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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 6 hours ago, david555 said:

    Oh ...gosh … how I could forget them , "well trained redcoats "loosing from … colonists ,not a trained army , just fighting for their existing & freedom


    However with "some" help from the French I thought …?

    You forget the arms smuggling of the Dutch into the USA, see  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Anglo-Dutch_War  and  https://www.geheugenvannederland.nl/en/geheugen/pages/collectie/Atlantic+World/De+Nederlandse+betrokkenheid+bij+de+Amerikaanse+Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog/De+betrekkingen+tussen+Nederland+en+Amerika  

  2. 9 hours ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

    That was before Brexit,so things changed since then.Anyway Scotland can't remain in EU after Brexit.They need go out first and then apply again,but I don't think the EU will let Scotland join Spain will be against it,because if they let Scotland join the Catalan want the same,and that won't happen.At least not in the near future

    The Catalans did not even pass a 47,5% of the people's vote for independance. The Scots, it seems, achieve 70+ %

  3. 10 hours ago, steve187 said:

    she just wants to get in the history books, my personal thought is to repair Hadrian's wall, and put up border/customs posts, but that's just me. if they broke from the rest of the UK, they would never get back into the EU, for 1 they are not strong enough and 2 the EU will be no more

    Why the Scotosh could not go back to the EU, or even, in a (con)federation with Eire, Uster ( and maybe Wales) simply will be in anyhow ? Maybe as the Gaelic Union ? Same situations as Belgium now.

    And.. Scotland, with a population of 4.5-5 mln,  a gross domestic product (GDP) of £180 billion in 2018 there are several smaller nations inside the EU.

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  4. 6 hours ago, Purdey said:

    How can Labour elect a leader if Corbyn is still leader? 

    The Labour Party is elected by the Labour Unions. They insist to have a Marxist Socialist at the helm. 


    8 aug. 2016 - Trade unions constitute a sizeable influence in the Labour Party. ... So most unions' goal will be to get Corbyn re-elected as party leader on ...
    The Labour Party was formed and funded by the trade union movement ... Such portrayals of union leaders as uncompromising contrarians continued, influencing public ... Labour lost the general election of 1970 and the Conservatives quickly ...
    16 uur geleden - The members of the Labour party get to vote for the next leader. ... Trade union affiliates will also be able to cast their ballot. ... In Corbyn's first leadership election, more than 100,000 registered supporters who paid just £3 were ... Freed from the influence of an owner or shareholders the Guardian's robust ...
  5. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    What was it Barnier, Junker, Macron etc etc all said "May's deal is the best deal. We cannot renegotiate"!


    Sooner trust a known serial liar than a hypocrite arrogant Stalinist who openly supports terrorist groups.

    a) Is the new Boris deal so much better than the May deal ? 

    b) I think, with this you describe the vote-decission the best: "trust a known serial liar than a hypocrite arrogant Stalinist who openly supports terrorist groups "

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 hours ago, sanemax said:

    If Boris will not take us out.................why would we need to join again ?

    You didnt think that through, did you .

    Who said, the EU will accept the UK ( or what is left of it in a few years) as a member again ?

    Remind, this is NOT decided at Downing street nr 10, but in the EU Council, existing of the heads of governments of the EU member states. And 1 Feb. the UK is no longer a member, so has to say as much as the prime minster of Argentina or Zimbabwe.

  7. 15 hours ago, Loiner said:

    More Reuters gloom about the UK’s prospects. are they constantly trying to talk down the UK for overseas consumption only?

    Hasn’t anybody told them that it’s all over now? Project Fear didn’t work before and it won’t work now that Boris will take us from the EU clutches in about six weeks. 

    Brexit ( and the financian + economical consequenses) still did not start yet, probably when it is clear a trade deal wibetween UK and EU is NOT going to happen, and Boris decides to have a hard Brexit, end of Dec 2020.

    I hope your "project fear" is the same as the millenium bug, but looking to my own business, quite some EU businesses are NOT so interestd in UK products ( spare parts, components, branded items) , as.. no idea, what might happen in 13 months.

