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Posts posted by surayu

  1. [*]use of vessels to drive water in the Chao Phraya out of estuaries,

    Where can one read the nine point flood-management recommendations?

    Not sure about the full list, however i heard that one of the possible points was to capture the flooding water using condoms, which i think it would be more effective then the vessel to drive out the water, as as soon as the boat's driver will tell the water how much he want to charge her for the ride, the water will not jump in...

  2. Obviously you don't know enough, then?! Either way it wasn't much of a real world issue. Highest consumer satisfaction ratings by far, and most units sold should provide a pretty solid statistical background to that. Everything else is just opinions by people who don't actually have the phone - aka trolling.

    Anyway this thread is about the 4S which has a completely new antenna.

    Feel free to complain about the lack of swappable battery and external chargers though, that continues to be an ongoing non-issue for non-iPhone-owners... :jap:

    Ok, then you tell us why Apple actually taked those steps by either giving a full refund for the purchase or a free plastic cover, aknowledging the problem, obviously you know more then them as well....:D

    Having the phone doesn't mean that you have to accept everything about it and even deny evidences(or call them facts if you prefere), who is really trolling here??? ehhrmm

  3. The antenna issue was fixed a while ago

    The only way i know on how they find a fix for it, was to give you back all the money you spent for the purchase if you took back your phone in the first 30 days, so that means that all the unlucky people that would not find out the whom was the guilty one (the apple) for all those problems in the first 30 days would be stuck with the problem, while for all the others knowing about it but still wishing to buy it anyway, they did "fix" it by give you a plastic case so you would not be touching the metal, ahh ahh, yes a very professional choice :lol:

    but how many people have both 2 batteries AND an external battery charger? Do you? I doubt it...

    Well, that would be me (but also met many others that did the same), with my previouses Sony Ericsson and Nokia, now i would have to carry a whole set of technician's labs tools if i wanted to change the battery, so i don't, isn't that great? ohh and i forgot to add, i use to bring the charger also with me :D

  4. I don't think Apple felt the need to release a major design release right now...

    I hope one day they will have that feeling and start producing a phone where if you need to take off the battery out of your phone, you will be able to do it without voiding the warranty or having to take it to an engineer...i am sorry if that is too much to ask for :lol:

    Actually, the list of the things that for any other phone's owners are quite normal and just given for granted, are forbidden by the apple...

    The Iphone 4 is the one which take the cake anyway, a phone which stop working if you just touch the metal part of the case all around it, because a genius messed up with the internal antenna, great job Steve! :D

  5. Spaghetti Bolognaise 100

    Macaroni with omelette 100

    Spaghetti Carbonara 100

    As i mentioned somewhere in one of my old posts, if you want to eat decent italian food, always go to an italian restaurant, making sure there are actually italians working there....

    I did try many different places, but all the times i have been disappointed, no wonder last month watching tv between one thing and the next, i saw one of those thai shows where they do lots of gags, and when one of them mentioned to the other his thoughts about "italian food" the response was the other thai sounding like if he was vomiting, and with all the food pretending to be italian around, that's an understandable reaction, i even noticed some of the local bakers putting lots of sugar inside the bread because they think that for us, our common bread is just a cake, and they describe it as "cakes" in the thai language too.

    However, i do still try sometime those places, especially when they look promising, in the hope to find someone that can cook the right thing in a proper manner and with the right ingredients....

  6. Are you sure the "other half" is working 7 days a week for those long hours or up to some other hijinks?

    you dont have to be a brain surgeon to work that out,[phone the flipping bank]

    you don't have to be a monkey's urologist either to guess that if it is something like a "staff meeting", whoever answer that phone call it's not going to say otherways.

    Am i the only person that in these days is witnessing people, publishing compromising pictures of them and their working collegues, let's say in FaceBook?? :D oopss

    and hospital's nurses are the "worse offenders"....:lol:

  7. I have also witnessed the behaviour of US embassy staff and would say he got off lightly.

    That's interesting, did you wrote about it? i am sure somebody can benefit from your experience if you tell us what happened.

    I would probably never step inside that place, but if i will ever do, at least knowing what sort of problems i might get into, can take away the "surprise-shock" of when something complitely unexpected ( and bad) take place, c'mon, be our hero of the day, write it up! :thumbsup:

  8. But the embassy guy gave the OP the correct price.

    That's just one more reason to have kept his cool and just hand over some unquestionable material to give his words a more solid standing.

    As i said, the question was perfectly fine, there is no needs for this sort of attitude, i also know the OP and surely it's one of the more balanced and well do person you can deal with, complitely different, or lets say just the opposite of the way you are assuming he is, i don't have any interests/profit to say that, just thought you liked to have some sort of "personal reference" (Maidong, that makes 2 beers now :D ), now please just leave the argument to his deserved rest, otherways the OP he's going to end up with a huge tab for the drinks :lol:

    I encountered some similar attitude myself at my own embassy, so i can rely to the OP's report, i also witnessed some favourable opening toward some people and just some stubborn denials against others, for no apparent reasons, just like that, to make some light on things like this is a must, we have to do something to counteract this sillyness, making others aware of it it's already a good step forward, we should only be thankfull to see somebody taking the hassle of informing us and not having a go at them...

  9. All was needed is some clear price on display to eliminate any possible doubts, i believe we all know here in Asia, how a price can suddenly change from person to person, plus the greed behind many requests backed up by being sure of the impunity for any malfeasances.

    I always made questions, even when i have the feeling everything sounds about right, if the question is not welcomed then that's already a good reason to walk away from the "deal", but if it's answered with something i can't understand or sounds dodgy, then more questions are to follow.

    In this case, all the embassy employee had to do, is to produce some official proof of the rates, he didn't even needed to open his mouth if the workload for that day was so stressing for him, that would have worked as a piece of cake, but guess what? he choose a different way to deal with it....ehhhrmm :whistling:

  10. I hope to see the day when we will be able to legally "bypass" every single "human" officer, especially those that have anything to do with immigration, and be served by an automatic machine instead, but i am already worried about any possible error message that might appear on the screens here......"Please insert another 1.000 Bahts note, as i want to upgrade to a better touchscreen next month, kob khun kha" :lol:

  11. :lol: ah ahh, these people! whatever you say or you do, if you are an "alien" then you must to be wrong, what the heck! you really haven't got anything else better to do? always playing the same game with anybody that is just pointing out at something wrong.

    I don't know if they do it because they really believe in what they say, or they are just winding other people up because they think it is fun, mmmm, in both cases it is wrong to do that.

    Some of us seems to have problems with questioning a quoted price, there is nothing wrong with it, it's just a question as any other question, you might suffer from some strange sort of mental condition methink, a bit like that guy in Pattaya that told me, whatever i say to a Baht-Bus driver (hi,hello, is that a revolver in your hand pointing at me for the cash, or are you just happy to see me? :D ), that automatically entitle him to charge me whatever rate he likes...and without telling that rate to anyone, c'mon guys, just because you are living in a evil version of DisneyLand, that doesn't mean that you have to adopt their way of life!!!...when in Rome, you are still holding the same the same nationality as before, so, act accordingly to that.

    Remember where you are, here making questions should be compulsory, in everyones best interest, if the question is not welcome that might just be a sign that there is something wrong with it, beware of that.

    I am happy to see that many people are satisfied with the service provided by the quoted embassy, but still, that doesn't mean that this very embassy have not created the situation quoted in this thread, open up your eyes people! and stop supporting bad attitudes/acts, the world is already being messed up enough, we must try to improve things, not to make them worse.



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