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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 10 hours ago, wombat said:

    Is this where you keep voting untill you get the result you want?

    Complete new situation = departure against the majority of the Scots is a very good reason for a new referendum, as the situation has changed so dramatically.  How Boris wants to stop the Scots ( and the Northern Irish, maybe even the Welch)? Sending in the troops ? Lord Kitchiner passed away already a century ago. Same Lord French.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, natway09 said:

    The UK is in for 10 years of pain, unless you are a wealthy Brit

    As the English so overwhelmingly voted for and confirmed by voting Boris Cummings again in Dec '19. Just a 31 days, and all from the UK is a "WTO-Third Country". Not only going inside the EU, but also a lot of countries the EU has agreements of. For instance: cars / lorries, whatever machines: when all components are over 90% of EU origin, it is imported there under the EU treaties for instance road building devices into Nigeria. UK outside the EU, and... no treaty, so the full WTO import duties.  

    I wish you good luck with your fish quota, you first sold to EU fishermen, and you now want to confiscate back. Do not forget the EU allowance numbers when you want to export your fish into the EU.

    Curious who the Australians are going to trust ? The British, who betrayed them so much when they slipped into the EU in 1973 as the "Poor man of Europe"?

    A few months ago the EU in the French port of Calais did a trial with the new software: just 70 seconds to verify the documents of the incoming lorries. Result: a 7 km traffic jam. 

    • Like 2
  3. 7 hours ago, vogie said:

    I understand the concept of sovereignty. And I also understand that in todays world countries and groups of countries have to work together. Not just the UK and the EU.

    Sovereignty and working together are two different things all together and never the twain shall meet.


    I.e. the UK wants to have a free trade agreement with the USA. How does that work? Both countries have to agree on many issues. I.e. maybe the UK tells the US "we don't want chlorinated chicken". "And you can't touch the NHS". Maybe the USA agrees on that but more likely they will tell the UK: If you don't allow us to do this and that then there won't be a free trade agreement and you won't have the opportunities a, b and c. And that's the point were the UK has to decide if they accept certain conditions which they don't really like or if they don't accept them.

    Do you think you are over egging this chlorinated chicken lark, the US washes the chickens with chlorine, no big deal, it rids the chickens of any harmfull bacteria, just the same as the EU washes certain produce of theirs with chlorine. I haven't seen any Americans strolling around Pattaya with glowing green noses or purple eyes, not many anyway. Why don't you ever bring the way the EU uses chlorine to wash their produce?

    We do not and indeed will not sell our souls to the devil just to get a free trade deal with the US, it would be nice, but it is not the be all and end all. At the moment we are running a quite healthy trade surplus with the US, whilst with the EU we are running a deficit. So we will be just fine if everything stays as it is, but to be blackmailed into getting a trade deal is certainly not the way the UK operates.

    So well done for getting the president of your dreams, he is only president because he is not Trump and not because he is Irish Joe, and as sure as eggs are eggs, he won't be there for ever.

     "EU uses chlorine to wash their produce"   In which products please.  

  4. 7 hours ago, vogie said:

    I understand the concept of sovereignty. And I also understand that in todays world countries and groups of countries have to work together. Not just the UK and the EU.

    Sovereignty and working together are two different things all together and never the twain shall meet.


    I.e. the UK wants to have a free trade agreement with the USA. How does that work? Both countries have to agree on many issues. I.e. maybe the UK tells the US "we don't want chlorinated chicken". "And you can't touch the NHS". Maybe the USA agrees on that but more likely they will tell the UK: If you don't allow us to do this and that then there won't be a free trade agreement and you won't have the opportunities a, b and c. And that's the point were the UK has to decide if they accept certain conditions which they don't really like or if they don't accept them.

    Do you think you are over egging this chlorinated chicken lark, the US washes the chickens with chlorine, no big deal, it rids the chickens of any harmfull bacteria, just the same as the EU washes certain produce of theirs with chlorine. I haven't seen any Americans strolling around Pattaya with glowing green noses or purple eyes, not many anyway. Why don't you ever bring the way the EU uses chlorine to wash their produce?

    We do not and indeed will not sell our souls to the devil just to get a free trade deal with the US, it would be nice, but it is not the be all and end all. At the moment we are running a quite healthy trade surplus with the US, whilst with the EU we are running a deficit. So we will be just fine if everything stays as it is, but to be blackmailed into getting a trade deal is certainly not the way the UK operates.

    So well done for getting the president of your dreams, he is only president because he is not Trump and not because he is Irish Joe, and as sure as eggs are eggs, he won't be there for ever.

     "EU uses chlorine to wash their produce"   In which products plase.  

    • Like 1
  5. A message (woensdag 25 november 2020 )  from a freight forwarder. Normally a 20 ft container Bangkok - Eur Main port costs a US$ 800


    At present, we have received information that in December, all shipping super high sea freight will reach USD4500, or higher sea freight.

    With the following information, I hope you can learn more about the current market:
    1.European ports were short of shipping positions at the end of November, as European sea freight reached USD3600 levels
    2.Before the shipping companies opened the port of free boxes can be applied, has been compressed to 7 days, or even 5 days, and requires customers to carry containers need a suitcase list, which also proves that positions and containers are very tight.
    3.Last but not least, all positions need to be seized half a month in advance to determine the position.
    So far, all shipping companies have stopped booking, with only a few spaces at the end of November..


  6. 12 hours ago, cmarshall said:

    It's ironic that Britain's oppression of the Irish which created the Irish Diaspora during the Famine should at this late date produce such effect revenge as the Irish American block, which emphatically includes President-elect Biden, should be dictating the UK's internal borders.


    But not to worry.  it won't be the UK for long.  Once the Celtic bits get trimmed off, it'll just be Little England.

    The Gaelic or Celtic (con)Federation, and via S. Ireland member of the EU again.

    • Like 2
  7. 12 hours ago, cmarshall said:

    Absolutely correct.  You don't have to do what Biden says and you don't have to have a trade deal with the US.  


    Amazing how many Leavers believed that Brexit means resurrecting the British Empire.

    Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves.... around these tiny isles. Back to the glorious times of king Arthur

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