  8. 3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I am sure lots of EU politicians and citizens are happy that finally there is a majority in the UK for some version of Brexit. The EU was from the start ready for many different versions of Brexit. The UK politicians couldn't make up their mind what they wanted.

    I guess now they will go ahead with Boris version. Fine. Great. Do it.


    But then lets see what ideas the UK politicians have about a free trade agreement with the EU. I am afraid they will look again for those hidden unicorns. Or will the UK accept that they are the junior partner who has to accept reality?

    Boris will run now for his no-deal brexit. Only let all run out of the rails and.. finished 31 Dec 2020

  9. 2 hours ago, roquefort said:

    I am too lazy to check the official numbers but somehow I don't believe what you write.

    Are you suggesting that the export of German cars to the UK is equal to 2.6% of the German GDP? That must be a LOT of cars just being exported to the UK.


    There are a LOT of German cars in the UK. The figures come from the BBC (maybe not what it used to be, but still fairly reliable on statistics) and represent all German exports to the UK, not just cars. But you get my point.

    Gives an idea about UK competiviness. Remind: despite a fall of the GBP from a € 1,35 to €1,10 and now recovered to €1,20. I presume Der Kaiser will smile in his grave.

    • Haha 1
  10. 8 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

    Barnier and the rest of the EU tsars must be in a bit of a panic. For too long they have

    capitalised on the weak majority of a PM that handicapped the ability to get things done in the Uk's 

    interests ....now it's going to be different.

    With a 285 Bn pounds export to the EU, a 5% import duty will be a LOT better for the EU than the net UK contribution of a 7,9Bn pounds.. 

    average import duty into the EU, source HoC lib imp-exp statistics.jpg

    UK contr to EU, HoC Lib CBP 7886 of 24 June 2019, p 3 .jpg

    • Thanks 1
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  11. 3 hours ago, roquefort said:

    Absolutely. As we always intended to do when we joined the Common Market, not a bloated, anti-democratic superstate led by unelected bureaucrats.

    No rule has ever passed in the EU without the signature of the British representative, in the EU council ( by the British PM, elected by the British voters) or the EU Commission ( by the British commissioner, appointed by the British government) 

    In the third cremum, the EU Parliament, also British representatives are elected, like all others by their own voters.


    No way like in the UK democracy, where the minority can overrule the mayority ( this time: 43,6% of the votes get 56% of the seats = Cons, resp. 11,5% of the votes get only 1,7% of the seats = LibDem resp. 3,9% of the votes get 7,4% of the seats, DUP) ,

    Of even.. a part of Parliament is appointed, like the British House of Lords: all unelected. .

    • Haha 2
  12. 3 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    I guess they have been forcing you to eat Ritter Chocolate.

    For sure no Cadbury of Green & Black's, or  J. S. Fry & Sons, Ltd.  wholly owned by Mondelez International (originally Kraft Foods) since 2010

    Or  Rowntree Mackintosh , a subsidiary of the Swiss  Nestle

    Valeo Foods  is Irish

    Or  Thorntons  , which is since 2015 a subsidiary of Ferrero

    Ans Mars.. is US owned also….

  13. 4 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    Better being free than a vassal state of the German EU having to do what they tell you, no better than slavery

    I think the Northern Irish, especially the DUP, and the Scotish agree with what you wrote.


    For the Dutch.. I think our influece on the Germans is relatively more that the comparisson of  17 mln Dutch towards the 80 mln Germans. When Spartacus was treated the same, there woudl heve never been any comment from him nor his fellow "slaves". 

    • Like 1
  14. 9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    But we already meet eu standards in all the areas you mention. Independence won't mean starting from scratch - we have decades of experience as part of the EU.

    It is NOT important if all meets EU standards, but.. if these certificates, issued by British (English) autorities still will be accepted as final by the EU authorities and users ( Retail + industry). Remind: EU court rulings are of no value then in the UK. Means for me as EU food importer, UK certificates are as valid as these of CIQ ( China) or.... British Retail Consortium still valid, or.. the value of the paper it is printed on ? 

    • Confused 1
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