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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 18 hours ago, vogie said:

    Whilst the EU may look at the UK leaving the EU as a disaster, the UK does not look at it that way. Cameron tried his best to get some concessions from the EU, they laughed at him, I'd like to bet that they are not laughing now. You make your bed, you lie in it. Boris is not May!

    Time to read recent history see "what EU all gave to Cameron" in Google:

    20 feb. 2016 - David Cameron claims his EU reform deal will give the UK "special ... benefits at all", adding that "if jobseekers have not found a job within six ...
    14 jun. 2016 - In his January 2013 Bloomberg Speech, David Cameron announced he ... can't have imposed on it changes the eurozone want to make without ... be discussed in the European Council, which means all 28 member states.
    • Haha 1
  2. 9 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Me asking, if 42 death out of 1.45 billion people in China is 'grave' what he will call say 420 or say 4,200 death?...

    It's NOT about 42 or 42.000 deaths, but about a disease, we have ZERO defence against.

    Remind: all disaster moovies started with just a few casualties because of an infection. It ended with just a few who survived.

    That's why we have a government: to think ahead and take all scenarios into view.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 8 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    As for your comments on dismantling food security and trust of institutions etc. maybe it's time to get back on the meds.

    When the EU retailers and food industry do NOT recognise BRC anymore, but insist for IFS ( or FSSC 22000) , a lot of UK food exporters can forget their export to the EU for a while as such an certification needs a year or so.

    Aside of that all, FSA approval, being a governmental institution outside of the EU, is no longer valid anyhow, so a LOT of problems for every import into the EU.

    Remind: the UK will also be out of EFSA and the RASFF systems.


    As Boris INSISTS NOT to follow any EU rule…. the UK is for every importer the same as... Vietnam, Thailand, Brazil... oh.. NOT, as they follow a LOT of EU rules… 

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  4. 5 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

    My aunt was a Catholic nun - her (pre-Vatican 2) outfit was not dissimilar to the way many Moslem women dress in the Middle East. I learnt recently that in 19th Century England it was considered indecent for a woman to appear in public without some form of head covering, even if on the way to or from work in a factory. Those who carry on about how women should/shouldn't dress in other cultures are generally ignorant of the wider world or any sense of their own, let alone others' history.  Until the last 200 years many peasant women in SE Asia do not cover their breasts, something some of our members would probably have welcomed


    Only one tiny miny difference: THOSE women did this volontarity and were NOT punished when they did not. 

    • Like 1
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  5. 17 hours ago, champers said:

    The French bring chaos to the country if Government messes with their pensions. Fair play to them.


    And HOW you suggest, the French will be able to pay their huge cots of pensions ?

    At just under 14% of economic output, French spending on public pensions is among the highest in the world .


    • Thanks 1
  6. 41 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

    I'm not American but I'm pretty sure the US has a lot of technologies up it's sleeves that they haven't boasted about to the world and also if they don't tell Donald they have them as he will open his mouth and give away secrets like he did with how good the optical quality of US spy satellites are. A small point, if the missiles are travelling at hypersonic speeds then as soon as they start gliding they will slow down considerably and in other articles I have read today Russia states they can maneuver to avoid missile defences, I doubt this is true if they are travelling as fast as they say. 


    Enoon mentioned about these taking out silos but remember this is about missiles not warheads and these will not be hypersonic. Has everyone forgotten about submarines?. What Putin has done by announcing this to the world is to make the response quicker, countries will launch earlier and with less hesitation now making the likelihood of nuclear war closer.

    Stalin alreqdy said NOT to be so much afraid for the US Army, but for the US drawing boards. The Europeans… Prodi already said that on TV... are irrelevant...

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Based on a lot of the reading I have been doing, the Russians are far ahead of the Americans when it comes to several classes of missile technology. 
    That is a scary thought. 

    From the end of the '40-s we heard again and again all these threads of Sovjet nuclear power. Every time it was proven to be a ghost story. Russia simply does not have the financial means anymore to keep us a big army, nor invest a lot in new technology.

    China with is activities in the seas around till nearly at the shores of the ASEAN countries, their massive purchases of fertile land + raw materials areas in Africa, their influence in S+ SE Asia, and.. their much bigger GDP... I see as a much bigger thread.

    • Like 2
  8. 10 hours ago, ezzra said:

    So now israel is going to retaliate by sending it's gunships and airplanes to bomb Gaza if it hasn't done that already, tit for tat over and over again, a war that can never ever be won by the Palestinians only to add to their self inflicted misery and poverty to their millions of them who just wishes to live in peace...

    But.. as Gaza is a NON-democracy, with only Hamas who has anything to say, there will never be peace.

    I remember myself as young student in 1971 as well as businessman, travelling through the entire region, inclusive Golan, West-Bank and Gaza, the border was the same as between the Kingdom of Lanna and the Kingdom of Sukhutai, or... between Netherlands and Belgium: visible maybe at some tourist sites of restaurants...  Tens of thousands had a job OR in Israel or in Israeli of "Western" factories in their own areas. Now.. none, and their places are taken by Philippinos, Vietnamese and a 10.000 or so Thai.

    In the 1947049 a 400.000 Palestinians followed the call of their leaders to leave Palestine, so the Arab armies could shoot everyone they saw. Pity, the Israeli’s fought better. These Palestinian Arabs ended in fugitive camps, together with a 300.000 other poor Arabs, and got from the UNWRA a $ 1,3 BILLION a year. We got as thinks… ask yourself at the security check at every airport. The about 700.000 Jews, who had to leave the Arab nations, leaving behind everything they had, got nothing.

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  9. 7 hours ago, metempsychotic said:

    And that doesnt happen in the west, the elderly stacked like cordwood in homes because their families havent the time or inclination to visit?

    In these home for elderly, at least in Netherlands, you are taken care quite good. When you have own capital, you pay for yourself. If no money, the Dutch Social Security = State pays. And some geriatric treatments might cost up to € 80.000 ( eighty Thousand) per year. That's where we pay tax for all our lives. A € 5700 per year per person, €120 x 12 + € 385 own risk + 6,75 % of your income, the rest comes from the "Big Common Wallet"= state treasury.

    THIS is THE reason why I do NOT want to retire in TH. When your local family comes to the conclusion you cost more as the revenues you bring in, then you might be dumped.

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