are non Thai fruits. Of course I buy fresh mango's , dragonfruits , melons an pineapples at the market. These fruit packs are frozen , easy and quick to use. No wasting time and effort peelling them , no more garbage of rotten fruits. And these Aro packs are not that expensive.
  8. I think I saw a while ago here on the forum people using those Makro Aro frozen fruit packs. I buy them too , but it comes from China and nearly all the text on it is in Thai. Nothing against China , I like and use most of their products , but food is different. With frozen vegetables , no problem , you always cook them , kills the germs , left are some spray on products which are on nearly all Thai produce too. With fruits it is different , I do them in a blender to get fruity cool drinks. It raises questions about hygiene and about germs , salmonella , listeria and others. You can't cook fruits before using them like this , or can you ? Anybody cook them first? They have kiwi's , apricots, peaches, all kinds of berry's and more. Anyone knows what all the writings are on the pack in Thai ?
  9. I gave up and got a new account. Even that didn't go well at first. I did not have any problems setting up my first account about 3 years ago. So I got dumber or lazada is making it harder.
  10. the Lampang -Phrae road ? There are at least 3 big roads to and from Lampang/Phrae. All have some dangerous curves. So which of the 3 , or other ?
  11. ^ At least you got in. So I finnaly get my landlord and cleaning lady together. He has the lazada app but not used it since 2021 , she has the telephone number I let the couriers call to for delivery. Via his phone only log in through , line , facebook , telephone number and 1 other I forget, but no email address option. So I let him log in with the telephone number of the cleaning lady . They exchange some SMS sent numbers and he was in. It was late , so I tried this morning , same protected sh+t. Then I tried log in with the cleaning lady's number and an SMS to that number , and it logged in to his old account , not mine complete with order history and reviews ... If this was america , I could sue lazada for disciminating agaist people with no phone. So what now ? Buy a cheap sim card to make a new account . But do they loose everything on their phone with switching a sim card ? F..g lazada. Unbelievable !
  12. Useless. Thank you for contacting us. However, we are no longer receiving any inquires via that email address. Please contact us here instead. Just a link back to their contact webpage.
  13. Can you give their email address , please . PM if not on open forum.
  14. I don't want to shop on a small phone screen. I need my 17 inches (or more).
  15. You mean ANOTHER 2-3 days . I've been blocked since sunday. Something to do with flooding ? Only flooding was in Phuket , or did I miss something.
  16. A change in the log in , but changes nothing for me.
  17. ^ I have never had a problem , no returns , no refunds no late delivery refunds. Just a logon problem 2 years ago that cleared itself up. You say Lazada Thailand .... so I tried Lazada Philipines .... and it says : incorrect password , what ? Malaysia : invalid account or password. I wonder if any Thai have this problem too (of closed account). They could have put a message on their site that they are aware of the problem and working on it.
  18. ^ Let us know . Plan B is a new account. Lazada is too good to let go. My life is better with it.
  19. I have no phone and I hear it takes up to 20 minutes wait to get to speak to them , and I can't ask that from my cleanng lady.
  20. ^ Thanks for asking about more than 1 account. But you cannot use the same phone number. So they are working on it , does it mean that the all the accounts will be unblocked or only folks that phoned them ?
  21. Not all of us have a phone. I can ask a SMS confirmation number from my cleaning lady , but ask her to install the lazada app and all those things to do while it scans her phone , is impossible.
  22. Finger print ? WEF took over Lazada ? That 's what it will be like when your CBDC's get rejected because you already bought too much.
  23. Another thread about it here :
  24. Just tried to make a new account , but the teleph number I gave was not accepted because linked to other account. (mine of course) MF's
  25. ^Well that wasn't very helpful of them , since it is their fault. You can't chat with them , because you need ... a working log on. Do they allow you to have more than 1 account ?
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