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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 5 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Nah, just a cut and paste job.

    Maybe your indefinite whisdom also can explain why it lasted YEARS till the British finally accepted other places of embarcation to the Eurostar line except only Brussels ?  ( Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp ). With a no-deal Brexit this is gone again per 1 Jan 2021 see  https://www.railjournal.com/passenger/high-speed/customs-agreement-reached-for-amsterdam-london-eurostar-services/

  2. 2 hours ago, Scot123 said:

    What made up trash are you talking about? Try following the exchange rates rather than making it up. Just about 39 baht to the £. The pound was as low as 37 baht and on BoJo election victory the pound rose to 40.85baht. What do so many people want the UK not to be a sovereign country? Why do you sit and pray for Britain to fail? 

    Why English is so difficult  ? - you sit and pray for Britain to fail? HHTel simply expresses his worry, the EU + UK will NEVER succeed in such a short time to get all negociations finished. And it is the Boris-government, who made it IMPOSSIBLE to pass 31 Dec 2020, for .. also acc MY opinion - only ONE reason: he insists for a Hard Brexit.

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    • Haha 1
  3. 5 hours ago, geistfunke said:

    Thailand exports fruits and vegetables with very high pesticide residues and is subject to particularly stringent controls in many countries. As a result, fewer and fewer countries are still able to export to. But fortunately there is China....

    Looking at the EU database RASFF since 1979 ( https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/rasff-window/portal/?event=searchResultList ) , in which all problems found on imports into the EU MUST be mentioned, I find 3 ( three ! ) notifications with Fruits OR Vegetables Ex Thailand with Pesticide problems.  Wow... I am in a shock...  a dramatic shock... 


    1.border rejection30/06/20102010.BDKFinlandunauthorised substance carbendazim (1.9 mg/kg - ppm) in longkong fruits from Thailandnuts, nut products and seedsfoodundecidedDetails

    2.information23/11/20002000.LLFinlandcypermethrin and unauthorised substance endosulfan in Vegetables fresh - watercress + basil from Thailandherbs and spicesFoodundecidedDetails

    3.information05/02/19971997.ANorwaypesticide residues in Chinese vegetablesfruits and vegetablesFoodundecidedDetails

  4. Always simple with the newspaper of today to know better how to decide a day / week / month / year /decade ago.

    I remember another PM, Chamberlain, who really thought he succeeded to get "peace in our times".

    Imagine, the US /UK coalition forces found weapons of mass destruction just-in-time… how all other western leaders would have looked then...

    When Iranian rockets, with nuclear bombs, can reach Europe ( 10 years after 2015, as then Iran is completely free to do what they please) , as now North Korean weapons can reach a big part of Eastern Asia, and maybe Hawaii of further… thanks to the inert politicians of a 5-15 years ago, like Mr President Speech ( Obama) ? 

    Years ago I asked a Thai friend of mine: "imagine, YOU are PM of Thailand, and via your intelligence you hear, MAYBE some Muslim terrorists in Yala got enough nuclear material to make a dirty bomb, let it explode at Siam Square and make Krung Thep unlivable for a century or so. What you will do? ". As answer I got: "Sorry, I do not know." As PM of Thailand... YOU HAVE TO KNOW.....  NOW!



  5. The Polish are not so stupid as the British ( oh.. sorry, the English) to leave the EU, see THE ECONOMIC AND FISCAL IMPACT OF BREXIT  of the British National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR)  



    Ire + Scots refuse English.jpg

    • Like 2
  6. 9 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    The EU, as it is now called, is collapsing from the inside. Good riddance to a bunch of lying, cheating Brussels bureaucrats.

    Happy, the UK politicians are Always 100% correct, true and never lie at all. Escpaecially the present PM is as honoust as gold... 

    Also all UK politicians are elected ( only HoL not), and also all civil servants are elected ( of course.. the person with one vote more as the competition gets the seat ). Bureaucracy does NOT exist in the UK. Ask those originated from the Caribeans, who were thrown out of the UK after sometimes 40 years.

    • Like 2
  7. On 12/17/2019 at 9:19 AM, Laughing Gravy said:

    I know so continued to be ruled by the Germans. You must love it????

    Better ruled by the Germans, with a strong currency, and a full representation in parliament, as under British rule ( ask the Scots, and Irish) , with an election system in which the person with just one vote more as the competition get the seat, for 650 baronies each ( and all other votes are evaporated), and even one of the two Houses of Parliament being appointed instead of elected ( HoL).

    • Like 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, vogie said:

    The £ is on it's way back now we are definately leaving, surprise surprise twas the remainers holding it back all the time.

    When the British were invited to join the €uro, thier currency waqs approx € 1,70. When all about Brexit started, € 1,35-1,40. After a lot of uncertinity: € 1,10 and now all know, Boris will have a hard Brexit 31 Dec 2020.. we will see.

