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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. I never forget the Thai gov. in 2002 with the birde flue: according the Thai minister, there WAS NO BIRD FLUE in Thailand, despite the newspapers full with reports of people died because of that.

    When the interests of the Rich & Wealthy = also the governing elite in Thailand are at stake ( poeltry industry then / tourism industry and a lot more now) all will be talked down. When it is enough in their interest, the minister of Tourism will even deny the sun sets in the evening. ( and the Thai voters will accept this ) 


    In Western Europe ( Netherlands) they need only 8 hours for a test. When positive a second control test, so in 18 hours a conformation. 

  2. I hope finally some Arabs will discover a regime change is possible via the ballet box and no need for massive killing. In Israel one head, one vote + one seat and you are in parliament. Not as in other so-called democracies, where a minority is blocked (at 2-5 or even 10 % as in Turkey), or.. the winner-takes-it-all / first past the post like USA, UK and many Commonwealth countries.

    With parties like  Hadash-Ta'al (Ta'al)  ( 2 seats) ,  United Arab List-Balad (United Arab List)  ( 2 seats) and  United Arab List-Balad (Balad) ( 2 seats) see  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Israel , time and chance to be the "block" who makes the difference.

  3. 5 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    Written in 1946 by Martin NieMoller regarding the cowardly lack of action by the German intellectuals, establishment & clergy.

    I don't think the government of Boris Johnson has, by a long way, reached the level of Adolf Hitler's

    Thsi quoting… has ZERO to do with Hitler, nor with WO 2, but only… just common intelectial wisdom. Pity, for many too difficult to understand.

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  4. 5 hours ago, sanemax said:
      5 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

    First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
         Because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
         Because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
         Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. 


      Response of sanemax: How does that fit into this thread ?

    Just use your brains...

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, blazes said:
    8 hours ago, AussieBob18 said:

    Being judgemental - the leader of the Party looks like a radical progressive feminist to me.  The social experiement that is Germany under Merkel's rule and with the EU dissolving, will continue to be a disaster - both economically and socially.  And the big problem with that is obvious - the Germans are not well known for being nice when things get tough.  They danger is that they are likely to elect some left wing radical socialist leader - like they did in the 30s.


    Erm, the fact that the Nazis called themselves the National Socialist Party (or Bocialist if you follow Monty Python) did not make them socialists ! ! Ask Stalin !

    However, Hitler was certainly "radical"....

    How can you expect an Aussie yo have the slightest idea about German politics a 80 years ago ? 

    There is a HUGE difference between the Nazi party  even for the beginning of the 30's) and the AfD.


    While refugees catch the headlines, most migrants come from other parts of Europe. Only 15% of the 20.8 million people (= 25% of all Germans with 82 mln) with an immigrant background came as asylum-seekers. see   https://www.dw.com/en/germany-208-million-people-with-immigrant-background/a-50108141


    And.. EU dissolving… I expect the UK to split a lot earlier, maybe already this year. 

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, smedly said:

    How did it get to Iran ?


    Do Iranians holiday in China ?

    search and read from Internet; there are quite some Chinese workers to help the Iranians with nuclear and Revolutional Guard installations.

    It also might have lifted with Shia pelgrims to Qom from other nations, where scrutiny on health is by far not so thorough as in China.

    • Like 1
  7. As the Taliban said, decades ago: foreign soldiers may all have watches, but.. we have the time..

    So, just a few weeks to go, and the CEO of USA Inc. decides the losses were enough  so will quit the subsidery in Afghanistan ( the allies let the Americans fight this defence for women already quite some time ago) . The Taliban will start to kill everyone, who ever was on the sides of the Western powers, then every women, who dared to get some education. Women, who dare to go outside their house without their owner will be punished with lashes or worse , and all must wear the tent again, Hell for women on earth will be opened again.

    The rest of the world will continue doing what they did from day one after the Nürnberg and Tokio war crimes tribunals… NOTHING.

    foreign children, who cares, America First.jpg

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  8. 4 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Let’s hope all those who have worked with and for the western powers, along with every single member of their families who want it, are given immediate and condition free asylum in the nations they helped. 

    The Americans as well as all other Khufar ( Western) forses betrayed their Afghan helpers . ( as the US did with all their Vietnamese helpers at the end of the Vietnamese war: just die ! ) 

  9. 6 hours ago, Scouse123 said:


    The UK conservative government is being active in forcing the lazy and workshy to get employment through various means such as proving they have actively sought work, not left jobs for petty reasons, attended interviews etc. and taking action against those who don't by censoring their benefits and suspending their benefits.


    At least they are doing something about it and I support them. Regarding home grown labour not really wanting minimum wages jobs, the answer is easy. Get to college or an apprenticeship and acquire a skill where you don't have to work for minimum wage.


    It has to be addressed and the Labour party addresses nothing. As Thatcher once said, ' The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other peoples money '


    People who have worked all their lives resent the workshy sponging a life on benefits whilst moonlighting doing various work for cash only and paying no taxes, whilst the rest of us see the age for retirement raised to 67, to pay for this lot.

    Many non-socialist governments tried so, none succeeded.

    • Like 1
  10. 9 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

    and if they don't?

    EU goes back to its people and says no facebook for you proles.

    yeah, right :coffee1:

    A Brit who has any knowledge reaching further as the White Cliffs of Dover...

    Maybe.. EU companies are no longer allowed to advertise on Facebook ? In one hour, Mr Mark (Data-Star Track)  Zuckerberg will follow EU rules, and stop giving any hate crime a podium. What happens in some areas of... Birmingham … is a British problem 

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  11. 11 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    Europe doesn't have a dictator.  It has an entire commission of dictators.  Must be maddening to be forcefully subjected to the diktats of unelected bureaucrats.

    Typical Brexiteer: 48 years their country was a member, but still… not the FAINTEST idea, how the EU is organised and works. One thing for sure: in the EU never ever ONE person as the PM in the UK, can force all to his/her demands, and fire whoever is not in line with her/his wishes, called: British democracy.

    Bye-the-way: are British civil servants elected ? No ! Same for UN, WHO, FIFA, WorldBank, Olympic comittee, and the members of the UK board of ministers, as are not elected on that position - but got at least one vote more as their opponents in their own barony - but are appointed thanks to 100% loyalty to whatever Mr Baboon decides. If he wants a £ 100 Bn statue in the middle of the by totally with explosives poluted Irish sea..so he gets it, whatever the British taxpayer has to sactifise for that.


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