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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 17 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    They will, because Japan have a Trade deal with the EU. In the trade agreement, tariffs on automobiles are set to zero. It pays off more for Japanese and European car manufacturers to produce large quantities at one location and to accept the higher transport costs. if small plants in continental europe are closed, it is not caused by Brexit. The plants in the UK are no longer profitable either, especially with additional tariff barriers. The UK market is simply too small to maintain a wide range of models and complementary services.


    Teh brexiteers still live in the era before 1950, when a car manufacturer with an output of a 50-100.000 cars/year could prosper.  Now it is over a million cars. And transport costs, by these very big ships… not so much...) 

    Nissan nearly collapsed, but thanks to Ghons and Renault it still exists. Several car factories ( Ford, GM/Opel) in Belgium were closed already, simply because of lack of economies of scale.


    18 apr. 2017 - It was the heyday of Belgian car manufacturing, and the plant turned out ... Ford closed the plant with the loss of 6,000 jobs either at the factory …


    By some estimates, factories in Western and Eastern Europe are capable of producing seven million or eight million more cars and light trucks than the market can absorb. Many factories are operating at only 60 percent or less. 


  2. 3 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    Exaggeration. In the EU, a maximum of 200,000 people (excluding the UK) are engaged in fishing. if you pull off inland fishing, offshore fishing, crustacean farming and aquaculture, there are less than 100,000 on the high seas.

    Why did you not study first the numbers before you post C,rap numbers.

    Ever seen any comment of a Brexiteer based on real figures, or any searching on internet ?



    26 sep. 2019 - It includes details on the UK fleet, the number of fishermen, the quantity and value of UK landings, international trade, worldwide fishing and the ...
    5 dagen geleden - The fisheries industry in the EU employed about 180 000 people in ... fish landings and aquaculture production in the European Union (EU) .


    The processing industry counts approximately 3 700 companies. The mainstay of EU production is conserves and ready meals of fish, crustaceans and molluscs ...
    door H Bartelings - ‎Geciteerd door 1 - ‎Verwante artikelen
    the EU, particularly in the connecting fish processing industry make UK ... Figure 1 shows, that value added in the fish sector is created by employing a set of ...
    18 dec. 2019 - There are some difficult issues to be tackled as the fishing industry ... Their tonnage and value far outweighs the more familiar white fish served in ... Although the UK is due to leave the European Union on 31 January, the deal ...
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  3. 28 minutes ago, Monomial said:


    The Nissan deal could be a very interesting example of a bigger trend. If they actually plan to move part of their production to the UK in order to avoid any new trade restrictions, that may seriously hurt the EU's negotiating position. Not only does it lower the incentive for the UK to negotiate a trade deal with the EU, but it also pulls jobs and investment out of the Eurozone and into the UK. This is precisely what the EU does not want to happen, and represents a big hindrance to trying to play political hardball in this situation. The companies in the EU may not share the same political values as the politicians, and may simply work around trade barriers rather than leaving the UK market to rot as the EU would prefer.


    The UK may not have the raw size of the EU marketplace, but if they streamline their economy enough that may not matter. The profit margins available to companies could actually be better on smaller volumes in the UK.


    You can be Nissan will be lobbied heavily by both sides before this is over.

    First of all: Nisan denied all these rumors.


    2) there is an overcapacity of car production inside the EU. So, if one wants to leave the EU: Fantastic.

    Tesla going to start in Germany, so market volume needed anyhow.  And all UK car plants are owned by organisations outside the UK, who for sure will think in exconomies of scale, especially for all investments for electric cars, do a dying UK car industry in a 5-10 years anyhow.



  4. 6 hours ago, izod10 said:

    UK has the power to destroy the EU,from within.   Block fishing ,rioting will occur in western EU countries property damage,loss of life too no doubt.  Millions are invested in EU fisheries ,all about to go to rot, the EU are over a barrel  and they know it.  Pity about GBP  with Boris talking tough,    but good thing short term

    UK fishery industry,... the financial hart of London a 168 x so important in revenues…  And THERE  the knock-out will be the hardest, when EU consumers ( = banks, Insurance and pension co's ) decide to let a EU Judge take decissions on written ( codexed) laws in case of a dispute. not the "common-law" circus. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, Morty T said:

    The real issue here is that the EU just lost their military arm, now who is going to send troops when the liberals in the EU try to impose one of their fantasy support missions, the Germans 5555

    Since when the EU ever had anything what looks like a "military... wheatever ? 

    All military activities were done OR under NATO  or a temporary Alliance of nations. NEVER any involvement of the EU. Not in Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Balkan whatsoever.

    Time you learn to read !

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  6. 31 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    You are absolutely correct. The UK does need to trade with the EU but it does NOT need to be ruled by the EU. AFAIK Boris and the UK negotiators are quite happy to do just that. But if the EU want too much for a deal that the UK can get elsewhere cheaper, then that is where the UK should go.


    If the EU slaps tariffs on some UK goods then the UK has the right to do the same to the EU tariffs.

    The EU - in case of a "not sufficient deal" - will levy the normal WTO-tariff for "third countries", see  https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/dds2/taric/taric_consultation.jsp?Lang=en


    As we live already for many centuries in a free world economy, everyone is free to buy/sell where he/she believes to get the best bargain.

  7. 20 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    You are absolutely correct. The UK does need to trade with the EU but it does NOT need to be ruled by the EU. AFAIK Boris and the UK negotiators are quite happy to do just that. But if the EU want too much for a deal that the UK can get elsewhere cheaper, then that is where the UK should go.

    If the EU slaps tariffs on some UK goods then the UK has the right to do the same to the EU tariffs.