    • Confused 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

    Disgraceful that the upper house is now a trough for rejected politicians, sports people and other assorted entertainers, a few clergy and legal eagles. 

    And… NONE of them are elected, all appointed.


    But still, the British have a LOT to complain about the EU Council ( inclusive their own PM), the EU Commission ( inclusive one of their own) and the EU parliament ( all elected, inclusive 75 British (all till 31 of Jan 2020)

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  10. 6 hours ago, vogie said:

    Are you on the Advocaat again Puipuitom, why do you talk in riddles, why do you ask "which 2 million votes" The 2 million that voted to remain in our Union which nearly doubles the Scots that voted for the SNP.

    Maybe your English half-warm beer troubled your thinking more as my advocaat on my icecream, but:

    The SNP won 48 seats after securing 45% of the votes - 8.1% more than in the last general election in 2017, when it won 35 seats. see https://www.bbc.com/news/election-2019-50766014 . When 1,242,380  votes = 45,0% of all, my simple calculation gives the other 55% = 1.518.460 votes and NOT 2 million. Also not teh double of the SNP voters. That does NOT mean al these 1.5 mln voted for a British United Kingdom, but only the step to the SNP was "a bridge too far". ( jast as a vote for the Cons is NOT equal to.."we want a (hard) Brexit ". 

    That only 45% of the votes give according the British voting system a 81% of the seats, is something I can not imagine ever happening in Netherlands. Not even after 10 bottles of advocaat. see  http://stukroodvlees.nl/als-nederland-britse-kiesstelsel-zou/  ( 2017 situation)  

    Our VVD should then have 109 out of the 150 seats, the PVV (of Geert Wilders) 15 seats, CDA 8, D66 7.

    With the one head, one vote: VVD: 33, PVV 20, CDA 19, D66 19. 


    Maybe you have to switch to… Advocaat ? 

    • Like 1
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  11. 5 hours ago, vogie said:

    It had nothing to do with the EU, I know they would liked to have total control over us, they were not happy with trading they wanted total control, we escaped a regime we should never have joined. Your last sentence makes no sense to me.

    Per definition it is IMPOSSIBLE the EU could ever have 100% control over any member state, as the most important decision body, the EU council, ( with Michel as successor of president Tusk) formed by the heads of government of each EU member state, so in this case the PM of the UK has to agree.

    The EU Commission ( a kind of ministers), with a member from each EU member state, can only fill in what the EU council already decided. Their president, Ursula von der Leyen succeeded Juncker.

    ONLY in the EU parliament a majority could overrule then 75 British members. Only.. The EU Parliament does not have so much power.

    With the referendum of  June 5, 1975  the British voted with 67,23% to join the then EEC. The Losbon treaty was ratified by the British parliament ( the elected HoC 11 March 2008) as the appointend HoL - 18 June 2008) , see  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratification_of_the_Treaty_of_Lisbon


    When you British are going to learn your own history ?


    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, david555 said:

    just talking about the rumors from both sides what could be ….as not simple those trade negotiations as already needed 3 years for only  a witdraw agreement which is even not yet passed by the HOC.

    So… that's the problem of the British / English. Why AGAIN a extention to give to the British ? Simply… OUT !  1 Jan 2021 import duty in accordance with WTO-rules on all imports into the EU. And a Schengen visa. Ask teh Thais how simple to get ! 

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Jip99 said:

    The SNP is a bit of a joke really - 45% of the vote but 81% of the seats.


    I don’t buy RR’s assertion that there are loads of Tories who want independence...... Boris has no appetite for another referendum so nationalists have one real choice.... SNP or bust.


    SNP gets less than 32% of the electorate, Indyref1 polls 38% of the Scottish electorate.  for independence 

    Makes Boris’ mandate look pretty strong.

    That's where you British choose for: the winner takes it all.

    So, imagine; Brexit now 4 %, Greens 5%, Lid Dem 10%, Labour 26 %, Cons 27%, SNP 28 %= All others get nothing, SNP gets the seat. This times 48 = minority of the public votes, but.. by far the mayority of the seats.

  14. 3 hours ago, david555 said:

    Did I say U.K. would stay in E.U......can not remember that ever ,as after3 month's the referendum I understood clearly it is not possible (however it is the most stupid decision ever …) to keep U.K. in , only extension after extension repeatedly.... , as now already 2020 extension transition is in the planning inserted …. and in a 11 months PM Boris shall most certain even excuse himself but it is needed a longer transition up to.....

    Who said, the EU will grant the UK ( or Only England) AGAIN an extention to get a trade deal done ? Enough = Enough. The harder the Brexit, the sooner the English will discover they made the greatest mistake since king Vortigern who invited two Jutes called Hengist and Horsa to Britain in AD449 to fight the Picts 

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