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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 14 hours ago, overherebc said:

    It's been agreed that visas will not be needed for UK passport holders to visit the EU, but they will be limited to 90 days in any 180 days or 6 months. 

    So is it going to be similar to a few years ago here where the IO has to check all the stamps and add up the days etc or rely on a computer system that will start a green/amber/red flag system on screen. 

    Or maybe you will stick your passport in the auto gate and a big flashing sign will light up with



    Nice idea for all the pensionarios having an own property in... Spain, Portugal, France etc.

    • Haha 1
  2. 31 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    The other question that needs answering is how much of the catch does the UK actually eat, and how much of it is shipped to the EU market.   i.e. if there was no deal with the EU on fishing, how much of that fish would rot on the docks or get transformed into processed fish (at a much lower market value overall).


    About 80% is exported to the EU.


    All fish imports into the EU MUST be accompanied with a certificate under the EU fish allowances. Without.. forget it. Ask all Thai, Vietnamese etc fish + shrimp +.. exporters to the EU. Also how long it lasts till they got it...


    Without this, the UK fishery industry will be bankrupt in 6 months. 


    "details, details,  details"

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  3. 14 minutes ago, david555 said:


    I donot see anything about agricultural levies, the KILL for every fresh fish, meat and dairy, wheat + sugar holding foods ( = confectionary, cookies) . This "protected" the EU for decades against imports of these products.


    "details, details, details"

    • Haha 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Opl said:

    "Dieu est mon droit"

    "Honi soit qui mal y pense"

    British passport - Wikipedia Dieu et mon droit" la devise française des rois d'Angleterre

    When you donot know French,.. ok, but that you are not even able to copy 4 words without a mistake ...

    "Dieu est mon droit"...  No: "dieu et mon droit"  means in English: "God and my right".

    see Dieu et mon droit - Wikipedia 


    There must be another joke in, as I donot understand the second part ???? ""Honi soit qui mal y pense"  sorry, my French is not so good) Honi soit qui mal y pense - Wikipedia.

    In current French usage, the phrase may be used ironically to insinuate the presence of a hidden agenda or a conflict of interest.

  5. 4 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


      It was explained that those were not lies , it was peoples lack of understanding English that was the problem .

    People who didnt know what "could" means , thought those slogans were lies .

      People who speak English fluently  know the difference between a promise and a prediction 

    So, next negotiations in German, French or another EU member country's language


    As a London trader told me


    when you know two languages, you are bilingual

    with 3, you are triple lingual

    with 4.. you are en genius

    with just only one... you are British 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    It will mean the Dutch and everyone will be paying more. Even if the UK gives a bit on fish eventually and we have given it away for 40 plus years, it  will be in total UK hands. No wonder the foreigners are up in arms.


    If Charles de Gaulle had any gonads, he wouldn't have let his country be overtaken by the Germans and why are  the Dutch so happy as they were decimated by the Germans. So short memories.


    So hardly a national figure to be proud off and one to justify your feeble point.


    So you mention him as someone to listen too. He is a national disgrace in many peoples eyes.

    a) The British ran away, the French suffered over 100.000 deads in these few weeks.

    b) The Import duty, but especially agricultural levies will bring a lot more to the EU that the membershop contribution of the British.

    But most of all: a LOT of UK business is already replaced by EU goods to avoid the risk of not being supplied just-in-time. See the demonstration now in Kent and any other UK port.


    But.. maybe.. the EU will think over a rejoin, when under King George VII it will be asked.

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:


      I have a feeling that Boris and European commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen are going to announce  their engagement  with a Summer weeding .

      "After being together four years , we have decided to make our relationship official , he visits as often as he can and phones me most nights . We will have a April Wedding, because our babies due in May"


    a man wearing a suit and tie talking on a cell phone: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen welcomes British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Brussels, Belgium December 9, 2020. Olivier Hoslet/Pool via REUTERS

    That is wife nr ?  and Child nr ? ? for Boris


    He is as loyal as... a Boris the Liar.

  8. 2 hours ago, nauseus said:


    And were in all decision bodies unlike any other EU member state because UK interests and votes were outvoted by the continental coalition majority almost every time, while the vetoes disappeared at a rapid rate, to be decided by QMV.

    I agree about Charles de Gaulle. A pity he did not live to 126. 

    When you are NOT satisfied in any organisation: LEAVE.

    But do NOT ask to play at their fields or park at their promises again.

    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

    Fishing is the last apparent sticking point, from what I have read, the UK want a reduction in EU access to UK waters of 80%, whereas the French, Spanish and Danish do not want to lose anything, ie they want 0% loss. 

    Rumours are circling that a compromise of around 35% reduction may be agreed by both sides but the French from what I understand are less than happy about this.

    The British want a 100% acces to the EU markets, for all, without any influence of EU law makers nor courts.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 7 hours ago, nauseus said:


    Hopeful optimism but no actual promises or guarantees of any trade deal (can, can, should, could, could). Also remember that May was farting about for 3 years.  


    Their real mistake was to forget and underestimate the inherent arrogance and influence of the executive of this club, which we were unfortunate enough to get pushed into nearly 50 years ago.   

    And were in all decision bodies like any other EU member state as PM of the UK, UK commissioner or UK members of the EU parliament. The problem is the English again thought to bring British Raj to Europe.

    Pity, we did not listen better to Charles de Gaulle.

    • Haha 1
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