    No country is RULED by the EU. Why you British did not learn anything how the EU works ? 

    First of all: the EU Parliament, with elected representatives of each member state. Not so much influence.

    2) The EU Commission, with a commissioner from each EU member state. As president: Von der Leyen ( in the part: Juncker). Are allowed to do investigation, proposals etc. Kind of council of minsters.

    3) EU Council, existing of the leader of government of each EU member state, and in fact the only one with power. President: Michel. In the past: Tusk. Even when the EU Parliament wanted THEIR "Spitzenkandidat" as president of the Commission, it failed completely, as.,. the EU P has NOTHING to say about who will be elected by the EU Council as president of the Committee.

    In that Council always the Prime Minister of the UK was one of the members, so, if he/she did NOT agree, nothing would happen.

    • Haha 1
  8. 3 hours ago, codebunny said:

    Japan is not a stronger economy... they've been in stagflation for decades...

    Germany is in recession, haven't you heard?

    Again a Brit, who cannot read nor search on Internet:

    1) https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/german-gdp-economy-grew-01-in-3rd-quarter-avoids-recession-2019-11-1028688230 

    shows that GDP increased 0.1% in the third quarter. The German economy shrank 0.2% in the second quarter.

    Whow… these make difference.. + 0,1% or -0,2%... a HELL of a difference… 


    2)  https://seekingalpha.com/article/4305363-japan-news-from-land-of-stagflation.. Japan is still experiencing growth. With a GDP

    Japan's economy, the third largest in the world behind the United States and China, grew at an annualized rate of 1.8 percent in the second quarter of 2019, according to data released on Friday by the country's cabinet. The figure exceeded economists' expectations, which had been tempered by slowing global demand.8 aug. 2019

    www.nytimes.com › 2019/08/08 › business › japan-economy

    GDP figure in 2018 was $4,971,767 million = 1,75 x as much as the UK. GDP per capita of Japan in 2018 was $39,293


    2019-11-11 Britain's economy grew 0.3 percent in the third quarter of 2019, recovering from a 0.2 percent contraction in the previous three-month period

    GDP figure in 2018 was $2,828,833 million. GDP per capita of United Kingdom in 2018 was $42,580


  9. 2 hours ago, AlbionBob said:

    All this doomsday talk about Brexit infuriates me !  I wondered when it might occur to a car manufacturer that it would be crazy to take car manufacturing out of the UK, just to assuage the bully boys of the EU.  Do they not realise that UK car buyers, of which there are many millions, will buy cars manufactured in the UK,  using UK workers, and having NO punitive duties imposed, over those coming from the continent with such duties imposed just in order to punish the UK for having the temerity to leave their beloved union !  I for one, and I suspect many millions of us Brits will buy Nissan and Toyota, rather than Peugeot or Citroen, if they have such a price differential, just as I suspect that we will be buying Californian, Australian or South African wines rather than French or German wines !  I am one of the school that will henceforward refuse to buy anything from the EU if I can get it from elsewhere.   Bring on the trade deals with Japan, US, Australia, New Zealand et al  !!

    Those import duties are nothing else as the consequence of trading under WTO-rules, as the Brexiteers prefer. 

    Just 11 months to go, and trade with the UK really bings money into the EU treasury:  https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/dds2/taric/taric_consultation.jsp?Lang=en  

  10. 2 hours ago, Loiner said:

    The EU has directly and indirectly contributed to the decline of British manufacturing. 

    It was not the only factor, but nonetheless contributed in many aspects.

    Just search in Google:

    IN THE 1970s, Britain was dubbed “the sick man of Europe”, a role previously played by the Ottoman empire in the late 19th century. ... The reason Britain joined what was then the EEC in 1973 (at the third attempt) was, in large part, a desperate attempt to find a way of forcing the country to become more competitive.19 jul. 2017
    Thanks to the EEC ( and since the ratification of the Lisbon treaty by the UK parliament member of the successor: the EU) , the UK is economically still alive.
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  11. 4 hours ago, evadgib said:

    It popped up briefly during Sky's press review this morning but I wasn't paying attention re specifics.


    Financial Times 3 February 2020

    First of alll:  “We deny such a contingency plan exists,” said a spokesman for Nissan Europe.  https://www.ft.com/content/c4f0d1e2-4442-11ea-a43a-c4b328d9061c  Maybe whisful thinking of the Brexiteers ?

    2) Great., There is too much car production capacity inside the EU, so when Nissan will close a few plants: GREAT !

    The rest of the world still prefer : "deutsche Grúndlichkeit"

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  12. 9 hours ago, Victornoir said:

    You reverse the facts and distort history.

    1870, 1914, 1939 ... 3 successive European wars mainly between Germans and French. Millions of deaths for nothing.
    It was to stop this that the EU was formed and so far it has worked perfectly. The common market was only a happy consequence.


    The UK Atlantist was not invited and only participate after repeated requests, year after year. Now it leave and in my eyes it is rather a good thing for the future.

    Exactly as Charles de Gaule said for years: the British do NOT feel themselves a part of Continental Europe, big chance for frustration and sabotage, so… NEVER let them in the EEC.  He was over 99 % right.

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  13. On 1/29/2020 at 3:04 PM, Puchaiyank said:

    News flash...Britian is leaving the EU BECAUSE of having to adhere to EU BS...


    EU standards are NOT acceptable to many Brits...

    When I buy food products or quite some non-foods ( CE-standard ) from China, Vietnam, Thailand..... Kenya, ….Peru, it is in fully accordance of EU rules.


    So, UK.. good luck with all your products… direction the times of Alfred the Great...

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